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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jan 1995, p. 12

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- Omno W..kly Tlrnes~ Wedneuday, January 11~ tO~5 _________________ A bit of Nostalgia We thank Helen MacDonald for a littIe probe into the past with a thing of local interest. 0f course the name Ken Dryden has meaning for everyonc, the great Montreal Canadien goalie of some years ago. Not only is Ken noted for bis antics i net minding and helping the Canadiensto a number of, Stanley Cups but also is a noted lawyer and author. To say the least the Ken Dryden name arouses curiosity. Getting back to Helen MacDonald, she presented Rob with a book for Christmas - 'The Moved and the Shaken' by author Ken Dryden. As we understand Helen feit this would be about hockey. As it turns out the book is not about hockey but rather about an average Canadian boy by the naine' of Rank Boyle growing up in the Town of Whitby. The story is dated back to the 1920s and through to the fifies. Frank's lifestyle i the 30s was not unlike most kids at thse turne. The big event for Saturday was the movies and Frank made a habit with twenty-five cents in bis pocket to take off for the Brock Theatre just north of the four corners in Whitby. But first they went into Turanskys just across the road from the theatre and spent ten cents on candy. The. rernaining twenty-five cents went for admission to the theatre. 0f course the name Turansky has some meaning in this community with Bfi and Dorothy operating a Kendal store from 1950 to 1969 and still live in the Kendal comrnunity. As Bil recails the store opened under the Turansky name in around 1923 with an limperiai Gas The Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission in conjuniction with local utilities across East Central Ontario have cornbined forces ta develop a consumer awarcness programn that they hope wili reduce the cost of purchasing clectricity from Ontario Hydro and prevent expensive rate increases to consumners. Most of the electricity purchased by local utility commissions cornes from Ontario Hydro. The1 cost to municipal utilities varies depending upon "Peak use". Peak use is defmned by Urne, day, and season. In general, peaks occur between 5 and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday during Uic winter season. Power uised during a monthly peak costs your utility up te 500 trnes as mucb as power uscd off peak. Whcn customers shift Uieir clectrical use to off-pcak periods (wcekends' and after 8 p.rn. on week nigbts), municipal utilities realize cost savings wbich arc passcd on to custorners. In order to prornote public awarencss, the utilities are runming a mulUi-level campaign in pump at the curbside and penny candies selling inside along witb other commodities. Katherine Turansky, now at the age-of 94 years, did take part in the operation up to a couple of years ago. The store was stili in the Turansky name in 1994 -but was closed during the year by Bil's brother. Bill is stili active in business, possible tbrow-back to the famiiy tradition. He is with Family Realty 2000. 1Althougb Helen MacDonald only mimeographed two pages of Uic book it is quite easy to relate to the events of daiiy life experienced by the fictitious Frank Boyle. The drawing power is originally Ken Dryden, to the Turanskys and down to Frank Boyle. When winter cornes The arrivaI of winter is not a mark on the calendar nor docs it arrive with the noting of kids making off with skates for an artificial ice pad at a multi- million dollar area. It cornes, as it bas over the past week, witb at ieast 15 centimeters of fluffy snow, a drop in temperature to between minus 2 to minus 12, all, within a comfortable range of tolerance. That hs winter and with the bright rays of the sun it is what we enjoyed over the past weekend. Just couldn't resist getting thc cross-country skis out and make tracks for the Tree Nursery property where skiing conditions were perfect, 15 ta 20 centimeters of snow and a temperature of minus eight. There is no better way to cnjoy winter than to get outdoors and challenge the elements and 1 suppose challenge your own endurance. conjunction with area McDonalds, C.A.A. offices in Peterborough, Oshawa, and Cobourg, and CHEX Television 12. The campaign includes a series of public service announcements on CHIEX and a contcst featuring ballots maileti out in monthly hydro bis. The contest wil mn from January 2nd dhrough March 4Ui and will offer weekly prizes of accommodation at any Holiday Inn in Canada, a free month of electricity for residential consumers, and one Grand Prize of an Alaskan Cruise for two from Royal Cruise Lines. The public utility commissions are hoping that thc contcst will generate cnough excitement to get people thiniking about their power usage habits. If the utilities can succeed in convincing even ten percent of consurners to turn off one 100 watt light bulb during peak periods they will realize Uiousands of dollars in savings. Any power usage that can be shifted away from peak periods will help reduce the individual utilities' costs and as sucb reduce Uic thrcat of rising rate charges to the consumer. Nature ýe Miracles Monte Hummel Presideni o WJorkl JddI/e Fund Co.nad- Tracking is good winter fun, even for city folk You cast a practiced eye on the line of fresh animal tracks crossing the snowy field. Your companions quietly await your frndings. You begin your analysis. "The animal was obviously an ungulate, since these are hoof tracks. And see how the hoof is spiit, witb two dis- tinct points ... a deer, no doubt." You pause for effect, playing with your attentive audience. You continue, "The tracks of the hind hooves fail a littie inside those of the fore hooves. This indicates a maie since the maies of most main- malian species have narrower hips than femnales, whose tracks usualiy show the hind feet failing a littie outside the fore feet." You pause again and, scan the surrounding area. "Sec how that sapling is scratched about a metre up the trunk? That's a 'rub', Where a maie deer has used his antiers to mark his terri tory. Look, over there's a 'scrape', where hie's pawed the ground for the saine purpose. Yep, I'd say he was a buck Whiitetail Deer ... and a pretty big one, judging fromn the depth of the tracks and the height of the rub." Your audience murmnurs appreciativeiy and gazes into the distance. "Shall we follow hlm?" you ask. No, everybody's for getting back in the car and going to the nearby shopping mail for hot chocolate. 1Tracking is an ancient art that even modem city dweiiers can prac- tice. Surprisingly, downtown ra- vines and the city's fringe areas are often ideai animal habitat, support- ing many interesting species. Pets accounit for many trucks, but you'Il soon leain to recognize the fox's neat, iinear trot or to follow the investigations of a hungry coyote. Tracking is a way of iearning how the animais around us live. Accompiished trackers can tell an animai's species, sex, size, when it passed, what it did whiie it was here, where it was going and why -- aul without seeing the animali tseif. Buy a good tracking guide book. Take notes and photos. Learn and enjoy. i. Nature 's Miracles is broughi Io vou by thîs newspaper and World Wldlzfe Fund Canada (WWF). Tofinil oui how you can help save wldlife and wild places, cal WWP ai 1-800-26-PANDA. P~R TII 7Pd4 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Jl4ire rProfssiona[Etiquette is Important' Funeral [Directars Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 H0IJRS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE 1BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Chîldren and Aduits Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 Clarîngton Hydro Commission lnvolved Utilities join forces to keep rates from rising 35 115 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Rd. ville j Phonaahador tchance 8335 Hwy. 35/115, Oiono LOB 1iMo (905) 983-9540 'Rie f1Rin6ow 'Wefdin~q Invitation E6nsembles help make your wedding dreams corne true View the latest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weeld-y Times Phone 983-5301 Main Street, Orono --.Ii

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