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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1995, p. 2

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( 2- rono Wo.:IyTtm.us Wdnesdlay March Z21005 S OronoW <4'e~k/y TIhns 5310 Main Street, P.O.. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 416-983-5301 Roy C. Porrester, Owner-Elltor Subscription $17.00 per annum QýncIudJes GST, Hiring more police flot the answer Time after drne poliicians have been commenting on the need for more policing and that it is desire of the general public. Not only that but the taxpayer is wiling and ready to pay for more policing. The latter may weli be true but it is not a permanent solution to the problemns that so many people see with our society. Most recently our Regional Chairman, Gary Herrema, madie the comment that residents are calling for more policing and are ready to pay the price. A modest increase ini taxation of 3 percent te put 20 some more uniformeti officers on the street in Durham Region. It is an easy answer for a complex problemn that we appear to face. The resuits of a federal inquiry into crime undertaken in 1993 states "threats ro the safery and security of Canadians wil not be abateti by hiring more police officers and building more prisons." Ibis is not a new message for it bas been heard before but unfortunately the alternative just neyer seems te catch headlines and one would have te admit that although less costly it is more difficuit ro promote. It bas been concluded that only an assault on the rools of lawlessness would deliver a safety dividend. Poverty, physical and sexual abuse, iliteracy, low self-esteem, in adequate housing, school failure, unemployment, dysfunctional famiies ail feed crime i one way or another. There is no doubt that these problems do require great understand, patience and sophisticateti treatment. It is al too easy to ignore and pass over troubleti individuals anti wait unil a later date to builti more prisons with ceils. The success in ic instance of crime is te spenti smarter as is often the case with most problems and this does not mean pushing- more inmates in one cl. The effort has te be made te promote programs that tacide Uie cause of crime rather that calling for payment for crime by spending time i jail at a cost of at least $50,000 a year. The federal commission of 1993 estimateti that for every dollar spent on crime prevention, thc government coulti save between $5 and $7 in Uic justice, system. Time te change topes~s, it is less costly and most of ail it is more human which is of thc greatest benefits. r(Happveniftngs...cont'd') Supper and Euchre The Orono Odtifellow and Rebekah Centre Hall Boartis will be hosting a Supper asti Euchre on Thursday, March 30 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $ 10.00 per person and may be obtaineti by cailing Norma 983- 5358 or Loran 983-5608. Euchre Resuits The Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wednesday, March 15 with 12-1/2 tables in play: high scores Don Thompson 84; Marie Couroux 83, Charlie Campbell 78, Alec Moffat 77 and Lil Bolderstone 76. Walter Murphy was low score. Draw winners Hilda Caswell,ý Arvilla Partritge, Edigar Milîson, Martha Clarke, May Tabb anti Mary Henderson. Euchre is helti every Wetinesday evening beginning at 8 p.m. Lunch providect. ND-PILiberals holding nominations preparing for 1995 election cal The Liberal candidate- to represent Durhamn East in the forthcoming provincial election will bc chosen this Saturtiay, March 25.' .The nomination meeting is te bc helti in Bowmanville Higb' Scbool beginning at 7 p.m. with atidresses by the four candidates anti voting at approximately 8:15 p.m. Only registereti provincial Liberals will be alloweti to vote, but anyone may attend the meeting. Four people are contendmng for the nomination: Douglas Bird, George Khouri, Mary Novak anti Daviti Robinson. Two regional meetings to allow voters to meet the contenders anti listen to their views have been helti in the past fcw weeks anti were well attendeti. A gooti turnout is expecteti for the nomination meeting. As well the Nomination Meeting for Durham East NDP will be helti Wetinesday, April Sth at 7:00 p.m. at the Trinity Uniteti Church Hall, Church Street at Division Street, Bowmanville, Premier Bob Rae will bc Uic guest speaker! Don't miss this opportunity te hear anti meet Uic Premier of Ontario. MPP Gordi Milîs bas announceti he will seck nomination. Coumeil' Briefs In a public session of council on Monday mnembers considereti a number of applications for development including a proposai in the north Courtice area for 34 single detacheti twellings, 128 semis and 28 townhouse units for a total of 190 units. The lands, 23 acres, zoned agricultural and environmental, are locateti on the