Omno W.kl Times,......................95 Dufferin Aggregate trounces Tim's Rent-AJJ 9-1 On Friday, Junuary 27, Dufferin Aggrcgate- Major Tykes hosted Tim's Rent-AIl in BRHL play. Wbile most of tbe first period play was in-Tini's zone, tbe only goal of the period was scored by Evan Moore ($9) from Chris Buttansbaw ($16). Early in the second period, Garett Wood ($12) scored on a pass from Doug Garlick (#11). Shortly after, the spm*'ited Moore ($9) scored on a pass from Chris Boyce (#4) giving Dufferin a 3-0 lead. Less than a minute later Boyce notcbed an unassisted marker. Then, witb two seconds rcmaining in the pcrîod, Moore (#9) complcted bis bat trick with a belper froni Ryan Campney ($5) ta close the period witb Dufferin lcading 5-0. Twelvc seconds into the third period, Tim's Rent-All activated bis offense, scoring its only goal of the game bebind Brent Vanstone ($1) in net for Dufferin. Michael Fuller ($6), while held off the score sheet on this paricular evening, provided plenty of offence and discharged some excellent s coring strategies. Tbrough die third, most of die action was in Tim's zone, as Dufferin scored four unanswered goals. At the six minute mark, Ryan Cumpney ($5) scored from Evun Moore ($9) and Justin Caruana ($15). At 5:15, Chris Boyce ($4) scored from David Landman ($17). Less thun two minutes later, Mark Kelly ($8) connected from Josb Moffat ($7). With 2:50 remaining, Doug Garlick ($1 1) scored unassisted ta cap the gaine ut 9-1 for Dufferin. Tim's netminder turned an outstanding effort and certaînly couldn't be tagged for bis team's loss. First Goal of the Season Mark Kelly (#8) Mark Kelly ($8), always a scaring tbreut, exhibits the stickbandling talents of a seasoned politician. Mark scared bis first goal of the season October 22, 1994. Major Novice Reps top Ops twi"ce The Orono Novices tippcd the balance of borne ice advantage i their favour ut Junuury 23rds gaine with a play-off opener 4-1 victary in Ops. Tbe Majors entered thc six point must series witb memories of the recent 7-1 loss ut- the bands of tbese opponents. Secking more speed on the blueline the couches sbifted Matt Caruanu ta defence from bis centre posting. Kyle Cox was relocutcd ta the wing wbere bie seemcd at case in this first venture. Bryan Bicklc, wbo fiiled in at tic vacant centre position, opencd tbc scoring midwuy througb Uic first period witb a tap in from the edge of tbe creuse, Curtis Robinson ussistcd. Less thun a minute later Mutt Caruana put Uic Majors up by two when lie slippcd tbe puck under Uic prone opponcnt's goulie. Aguin, Robinson gutbcrcd the assist, Justin Szymczak dcflected a Mutt Curuanu shot during an power play eurly in the second. Robinson started the play from bis blueline position and coilected bis third point. The anly shot that, eluded Orono's netminder Ian Crasbley came from >a long shot from thc top of Uic circle Uiat lie had te mucb time te think about. This came before the second period was out and seemed ta give Ops a mucb needed boost. Robinson moved over into Iie scoring column witb an unussisted goal witb less than tbrce minutes remaining in this opening gaine. During die second and third there was a steady flow of players ta the penalty box, Orono were assessed six tbrouRbout and On.q etiht Fir.çt the Majors wcre easy ta spot with their tbrec goal lead and then Ops us the game appeared out of reach. It was a well eurned victory but the Majors wifl have ta stay clear of tbe retaliatory penalties and find the open man if success is ta be theirs. Returning borne witb a series opener win boosted a sagging Mjor's confidence. Tbey continued on wbere they left off froni in that first victory witb a 5- 1 win in the second gaine of thc series beld Friday, Junuary tbe 27. The Majors spotted the visiting Ops the first goal with less than a minute remaining in the first period. Ops lead was short lived as Orona's Kyle Allin cbipped in the evener befare thc first period buzzer bad sounded. Jesse Price, who enjoyed .a spirited gaine, along with Nathan Adegeest assisted on bis first goal. Midway through the second Curtis, Robinson put the game winner away with assists ta Justin Szymczak and Jordan Beacock. Heading into the thrd up by only one the teamn got the Council Briefs Anthony Laskowsky, speaking on behaif of Klaus Kroeger, bas asked council to forego development charges for Mr. Kroeger to build a home on bis property ut 2916 Highway No. 2. The property had ut one time sited a house which was destroyed by fire in the mid 1980S. The request was referred to the planning department for a report. It was stated that in such a case the Region would forfeit the Regional charge. Pine Ridge Insurance reg isters (Continued from page 4) deflection technique just missed the net on a deflection in front of the Statesman's goalie. The