.... .. .............~ e n s a un a y $ ,1 Qr....W........... ~0tJ0flS ................$6 P u i8 ~ 47 lao..............t........... .iblc..[. They want to work Estimates runming everywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 looking for a job with General Motors at a listing ini Pickering the forepart of this week is an indication that there are a lot of people wanting to put their own bread on the table and to be responsible to do so. It requires a job wbich ft tis point in tine is flot always that easy to find. Ail too often the comments of a negative nature are expressed of those who bave been unable te get a job for one reason or another and bave to seek assistance through programs that are designed to provide such help when in need. No doubt there are some tbat are well satisfied to remain on assistance but all qualified reports and findings list tbe percentage at a Iow rate. The numbers turning out for a chance of a job at GM should not be surprising due to the unemployment rate at this time and to the fact tbat majority of the new jobs being created are flot on a pay level with tha of General Motors. It was unfortunate to see a couple of those in the line-up smashing up a wooden picnic table, belonging to some one, no doubt, to keep a fire burning to provide warmtb. There are also reports of alcohol consumption ini the lime-up. Neither act may not have gene unobserved and were hardly ones that would enhance the opportunity for employment. The turnout certainly is an indication that we stili have some way te go in the provision of meaningful jobs upon which one cas provide for themselves and a family. It boggies the mind We still bave te sort eut our position as te which way to move as far as the Rogers Cable TV proposal is concemed. There is ne doubt that we don't like it but our concera is flot necessarily with the negative aspect of the agreement. If it only takes a phone cati to make a change or to cancel the whole service tbat is not a big issue. Most of the concern we do bave is tbat Rogers and other Cable companues are flot operating in wbat one might cail a free enterprise system. They bave no competition and have fought most aggressively in the past opposing opening up the systcmn to competition. It is tine that the system is open to competition and it would seem to this concera that the telephone industry could well provide tbat competition and be able at the sanie time to open up cable TV te al residents of the country, rural and urbas, a fact that cannot be undertaken with the present systemf. The fact tbat there wil be groupings to choose from is some consolation but bet your bottom dollar Roger wül have bis stations and enterprises open for ail packages. They are flot that stimulating. The lack of a decision at this time is who want to run through a possible 55 stations to flnd out what you want. But wait - there is word of upwards of over 500 stations in the future. Give me a break. Fortunately we do bave room ini the attic to put up as acrial and this is a consideration i the future depending on what stations we favour. Such a placement of the acrial wouid not take away from the look of the property and it could just as easily be diivctional. Sidewalk snow removal (Continued from page 1) Monday te voice bis opposition to the charge but te pay bis invoice, on the 'thrcat', as he cailed, it, of a lien against bis property- Many other local residents have also compiaincd about the arbitrary manner in wbich snew removal was donc, se they saiti. Council lîstencd te Mr. Stephcnsen's compiaints and cancelleti ail of the outstanding invoices, admitting that the process had been flawed and taking rcsponsibiiity for th problems caused by it. A ncw system is ahceady beir useti, where photograpbi evidence is bcing compiled 1 show that snow removal is on] bing donc wbere, it is necessar Further the municipality on] undertakes the work wbcre compiaint has been rcceivcd thi snow bas net been rcmoed froi a sidcwaik witbin the require period of time. Mayor Harure gave back Mv Stepbenson's cheque at t! conclusion of the mcctiný Anyone who bas alrcady pai their invoices for '93-'94 sue removal cas contact town hall fi a refund. by Phyllis Lowery Weil, we bhave just completed the first full Wck of 1995 and the first ruai wek of winter weather. 