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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1995, p. 13

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Omo Wuokly Ttnws, w.d.dy Mrt 2,te BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAJOR PROVEN Canadien Com- pany expanding into Europe. Huge profit potentiel distributorships aveul- able. Cati to see if your European connection qualifies. 1-800-578- 2748. CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence courses for the Certificate of Coun- seiiing studies ta begin March 30. For brochure phone: 1-800-665- 7044. FL.EA MARKETS SMîTHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- 5pm year round. A real inside flea market, good dlean merchandise from crafits to coliectibies, soiid wood furniture. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hir- ing for summer. Numerous hotel positions availabie. For application send self-addressed stamped enve- lope ta John Galt, Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C. VOE 2S0. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money selling chocolate bars . NEW $200 PRO.-DUCTS. Nothing ta pay in advance, fast deiivery 1- 800-38-DELUX,'. MUTUAL FUND SALES REPS. Highest payout, cold back office support with CCB system. reedy now for T +3 settiement, Muiti Mutu- ai Inc. 1-800-663-2318 or fax (416) 225-9715. LIVESTOCK MI NIATURE HORSES. AMHAIMHAC Reg. Proven breed- ing stailions. 32" Sorrel, broke to ride, and 30" Golden Palamino mares, and yearlings aiso available. Show quaiity. (519) 334-3665. MUSICAL INTEREST LEARN TO PLAY Musical Instru- ments the new, easier way, with Self Teaching Videa Tapes. Free cata- logue. Best prices on ail musical instruments. Musicare Inc. 1-800- 361-3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES (*A cost wili be incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us ... Harness your destiny. Your pre- sent and future revealed. *Love *Success* Money. Find out now. Cail 1-900-451-4055. $2.99Imin. 18+. ARE COLLECTION AGENCIES HARASSING YOU, or demanding you pay more than you can afford? Fight back! Get informedi Know your rights! Oeil 1-900-870-1160. $3lmin. 18+. LIVE PSYCHICS 1 ON 1. $398 /minute. Must be 18+. 1-900-451- 3004, Ext. 507. Touch Tone Phone Entertainment purposes only. AS SEEN-ON TELEVISION. Karen Walsh and ber gifted psychics will answer ail your questions. Love, Health, wealth, future, past, present. 24 hours! Cali nowl 1-900-870- 1011. $3.99/minute. 18+. NFL FANS - O.J. SIMPSON GUiLTY? Direct From Master Psy- chics! Cati And Find Out Now! 1- 900-451-3530 Ext. 4555 $3.99/min. 18 yrs and older. Procali Ltd. (602) 954-7420. PERSONALS REDUCE CREDITr CARD paymnents by consolidation. Loans $2500 ta $25,000 arranged by phone. Empioyment, good credif rating required. (613) 828-8284 anytime. SCHIZOPHRENIA DIGEST. Maga- zine for schizophrenia sufferers, care-givers. Personal profies, let- ters ta editor, pharmaceuticai updates, pertinent articles. Free January issue 1-905-994-0302 write Magpie Pubiishing, 176 Catherine St., Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 2J5. REAL.,ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- shipimeshare? We'li take it! Ameni- cas argest, oidest resale ciearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cail 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Win- ter Speciais S Series Straightwaiis 20x3O $4,780., 25x32 $6,154., 30x36 $6,933.. S35x40 $8.652. Inciuding Ends. Siding Doors, GST & Freight, cali 1 -800-668-8653. VACATIONITRAVEL 5 DAY CANAL CRUISES: Explore Ontarios heritage waterways aboard the newiy expanded 38 pas- senger "awartha Voyageur'. Enjoy the mnatu~re cnrpany, home-style cooking and cheerful crew on the caim waters of the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canai. Send for brochure ta: Ontario Waterways, Box 135, Orilia, Ontario L3V 6J3 or cati 1-800-561-5767. Naturel's Miracles Musk Ox defence i wolves, but not agi T f- e nostrils of the ý400 kilo- grain Musk Ox bull