limes were flying with Rick Howe, Mike Knapp and Nick Lucyk getting plenty of chances. Finaifly at 3:10 D.J. Boardman puts the first biscuit in the basket off a pass from #8 J.P. Pisani. Orono contînued their scoring prowess witb 3 dingers in the second period. At 10:30 $6 Mike Knapp waiting in front of the net scores from #15 Rick Howe. Tbree minutes later at 7:40 #8 J.P. Pisani scored with assists going ta #16 D.J. Boardman and defenseman #10 Matt Gregg to make it 3-0. Before the period ended #6 Milce Knapp netted #2 of the game witb assist from #15 Ricky Howe. The third period saw Canadian Statesman put some pressure on Orono. Tbey started the period witb a breakaway attempt but good defensive play by #9 Cbris Bouley ruined tbe attempt. The puck took a bad bounce and goalie Jeff Siemon had to be sharp to caver up. Orono's 5th goal came off a picture perfect pass between #14 Nick Lucyk and #15 Rick Howe who scored at 12:30. Canadian Statesman tonk a penalty at 11:50 and Orono's #2 Shawn Dejong had a good shot ut net while on the powerplay. #5 Kevin Pritchard who bas been called upon to fil in on defence of late bas been doing a great job according to coach Henry. Orono won the game 5-0 witb another shutout ta cbalk up for goalie #30 Jeff Siemon. mucb needed insurance goal only 16 seconds into tbe period from the stick of Price witb Matt Caruana assisting. Orono continued jamming the net and were paid dividends when Szymczak from behind the net passed ta an unattended Robinson wba made no mistake with bis second of the night. Matt Caruana from Bryan Bickie rounded out the Majors scoring mîid period as Orono coasted to The Port Darlington Community Association bas presented council witb a copy of their submission to the Waterfrnt Regeneration Trust concerning the Westside Marsb Public Discussion Sessions. The document, some 18,pages refers ta ail aspects presented at the Discussion Sessions. The document was referred ta the Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and ta report on the progress of a decision by the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. The Township of Manvers have notified Clarington that Manvers bas asked that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority defer it's decision regarding Phase Two of the Watershed Plan until member municipalities are provided witb costs, approved funding and individual share for budget purposes The letter was received for information. A letter was received from Teresa DeCicco-Murkar, Edward Street, Newcastle, complaining about speeding on Edward Street between Rudeil Drive and Baldwin Street. Mrs. DeCicco-Murker asks that signs or traffic calmers be used ta slow down trafflc. The letter was turned over ta Works for investigation and a report- -- - ---- -----. Petitioners from the Courtice areu ask that a Watersbed Plan bc undertaken on two streains ii the area before development proceeds. Tlhe group also abjects ta the proposed Highway 407 and its Freeway link witb Higbway 401. Objection was also registered ta development in North Courtice. A letter from the North Clarington Ratepayers Associa- tion suggests that the municipality hold a public meeting concerning the position now existing between the Municipalîty and Mosport Park. The Association would be pleased ta attend such a meeting and assist. Council on Monday nigbt moved that the Chief Adminis- trative Officer cali a meeting of ail interested parties ta discuss a final outcome. Counc. Ann Dreslinski reported that Bowmanville hockey teams bave been alotted 19 bours of ice time weekly at the Orono arena this year. Counc. Scott reported thut the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority bad given approval for the Phase One of the Watersbed plan ta be completed and expect Phase Two ta be undertaken in 1996. GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dînner; the Theatre or the Big Game??? HOURGLASS IV I Limousine Service will get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EEARLY COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARIMENT presents MARCH BREAK BONANZA March Break <March 13 -17) is just around the camner and the Community Services Department is offering a FANTAS77C sohedule af events ta entertain and challenge our youth. Dani miss out on the exciting March Break - Day Camp (6-12 year olds); Day Trips (6-12 year alds); or the NEW and unique SNOW CAM P (13-17 year alds>. Watch for aur information package ta be sent home wvith your child from school by the end ai January. If you don't get information package or would like more information please Cali: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (905> 623-3379 REGISTER BY MAIL BUT DONTr WAIT TOO LONG!1 SPACES ARE LIMITEDI Dates af Publication: Wednesday, January 18, and February 1, 1995 P.O. 4882 -p