1 hope everyoite had a bappy time over the holidays and are al ready to face whatever the new year brings. The coming of al this snow hâs certainly been welcomed by the skiers all the parking lots were full to overflowing tiis weekend. A warning to those driving down the ski hll, wbere the cars come out on County Road 9 cas bc very slippery and it is easy to go inte a spin there. Sunday was a typical winter day, and it feit good te be going to church, a good start to anew Wek. Ian Savage was present and teok part in the service welcoming us ail. The opening bymn was, "To God Be The Glory". Ian led in the Cati to Worship and tic Prayer of Approach, the hymn, "the People Who In Darkness Walked". Rev. Black led in the Prayer of Self- Examination and gave tie Words of Assurance. The cbildren were called forward, Rev. Black asked them if tbey bad ever heard the stery about Moses, he asked them if they knew how old Moses was when he led the people eut of slavery, whcn he split thc sea and led them to freedom in a new land? Moses was in his 80s. Some people think that wbcn they get ýtheir old age pension they.are too old, tbey can't do much. Now Miriam was Moses' older sister, like our older sisters she was asked to babysit Moses, she didn't always want to do this, but shre did it anyway, that is why God chose Miriam, te save Moses, when die cdict went eut that al boy babies were to bu kilied. The cbiidren's hymn was, "Jesus Loves The Little Ch.iidren". The scripture readings were from Matt. 1:18 and Luke 2: 1-8, 1M. We know these stories, tbey are the nativity stories. These stories do flot tell us historical fact, they are stories of Christian Faith. The stories of Jesus' birtli were not intended to be fact, Uiey are intended to tell us that God somehow, really did become a human buing. Eacb Gospel tells it - differently, they are a part of a faith narrative, flot a history book :be fact. Resurrection myths and ig salvation religions were common ig in thc ancient worid. What made ic Christianity diffrent was the tey daim tbat God actually and truly became a humas buing. X In John's Gospel is the i sentence, "The word became flesb a and lived aniong us." In Matthew, Lat God was born as Jesus. Jesus' first D visitors after His birth were rd foreigners who came seeking iruth. Matthew tells us that Jesus re was seen as a tbreat to Herod and waLocd efe e oeg g. a ocdt lcta éeg id 'w for country. Luke tells us that shepherds carne in frm Uic fields te celebrate Uic birth. No one cisc is mentioned, why is it important that shepherds came? Shepherds wcre at the lowest end cf the social scale, Jesus was placcd in a manger, that tels us Hie was bora in a stable. Luke shows us that Jesus was bora as a social outcast, only Uic lowest rcceîvcd Him. God became a buman being only te bu rejected by thoseHe came te save, as Jesus, Hie becamne a refugee. It was througb Uic lowest of Uic people that H1e was able te do His work As in those days, it is Uic same new. The abuse of power by those wbo wieid it against those below them. The suppression of human dignity and freedom. These are the samne things that Jesus fougbt in His ilay and time. Wc have peeple this day, right among us who feel that thcy have been cut off, they are seeking meaning andi purpose te life. The power of Jesus' love continues te give hope te Uic hopeiess. At this time of Uic ycar when we have corne close te Uic stories of Jesus' birth, we cas enceunter Uic love of God reaching ireugh Uic ages. Between now and next Christmnas may we discover Goti reacbing eut te us in many new and wondrous ways, giving us stoength, hope asd courage. The hymn, "Tomorrow Christ Is Coniing", was sung. The Prayer of Thaskfulness asd thc Prayer cf Concern and Commitment repeateti. The ciesing hymn was, "Rescue The Pcrishing". We were sorry to learn of Uic pas sing of Mrs. Eva Farrow, mother of Mrs. Ariel (Alta) Langstaff on New Year' s weckend. Aise the passing of Mrs. Adele McGill ef Orone. Adele was bornanad raiseti on thc 6Ui Concession and spent most of ber life in this arca takcing part in numereus societies, she will bc greatly misseti. Our deepcst sympathy te Uic fasiilies of these two ladies. 'Mis wcek we hope will bu Uic Kendal Column beginning of a return te normalcy, kids back to school, banks open, post office open, both of these on thc days you cxpect them to be. It secms like we have been going through almost three weeks of weekcnds, it is a good thing we have calendars se we can look and sec wbat day it really is and even then 1 haven't been too sure. Verse seen in an Almnanac ... "If we would rzap the joys WC need, We must hclp others grow; The Book of Life provides the see4 The Bible telis us . . Sow!" St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARIO Interlm Mlntster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH1 GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORtAL SCHARGE n Minister, k- Rey. Dr. e* Mervyn Russeli Marlene Risebroueji, 983-5702 Church Offie SUNDAY, JANUARY ISTH Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m EXPLORERS Wednesday, January 1lth Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pin. 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO Stutt's Pharmac