12 - Orono Weekly Times,~ Wednesday, March 15, 199 May 1984 SIt was one of those moments occasions at th e Orono Guide meeting on Monday evening when Karen Garrison was presented with hier All-Round Cord, the bighest honour in guiding. Over the past four years only three such awards have been presented to guides i the Orono group. Leaders Pamn Allin, Pamn Werry, Annamae Barnard, and Joanne Garrison and Orono Guides helped Karen celebrate. 1The Barlow Furniture store in Orono bas closed with the remaining furniture being placed in auction at the Grist Mill Auction Bain in Newtonville. Mr. Hart Barlow opened the store in the business section of Orono in 1947. The Explorer Group of the Orono United Church met on Wednesday, April 25, for a Mother and Daughter Banquet. Awards for perfect attendance for the year 1983-84 went to Cindy Tamblyn. Cindy Jerome and Michelle Ross. A special award for Explorer of the Year went to Cindy Tamblyn. The General Purpose Committee of the Town of Newcastle gave approval on Monday and recommended to council that the Mayor and Clerk sign an agreement between the Town and Rogers Cable T.V. that wil provide Cable T.V. service to the Orono Estates. The break dancers at the Pines Senior Public School were an instant bit at the Music Night held during Education Week. The Pines group included David Bailey, Scott Cassalman, Almed Karklis, Kevin Mumford and Kathryn Mudd. The Clarke Township Museumn and Archives, located above the Clarke Library .at the corner of Church and Centre Streets in Orono, opened for a new season on Saturday, May 19. It will remnain open until October 7. Kendal-Kirby Public School celebrated Ontario's Bi- Centennial last week with the customary planting of a Wbite Pine tree. The Orono Fair sponsored by the Durham Central Agricultural ,Society, invites ahl interested parties to participate in a PARADE to celebrate Ontario's Bi-centennial. The Village Bakeshop, in the main business area of Orono is in the process of completing a delicatessen department in their store. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle owners' of the old Orono Fire Hall, are in the process of selling the building located on the west side of Main Street. Orono students that graduated fromn Durham College were Sandra Dennis, Mari-Jo Garnett, Debbie Harnden, Dawn Irwin, Mark Lake, Jonathan Locke, Frank Maitland, Karen Quantriil, Brian Schoenmaker, Ellen Snoek, Susan Usbomne, Kevin Wayland, Lynn Williams. Ladies of the Orono Figure Skating Club and friends of Hilda Gatchell met last week in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall' to honour Hîlda Gatchell for ber contribution towards the Orono Figure Skating Club including the Orono Mrena Improvement Fund organization. May 1974 Bishop L. Gainsworthy on March 17 confirmed at St. Saviour's Church in Orono the following confirmation class: Robert Caldwell, Michael BUSINESS START YOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is today's best business opportunityl For f ree infor- mation contact - Independent Mar- keting Director, 218 Megîund Ores- cent, Saskatoon, Sask. S7H 4Z6 (1 - 800-263-2999). CAREER TRAININ'G LEARN AUCTIONEERING atithe Southwestem Sohool of Auctioneer- ing. Next Cîass: ýMARCH 18-24. Information , contact: Southwestem Ontario Sohool of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR.. .with our great home-study course. Caîl for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267- 1829, The Sheffield Sohool, 997-38 McArthu r Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. EARN EXTRA MONEY! Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U&R Tax Services, PO. Box 6052, London, Ontario N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territories now available. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agni- cultural experience to live/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1- 800-263-1827. #206, 1501 - 17 Ave., 5.W. Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- 5pm year round. A real inside flea market, good clean merchandise from crafts to collectibles, solid wood fumiture. FOR SALE POGS/MILK Caps & Slammers. Bul k discounts, ail latest designs, best prices, 100 million caps in stock. Special prices over 1 million caps. 1-800-361-5011. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. NEW $200 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. fast delivery 1- 800-38-DELUX. