- Oron. W.ek~r Timea, Wedn*sday March ~ a Adolescence-tei (NC)-As wîdely studied as are the various aspects of the adoIescent'.s life, there is relatively little research into the teen's nutritional needs. Three Italian pediarricians have attempted to improve the situation and developed a series of diet recommendations for this age group. The advice takes ito account the extreme growth rate at tisý stage of development. as well as the particular demand for calcium. With ail of the concerns that beset the adolescent, it's doubtful that maximizing their bone mass is at the top of their priorities- but it will matter to themn later in life. Adolescence is a timne when eating- patterns first become subjeeiet to personal choice and the resuit is wýide v ariation in the amount and timing of food intake and the frequent adoption of different food fads. One resuilt is that obsessioni witb low-fat diets may lead to growth deficits due to lack of essential nutrients. One of the team's recommendations- eating breakfast regularly-was based on two observations: obesity in ado- lescents is associated with negative healtb patterns in later life; and obesity is linked to a tendency to skip breakfast. Regular breakfast habits, prefer4ably including whole grain cereals witb milk or yogourt, are highly desirable and s hould be established early in life s0 that the habit remains. Milk and milk products should be the main sources of ,P4iri *ta fdtan ýculistI N~ U U t tgp [ cýTG aimal proteîn because of their high calcium content. In addition,,with the exception of iron and vitamin C, they provide almost the full range of nutrients needed by adolescents. In fact, a diet deficient in milk products, is usually indicative of general diet inadequacy. The teen diet, as is true for the adut diet, is best when based on the four food groups-wîthii special attention paid to their need forenry iron and calcium. Get the edge! Join a Job Finding Club (NC)-Have you ever been unemployed- or perhaps are unemployed-and felt that you lacked the necessary job search skills to find a new job? If you answer "yes", then you may be interested in joining a Job Finding Club. Job Finding Clubs have proven an effective way for unemployed in- dividuals to find jobs mucb faster than on their own. In fact, several experimental studies on Job Finding Clubs show that 60-75 per cent of participants are employed three months after completing a club session. Gwenda Davies, a. counselling spokesperson for the department of Human Resources Development Canada, advises that Job Finding Clubs are most suitable for those who have an idea what job they want and have the training and skills to get that job.,What they may flot have, she says, are the marketing skills to find that work. "Job Finding Clubs will provide practice in job searcà skil- ls sutch as, knowing how to present yourself, to do research, and to penetrate the hidden job market. Only 15 per cent of jobs are'advertised, so you bave to be able to approach people for informa- tion and job leads." Davies warns that a Job Finding Club is flot a place for venting anger or frustration. The intent, rather, is to provide a supportive leamning environ- ment in the pursuit of the goal: finding a job. That's why participants must make a fuli-time commitment during the three-week session. "Treat the process and yourself serioýusly," she says. "Once finishecd, you shouiild bavte a set of skills that are trul\ portabl. Canadians cani expect five t ih different career chianges througb a lifetimiie. It helps to be equipped and self relianit." For further information on Job Finding Clubs and how to participate, you may wish to contact your local Canada Employment Centre. Time to use taxable benefits forward averaging running out' by Rory Keilty, CA was in force. Income taxed at the top (NC)-Many taxpayers chose to tax rate was carved out for inclusion "forward average" a portion of their and recalculation in a future year. You income in the 1980s expecting a tax still paid the tax in the year the income break in future years. Revenue Canada was earned, but you reserved the disallowed this practice in 1987, but possibility of including that inicome in individuals have until, 1997 to take your tax return in a future year, having advantage of any tax reductions. With it taxed at a lower rate and receiving a time winding down, many people are credit. For example, assume y ou elected now wondering if theyý actuaîîy will to forward average $ 10,00 of income be able to take advantage of the that was taxed at 50 per cent in 19)87. In provisions before the deadline. 