Vol. 59, No. 10 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22,1995 A welcomed sight in Orono Leskard Church Pot Luck supper and service Sunday The Leskard United Church is holding their monthly Pot Luck Supper and Worship Service this Sunday, March 26th. The supper is being served 5:00 p.m. with the service starting at 6:15 p.m. Everyone ftom far and near arc welcome to attend this event both the supper and service or either part. .Those attending thc supper are asked £0 bring their own plates, cups and silverware along with your favourite casserole or dessert. The Leskard Church is moving ahcad and is considering, childrens' programs, finances, property and social events that could attract attention and attendance from the Leskard community as well as from the surrounding area. Those interested ini any of the above are asked to attend a meeting being held at the churvh at seven p.m. on Thursday evening, Mareh 23rd. If the sun had been shining brightly we might weli have had a rainbow ini downtown Orono on Monday-morning. 1£ was a welcomcd sight to catch the Clarington Public Works departinent at work cleaning up the dirt of winter which did flot take that long. The above truck shot out a fanned streamed of watcr and mist floating Uic dirt of wm£ter to thec curbside. Cwlarington cail tenders for Animal Control Servies Clarington council members, after considerable discussion on Monday, is recommending to council Uiat Uic municipality call public tenders for Uic provision of Animal Control Services. A few minor changes to the draft agreement arm te be madc befere counicil bandies dhe issue again at coundil Uiis co ming Menday. Groups such asUic Durham, Animal Adoption and Animal Alliance of Canada came before council te express their concernis regarding Uic proposai. .Nancy Armstrong of Durham Animal Adoption was conccrned that te urn animal contrai over te a private indus£ry might compromise Uic level of service. Privatization would carry the risk of the contracter net deing' everything te help injured aiasas a way te kcep profits high. Liz White of the Animal, Alliance of Canada aise warned ceuncil members te avoid contracters with multiple centracts as this can lead te administrative problems. As for the tender issue, Councillor Novak claimed that tenders had only be asked for te sece if, in fact, privatization would save the municipality money.. Mayor Hamre pointed eut that cost cutting was happening ail through the municipal organiz ations and net just animal control. The service' level of. a private contracter weuld bave te bc bâter Uian Uic present service operated by the municipality or such a replacement would net bc undertaken, said Uic Mayor. -QUier conccmns wcrc addrcssed by Councs Hannah and, Dreslinski. Counc. Dreslinski stressed that only prefessionals with a proven record would be considered for Uic tender. Counc. Hannah pointcd eut that Uic City of London had eperated a private animal control service for Uic, past ten years in conjunction wiUi Uic Ontario S.P.C.A. Conne. Pingle debated many sections ef the tender requ ire- ments and obstained from veting on the issue of calling for tenders for the animai control services. What we cali the broemn truck followed collecting the dirt along the curb and a clean main street was the resuit. A most welcomed activity by the municipality. Dialogue to continue 'on Westside Creek Marsh David Crombie, Commissioner of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, wbo hau been asked by the Municipality of CIlarington £0 mediate a solution pertaining to dhe Westside Creek Marsh and its mining by St. Mary's Cernent is scheduled to hold another session5 in the community on Wednesday, April Sth. To date the commissioner bas held three, sessi ons in Bowmanville over the issue receivýing- proposais and comments from stakeholder and citizens at large. The April 5th meeting is again being, heid in the Council Chambers from.7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Crombie is expected te report back te the public on information that bas been rcceived and as well te suggcst solutions to the issue. 1£ is likely that those wishing to will be able to present further information for the Trust. Following the April 5th meeting Crombie wili consider the additional comments and prepare bis' final recommen- dations. Information presented at former meetings is available at the Municipal Offices in Bowmanville as well as at the Bowmanville Branch of the Publie Library. C;on.&Jcertl Band prepares for Orono Town music night The Clarington Concert Band that is based out of the Orono To'wn Hall will be playing a spring concert in hall on Thursday, April 6th commencing at 7:30 p m. The group of close to 35 musicians are now preparing for the program of music to be offered. The local concert band is also to bc involved in another Orono musical event now planned for Thursday, August 30th at the Orono Fairgrounds. The band of the Royal Regiment of Wales is touring Canada this summer and will play a concert at the Orono Fairgrounds August 30th of which part of Uic program will be played boUi by thc visiting band and Uic Clarington Concert Band. The visit to Orono by the Royal Regiment Band of Wales will also include a ýmarching demonstration of which Uic band is noted for. The visiting band bas a compliment of 55 musicians which arcecxpected to bc bilete in the community for the day. The Clarington Band will also provide a dinner for the group prior to Uic musical evening. The summer that a ten-year- old. girl typically looks forward te at this time of year looks dramaticaily différent now te Tamara Mitchell of O'Chenski Road, Orono. Tamara is a member of the Oshawa Festival Singers, Wh* were first of the four choirs selected by officiais of Live Entertainment Productions te join the cast of "Joseph and thse Techuicolor Dreamncoat", which stars Denny Osmond and returss te thc O'Keefe Centre in Toronto for a 12-week run this summer. For the "Joseph" Choral Competition, over 100 choirs submitted audition tapes, from which approximately 35 were selected te audition live at the Pantages Theatre in Toronto on January 27th. Ten choirs were then invited back for the finals, aIse at the Pantages theatre on February 27Ui. Predictabiy, all four choirs chosen went slightly berserk when their names were called eut. For Tamara and Uic rest of Uic Oshawa Festival Singers, it was Uic culmination of many weeks of extra choir rehearals in order to prepare for the music and choreography. However, having got there, the real work lies ahead, with rehearsals in April and then four showsa week for each choir iroughout Uic summer mondis. The childrcn will miss a lot of school, but al of them feel Uiat rubbing shoulders wiUi sorte famous entertainers is thc chance of a lifetime and arc prepared to make Uic sacrifice. The "Joseph" edition of Uic Oshawa Festival Singers consists of 23 of the younger members from Uic 62-member choir, which is made up of girls and boys ranging in age from 9 te 18. Entrance into the choir is by audition only with conductor Lori Easton of Oshawa. Consequently, Uic choir sounds very professional and can handle very challenging repertoire. The choir will be performing its annual spring concert on Saturday, April 8th, 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's United Church in Oshawa. For ticket information contact Jçff Mitchell at 983-6099. Young singers, one from Orono, taking part in Donny Osmond show Happeni*ngs..c For Seniors The United Senior Citizens of Ontario Inc. arc hosting a meeting along with the Orono Senior Cs a meeting at the Orono Senior Centre on Monday, March 27th at 10 a.m. until noon. The program Living Life to the Fullcst includes a video on Coninuing to Drive, -Rules of the Road and Physical Changes Associated with Aging that zight affect your driving. The presenter wiIl bc' AI Perry, Traffic Sergeant, Kawartha Ontario Provincial Police. Please bring a friend or two. Rcfreshmcnts being served.