west side of Courtice road midway between Pebblestonc Road and Nash Roati. .It is outsitie the urban area tiesîgnateti for Courtice. Staff had previously suggested the proposal be denied as premnature as it was by council. The site bas a nurnber of environment3.l concerns. The application is back in thc hantis of Uic planning department for a further report when ahl agencies have reported their findings as te Uic proposal. Council members approved retail warehouses and power centres for Employment Areas. The approval did contain a number of conditions in that al municipalities should bc allowed a floorspace andthUi basis of their population and that a retail market stutiy had been undertaken. The retail warehouses make use of employment areas m areas of requiring private water anti sewer systems. Such retail outlets shoulti bc encourageti to Letter to the Editor Dear Editor. It bas corne to the attention1 of the Orono Unitedi Church Wheelchair Access Project Committee that sorne businesses, individuals and community charities- anti trust~ are waitig te sec if our project obtains a Provincial Access Grant. Wc fully unticrstanti that groups anti persons, may want to holti- back fromn sending a cheque until the grant has been made. At Uic same dîne, however, it is essential te thc grant application that we can show strong cornrunity fmnancial support. The Cornrittec, therefore, would urge anyone who is willing te support the project financially if the Provincial Grant is matie, te senti the committee a Statement of Intention. You need flot senti any money but a letter or memo stating your int ention to support Uic project financially if it gets Provincial funtis. These 'Statements of Intention' cas then bc attacheti to our grant application anti supply evidence of financial support. 0f course, if the project does flot receive Provincial funding, the persons sending 'Statements of Intention' are flot obligateti any further. In Uic event that Uic Orono Unitedi Church could flot continue with the project ail donateti funtis would bc returneti. We'are, howevcr, cager'anti optimîstic abot-- vi heai-Atihave locate in central areas where possible. A request from Deborah and Dan Brock to pass an amentiment to the Clarington Home Occupancy by-law to restrict hours of operation was denieti. The Brocks state they have had to contend with additional noise associated with a home occupation that exists next door. The present by-law docs state that a home occupancy must flot become a public nuisance due to the hours of operation. The zoning by-law does flot regulate hours of operation. Staff suggested that in the future council may consider it desirable to enact a Comprehensive Licensing By-law for many callings in the municipality. But it was suggested that at thc present time Uiere was neither the staff or time to effectively enact and enforce such legislation. Council members in discus- sing the issue suggesteti a possible increase in secretarial help but were opposed to adding a thirti By-law enforcement Officer. Fire loss i Clarington for Uic first two months of Uic year totals $88,650. Over the same two month perioti in 1993 the total reachetd $425,000. It was 'stated that there were seven major fires during that particular two month period i1993. A proposeti Pawnbrokers and Second Hand Goods By-law was consitiered by councillors on Montiay. The staff draft is being sent for legal counsel comment before presentig it to council., Mayor Hiamre and Counc. Drcslinski said they saw no need to send the by- law to legal counsel as it had been prepared by staff who had Uic expertise to do so. Mayor Hamre said the rnunicipality had been cutting back on legal costs and this action to send Uic draft to legal staff was not necessary. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MlLL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Mlnlster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICF, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUF 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARG %. 4f Rlsebrough, 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, MARCH 26TH1 Kirby United 9:30 arn. Orono United 11:00 a.m BAPTISM SUNDAY, MAY 14TH If you would like to have your child/children baptized or yourselves baptized, please contact Rev. Russell as soon as possible. There will be a Baptism workshop on April 29th., EXPLORERS Wednesday, March 22nd Kirby Uniteti Church '6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUF meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 Orono Unitedi Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pa. eTkçme (tomefor Easter. Children's Draw for "PETALS" April l3th at 3:30 p.m. 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO

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