1993, your income drops, so you eleet Forward averaging replaced "general to bring that $ 10,000 back into incomne averaging", practu sed from 1972 where itis taxed at 40per-centi. YOuIpay through to 1981. General averaging the tax at 40 per cent ($-4,000) and was; computed automatically by the receive a credit at the current yea's top government and, essentially, smoothed tax rate. say, 55 per cent ($5.500). Thus, out the peaks and valîcys ini your in- yoeir ix saving is $1 ,500 ($5,500 minus comne so that less tax was paid. YOLI Saw $4,000). The actuai calculations are the results in your annual assessment more complex. since the amount yo(u in the form of a larger refund or less tax forward aiverage is indexed te, recog nize payable. infltion. Your chartered àccountiant Forward averaging was computed will be able to help youL with this. The by, the taxpayer during the vears it benefits of forward averaging are Canadian cheddar- nothing b 'etter! (NC) Although Cheddar is native to England, Canadian cheese manu- facturiers have so enbanced the original recipe that our Cheddar is famous arouind the world. It's rich, full flavour juISt can't be beat! OUr Cheddai- is a semi-hard natural checese available in botb plain white and orange. The colour of cheese is from, annatto, wbich is -obtained from the seed pods of a Central American tree. The amount of colouring added depends upon the natural colour of the milk as well as consumer demands. It varies in taste frm nippy to mild, depending upon the length of time it has'been aged. A medium Cheddar is ripened for four to fine months while a strong Cheddar is left to age over nine montbs. Some Cheddar is aged for a period of five years! A "grate" way to use your Cheddar is in combination with broccoli. On those really bitterly cold nights, what better way to warmn you up than a bowl of Cheddar cheese and broccoli soup? It's colourful, full of nutrients and simple to make! CHEDDAR CHEESE AND BROCCOLt SOUP 1 10lOoz/283 gpackage frozen chopped broccoli or 2 cups 500 mL cbopped cooked fresh broccoli 3 tbsp 50 i. butter 1/4 cup, 50 mL finely chopped union 4 tsp 20 mL chieken bouillon mix 3 tbsp 50 mL flour 1/2 tsp 2 mL paprika 1/2 Isp 2 mL dry mustard 2 cups 500 mL milk 2 cups- 500 mL water 2 cups, 500 mL Canadian C'heddar Cheese 1/2 to 3/4 tsp 2 to 3mL saît Cook broccoli according to pack- age directions; drain well and set aside. Melt butter in a large saucepan. Sauté onions until tender. Blend in bouillon mix, flour, paprika and mustard. Gradually stir in mnilk and water. Cook over medium heat, sfirring constantlý' until mixture just comes to a boil and thiekens. Remove from heat. Add cheese and stir until melted. Add cooked broccoli and saIt; reheat to serving temperature. DO NOT BOIL. Sprinkle sbredded' cheese over individual servings. (Makes about 6 cups/1.5 L). obvious, if you have a year of lower income when you are no longer subjeet fe, the top tax rate. However, you can include previously elected forward averaging amnounts in income t.nly up to and including 1997. Aftcr 1997, any potential benefit disappears forever. If you have significant amnounts of income forward averaged, you migbt consider taking measures to reduce your income in une year 50 that you can eleet to include these amnounts in income. If you'are employed, reducing your in- comne is not easy. One way is to make a maximumi RRSP contribution ii you hav en't bee-n doi ngs-o. With the RRSP carry forward, y ou mnay be enfitled to maike a larger than normal conitribution wvhich shiould reduce your- taxable inIcomle subsýýtantially. If yo)u operatcaa businiess, it may be easier to reduce your incomie in a particular year. A chartered accountant will be able to advise you on other methods of reducing income. In some particular circumnstances, bringing forward averaged amnounts into income may reduce the impact of th~e minimum tax, without costing you any additional tax\ dollars. Even though you do not receive any becnefit from the forward averaging credit, your taxes will still be reduced as a result of paying, less or no minimum tax. Monec are is general inoocial adi ib, Ontarjo '.schartered ac(ountantv. Rorx Keiltv is o toas /)ortoer with A rtlurAidersen & Co. WELDWOOD PARADJGM TRAVEL Vour local Travel Consultant for the Durham Region Minnie Kaleway Offers a wide range of personalized servýice at y.uc homne or office. Business, Corporate & Personal Travel featuring " Domestlo & International Air Travel " Ail Inclusive Roesorts " Last Minute Seli Offs " Group Packages " Hoteis/Car Rentais " Cruises " Ski/Golf Packages " Travei Insurance Fax 905-983-5916 or cali Toil Free: 1-800-563-8111 Ext. 411 Ont. Reg. No. 4244372 ImprCSStofl Whether it's a letterhead, business card or mail-out flyer it Is the flrst impression that counts and gains attention. Look to the Orono Weekly TFimes for your printing needs be It: " Letterheads " Business Cards * Labels " Bookiet *Envelopes *Invoices *Mail Outs *Programs See the wide selection of papers and ink colour combinations and do compare our prices. Orono Weekly Times Main St, Orono Phone 983-5301 Cover letters A successful covering letter only bas to contain three paragrapbs. First paragraph: State your interest in thie company and why you'v e wnitteni. Second paragraph: Refer to yèour résumé and summarize how your skills could benefit the company. Third paragraph: Request arn interview. NC - 1 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Specialîty Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings - Anniversaries *BsiesFunctions H-ockey - Basebal * Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGE.N Box 416, Orono, Ont LOB iMO 983-9679 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR P. REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W TMVs AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-52 COMPLETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANIGAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO- 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB iMo ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151