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24.000 in prizes yeaily. Possible publication. Send one original poemn 20 mies or less: National Library 0f Poetry, Tale s bld Twice Box 704-1370, Owings Mills, Md' 21117. MUSICAL INTEREST LEARN TO PLAY Musical Instru- ments the new, easier way, with Self Teaching Video Tapes. Free cata- logue. Best prices on ail musical instruments. Musicare Inc. 1-800- 361-3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES (*A cost wilI be incurred> ARE COLLECTION AGENCIES HARASSING YOU, or demanding you pay more than you can afford? Fight back! Get informed! Know your rights! Caîl 1-900-870-1160. $3/min. 18+. LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us. . Hamess your destiny. Vour present and future reveaîed. *Love *Success *Money. Find out now. Caîl 1-900- 451-4055. $2.99Imin. 18+. LIVE PERSONAL PSYCHIC, g@t answers to any questions. Love, Money, Future, 1-900-451-3004 ext. 240. $3.98 per min. Must be 18+. Touch Tone Required. *MEET SOMEONE NEW* Casual, Romantic, Intimate encounters: 100s of women, men & couples in Ontario. Caîl 1-900-451-6855 Ext. 7 $2.99/Min. 18+ Women caîl free 1- 800-900-2292. PERSONAL PLANNING A VACATION? Beat the high cost of travel! Free info on sav- ing $$$ and eaming $$$. No ob;iga- tion. Before you book, bail 1-800- 891-4515 STOP SMOKING! Let me show you how. Cost $10 for your program to stop smoking. 905-765-0139. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- shiptimeshare? We'II take it! Ameri- ca's largest, oîdest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Caîl 24 hou rs a day. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Win- ter Specials S Series Straightwalîs 20x3O $4,780., 25x32 $6,154., 30x36 $6,933., S35x40 $8652. Including Ends. Sliding Doors, GST & Freight, caîl 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE ... Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Guaranteed lowest prices. Sizes 500-15,000 sq/ft. Straightsided quonset with ends. Example: 25x42 $5.698., 30x48 $7,794. Caîl Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. Tansley, Chris#ne Little, Betty Tansley, Sharon Dawson, Beverley Chrisdiflalis, Juie Recd, Peter Chrisomdlis, Mark Breen, Dale Nichols, Kathy Nichols, Kimberley Cur-fye Tammy Curry and Rosemary Spry. Last Wednesday was Cat and Dog day in the Village of Orono when the inistry of Agriculture and Food condlucted a rabies clinic in a portion of the Orono Hydro garage. A _total of 431 dogs and cats were given their shots. Roger Proctof of Orono placed first in piano grade 4 in the recent Oshawa Kiwanis Music Festival. Patricia Lunn algo of Orono tied for third position in piano grade 7. Congratulations. Saturday evening witnessed the birth of a nÇw organization for the local dIstrict with the formation of the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. The event was held in the Newcastle Community Hall. Nineteen Kinettes now form the- Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. Orono Junior Gardeners had four new members join at their meeting on Tuesday, May 14. At the meeting Mr. Bunting of the local nursery of the Department of Lands and Forests showed the children the very enjoyable film, "Beaver Valley" a Walt Disney Production. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray attended the Postmasters Convention at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa this past weekend. The Orono Amateur Athletic Association held their annual meeting on Sunday evening at the COMPLETE, CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1Mo ONHWY.115&35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, ont.(95 983-5721 MPASARU KARANTE CLUBt% Classes for Chîldren and Aduits F Nwv alaGble Mrta Art uple Rick Jones, Newt onv ille 905-786-2793 NNorthcutt Elliott ISEFuneral Homie THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C MZ 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING O rono Mrena with a disappointing number in attendance. The Association was unable during the election of officers to MI1 the positions for the year 1974 and at the present time lack a president. Barnna Home Check< *Vacation Home Checkçing *Lot us make your home look ived in Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSJJRED Barb Shotier - In* Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 CA"bLASSI1FIE D MARKETPLAC E "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" 1 t's Affordable 9 Its Fast , ts Easy e One Bill Does It Ail - Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $108 -AIl Ontario $380) National Packages Available *Cail this paper for_,details! P>I6rborough GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT 'rmd rtmt TeLeather. Phone ahead or by chance 8335 Hwy. 35/115, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540