suddenly fiare and steam. He jerks bis head up to squint into the blowing snow, nostrils quivering. Carried upon the chili wind is the scent of wolves. A hunting pack of Arctic Wolves is approaching, and the herd of oxen can lose no time in preparing for the coming attack. Each of about 30 oxen humres to its place in a rapidly forming defen- sive circle. Femaies and calves move toward the centre white the largest, most menacing maies close ranks around the outside. The defenders face outward to meet the tbreat with a wall of beavy hooves and bonis. The seven wolves in the hunting pack surround the circle of oxen, just out of reach of the bulis. The wolves prance and feint attacks, trying to distract the buils and gain a look into the circle's centre. That is where the young and old members of the herd - the easiest for the opportunîstic, wolves to bring clown - will bc found. Severai minutes of coopérative manoeuvring pay off for one pair of wolves wben an excited young bull steps forward to attack the animal snapping and snarling in its face. The caif standing-just behind is exposed long enougb for the other wolf to slip past and attack. Thougb the caif sili stands, it will soon bave lost enougb blood to fali, and tbe pack ivili feed. On another day, it might have been the wolf pack that paid the priée of the confrontation. Unwary wolves are hoisted upon a bull ox's bonis and slung over bis shoulder to be summarily trampled by tbe herd. On this day in the early spïing of 1875, bowever, botb the Musk Ox herd and the wolf pack pay a price for wbîch nature bas not prepared t hem. Shots ring out. Predator and prey alike fali to the guns of the bumans who bave been trailing this herd for many days. It is ironic that the défensive tech- nique so successfully employed by the berds against wolves also made tbein staionary targets for tbe people wbo nearly exterminated tbem from Alaska and the Canadian Arctic dur- Monte Hummel Prffldet of World Wildlfe Fund CSnad is effective against ýainst humans> ing the last century. Efforts to reintroduce and protect Musk Oxen in. the North American Arctic have since yielded very en- couraging results. About 25,000 animais now roamu the tundra, providing somne food for wolves and humans alik e.wwWW Nature's Miracles is bmought Io you by tis newspaper and World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF). To find out how you can help save wddhfe and wdld places, cali WWF ai 1-800-26-PANDA. "Work Wanted" D&R CUSTOM FENCING - and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 Canadâan ELeeraton Sage Throsher Enclangered Conservîne wl>Idlfe for wju! The Canadian Wildlife Federation works hard ta ensure a healthy future for Canada's wildlife. CWF sponsors environmental research and works wirh governments ta help develop sound legisiation. Become a member of CWFE Canada's largest conservation organizarion, and you'Il be helping wildlife in more ways than you can imagine. Cail or write today. Canadlian WiIdIlife ,w.jw Fedleration 2740 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K28 1 A2 1-800,563-WILD Col'i'me to buy or seli ... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones S983-6013 RepJty-Net ASSOCITES '(DURHAM)lnc. 1060 SIMCOE ST. N. 1103- OSHAWA TEL.:(905)721-2112 zO [w JUST USTED ... HOME, BARNS, HUGE SHOWROOM 1 SHOP, ON 17.ACRES. OROt4O. $249,900! REIMAX CORNERSTONE ~V~ràQu ofeffngrealty Mt. realtor 6 3 6 0 Caff me for a 40 ACRE FARM free appraisaofyour property - or to view your À potentidinew /home! SALLY STAPLES associate broker Located just east of Orono - peace ful and quiet - with charming and spaciaus Mennonite log CLAS SIFIED' MAR KETP LACE 1Advertse Across Ontario orA cross the Country'. * lts Affordabloe *ItIs Fast - ltIs Easy e One.5Bi1 Do.: ft Ail -Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Mýr Ontario $162 - Central Ontan'o $168 - Ail Ontario $380 Naltional Packages Available - Cali this paper for details! 1

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