r Oon Weky Tte ww~y .ruyt ii Preparing for the Big Brothers Big Event News from Ottawa wth Alex Shepherd, MP Durhaým Justin Shaughnessy, Ken 18. The Celebrity Bowl event is Junsma, Chairmait of the Bowl for The Youth Bowliong League held at Liberty Bowl on Saturday Millions and Colin Percewicz of Bowmanville and Newcastle February l8th from 4 to 5 p.m.. prepare for the annual Bowl for will hold their annual bowl in This event is thc final to bowl for Millions event which wil be held Newcastle on February 1 lth Millions Campaign. from February il to February starting at 2:00 p.m. Officiai Opening Saturday The Massey House Reseaurant The restaurant, formerly and Bar in Newcastle Village wil kiiown as Annic's, was closed for open its doors on Saturday at 7 a period of time during p.m. for thc officiai opening and a renovations. It opened Friday last fonit of celebration until closing and holds the officiai event Uis dîne. Saturday evening. December 1988 Senior Citizens are invited to Orono Public School on Wedncsday, December 14 at 1:30 for a Christmas Concert and Tea. The Orono Downtown Merchants have made final plans to bc hcld on Thursday evening, December 15. Many stores are, offering specials for wcaring nightics and other in-store specials. December 15 is'also the start of the Orono Downtown stores remaining open frL m 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Orono skaters are working hard preparing for Uic upcoming test day which will be held at Newcastle on December 9. We wish ail thc girls success. The Orono Masonic Lodgc hosted a most enlightening event last Thursday evening when two officers of the R.C.M.P. wcrc gucst speakers on Uic subject of Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol. -The evcning was promotcd in (Continued page 13) Around the, Board (Continued fr-om page 10) results are to bc meaningful. I have reccived a number of cails from parents concerning Uic number of changes in staff at area schools. In particular, parents have expressed concern over the number of ncw teachers their students have had sînce September. There are a number of reasons for these changes. Obviously teachers arc people too. They become sick, pregnant or have personal matters that can take them out of Uic classroom. Many of these situations cannot bc . scheduled" to coincide wiUi Uic school ycar. Our Federation representatives share Uis concemn and are cooperating whcre possible to minimize Uic impact on students. There have been a number of situations'occur where planning can eiminate the need for disruptive changes in staff. I have discussed these issues with administration and there will bc improvement in thc management of teacher moves to reduce negative impact on Uic students. The 1995 budget process begins Uis week. As in Uic past, manY meetings will bc scheduled to give trustees the chance to rcview recommendations and provide direction to administration. Our efforts to control expenditures and direct funds to the classroom must continue. Progress was madc last year with Uic Mill rate increase being Uic lowest since Uice Board was established in 1969. We will nced to build on those efforts Uiis ycar. Your input is welcomcd. Please cail me at 987-4845. If you have not been to your school's Parent Council meeting I urge you to do so when you cari. Your school's principal can provide you wiUi meeting dates. Remember, your child's education is your responsibility too! This is the final column deaiing wîth my pnivate member;s bill calling for a "Taxpayers' Bill of Rights.' 1 appreciate the interest you have shown for thîs legisiation. 1 appeared on CFRB 1010 and Am640 in Toronto and Rogers. Next week, 1 wil bc Uic guest, on an Edmnonton radio talk show to be heard province-wide. Ail of this is encouraging. This last column deals with undue taxation. In 1994 thc average Canadian icorne was $60,000. Total taxes paid by people in this bracket was $27,200 or 45.3 per cent including direct and indirect tax. Sales taxes, taxes on liquor, wouldn't apply to people with world-wide assets of more than $500,000. For average Canadians like you, a 'Taxpayers' Bill of Rights" would allow you to add up al direct taxes you paid during thc year - income, gasoline, liquor, etc. - and submnit Uis with your income tax return. This would bc voluntary on your part. You would bc ailowed a mark up for indirect taxes - Uic taxes you cant sec. If this figure exceeds thc maximum you would bc allowed to dlaim a refund shared by ail levels of governiment on a prc-arranged basis. This isn't impossible. The "Taxpayers' Bill of Rights" will put money back in your pocket and guarantee freedom from Ilundue taxation." amusement, gasolinc, payroll, income and imports are ail part of this. WiUi a 45.3 per cent tax rate much isn't ieft for Uic mortgage, food, clothing, transportation to work, let alone holidays. No wonder families are stressed out. Even with two incomes breadwinners feel they are on a tread miii with Uic wolf outside the door and little chance of getting ahead, If Canadians feit they got their moncys worth for the $27,200 taken in tax we might feel better. But it doesn't seem to me services reccived from government had that-degrc-e of value. Services are often mediocre and civil servants dont understand Uic two words that make up their name. Many are not civil and as 1 said, service is questionable. Tax money is largely spent ini the non-productive sector of Uic economy. WC get some services, (airports, roads, water, sewer, medicai care and education), but we should bc getting equai or substantially better services for substantially less tax. I bdlieve this cari bc donc. So how much should a govcrnment take in taxes? If goverriments take people's disposable income, diverting Uic income from productive things like food production, manufacturing, and spending on private goods and services and place that tax money on bureaucrats salaries, forcigri aid, and social assistance, clearly there will bc less jobs and ability to earn an income. By iegislating an upward limit on taxation not to exceed 55 per cent of total income we cari try to find somc reasonable cap on taxation. Once a ceiling is in place planning a reduction strategy of say, 40 per cent, in 15 years can bc accomplished. Using purely income determinants as a scale for how much a person should bc taxed allows for abuse or unintcnded benefits to Uiose who arc wealthy in personal assets but have low personal incomes. Because of Uiis I am suggcsting a ncw regime 'I1he ainbow <Wed2fing Invitation Tnsemb(es help make your wedding dreams corne true View the latest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-5301 Main Street, Orono