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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1995, p. 10

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havinig accepted a position witb children with their parents the Durharn Region Day Care attendig twice a wee, Tuesdays prograns. and Tbursdays. Last Tbursday an The Newcastle Centre is a upstairs and downstairs room mns busy centre with 25 ta 30 were a beehive of activîty. tbe sebool spirit and sportsrnansbip tbey showed. Congratulations go out ta Orono's team for winning the toumnament. Ail students would like ta thank their coaches for belping tbem and everyone else wbo belped in any way. Parents building a bond at Newtonvile Public School Parents at Newtonville Public School are building a bond bigger than dollars and cents. Bath homne and school, parents, staff and students, aie building some special bonds that will form tbe foundation for a productive future. It begins as a Playground Project. A committee fonned and in la little over a year and a half bave raised nearly $ 10,000.00 of tbeir $ 15,000 goal. The venture bas ben different in that tbe cbildren of tbe scbool bave flot been used ta selling products and tben retum tha greatest portion of the profits ta a Fundraising carnpany. This small 'rural scbool of sligbtly over 120 students bas takan a refreshing, bonest, direct approach ta raising tbeir funds. Direct donations bave been sougbt -frorn business, organizations and comrnunity members. The, Fundraising committee increased SERVICES ta the students and community witb sucb events as bot dog days, famnily nigbt, silent auction and a- craft sale. The students bave sougbt donations/pledges as tbey participated i a Speli-a-tbon and Skate-a-thon. Now the Fundraising Parents are going ta complete tbeir final initiative witb a GIANT YARD AND CRAFT SALE. People can rent spots ta sell new or used items. The event is set for Saturday, May 6 at Newtonville Public School - RAIN or SHINE! Interested people can caîl Grace at 786-2884 ta book a spot for tbe craft sale or book a plot outdoors ta seil yard sale items. Building a bond between borne and scbool will soon result in a symbol - a playground structure - witb your belp! Anew intereit in nuecear vaste A new interest in tbe permanent disposal of low lavel nuclear waste bas corne ta the surface and is looking ta tbe possibility of being a major player for sucb wasta in area municipalities including Clar- ington. 1Tbe Cameco Corporation bas stated tbat it is flot only capable but willing ta look aftar tbe storaga of low level nuclear waste in a cavern under their present property in Port Hope. Tha waste would corne not only frorn Port Hope but from Welcorna, in Hope Township and Port Granby in Clarington. Vern Kiss, co-ordinator of special projects for Camneco, said the cornpany believes an underground cavern within the town would bc the most economical and safest means of storing the waste from ail thrce municipalities. He said such a cavemn would represent the complete solution for the radioactive waste problem. He said it is likely that the federal government will mile out taking the waste north because of the high cost. The Port Hope cavens w'ould also provide Carneco with a safe storage of their ongoing waste production and finally the decornmissioning of the plant in the distant future. He said the leasing of the pier by Cameco is ta mun out in nine years and the cornpany would like ta start decornrissioning the pier and the cavem could be used for this purpose as well as the others. Leaving to Regional Day Care hi The War Amps CIaims Courtice urban- development affects Marsh Urban development in Courtice will adversely affect the water quality of the Black and Farewell Creeks, says one Courtice resident. Stan Racansky spoke before Council clairning that the area in question has been designated, by C.L.O.C.A. as the most enviromnentally sensitive areas i the Durhamn Region., 71 townhouses are scbeduled ta bc built near Black Creek this spring. Mr. Racansky feels this sbould be stopped. H{e asked that a full environmental study bc donc of the area. Councillar O'Toole pointed out that development bas ahready gone on in this area, and tbat it would be unfair at this point ta make the Iast developer pay for a report on the entire ariea. Mr. Racansky has measured the temperature of the creeks at a, number of points, starting at a point above present development down ta, the lake. He notes a: least an eigbt degree difference i the water at the two areas. As this water drains into the Second Marsh, a furtber rise in temperature is forecast if new developrnent continues, could adversely effect the fragile eco- systern there. SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained f rom -the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER CL95-1 8 - Provision of Complote Animal Control Services CLOSING TIM E & DATE: 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Frlday, April 28, 1995 The successful bidder shall be appointed as Shelter Operator, Animal Contrai Off icer and Dog Licensing Agent for the Corporation of the, Municipality of Clarington. A Pre-tender meeting will be held on Thursday, April 13, 1995 at 11:00 a.m. at the Municipal Administrative Centre. Ail Contractors wishing to bid on this tender 1nial be in attendance at this meeting. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ONTARIO Date a& Publication: Wedlnesday, April 5,1995 Mrs. Lau Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (905) 623-3379 Ext. 268 P.O. 4452 T e oportin oee TENER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below. submitted ta the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the ClerK, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wiII be received on the forms and in the envelope provide d until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained f rom the Purchasing Off ice at theabove address. TENDER CL95-20 PART A Supply Granular "A" and "B" Gravel (Approx. 60,000 tonnes) PART B Haul and Stockpile of Granular "A" Gravel (Approx. 35,000 tonnes> PART C Crush-Reclaimed Asphalt (Approx. 10,000 tonnes) CLOSING IME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local Time> Wednesday, April 19, 1995 The Iowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A. M. C.T. (A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (905) 623-3379 Ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, April 5, 1995l P.O. 4454 Natalie Lysyký who bas been co-ordinatar for the pastsix rnonths at the Farnily Connection Childrens Drap-In Centre, Newcastle, is leaving the Centre Students frorn the Newtonville Public Scbool travelled by bus on Tuesday, March 28 ta the Orono arena where they participated in the junior broombali toumnament against students frorn the Orono Public Scbool. Tbey ail did their best and had a great time. Botb tears are ta bc congratulated on Starting' Saturday, April l5th John McKenzie will be back to entertain in the Main Dock Diningroom of the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. Dance ta Johns accordion music while enjoying Ann's fabulous buffet. Reservations appreciated (905) 623-4925 We are now open for aur Sundlay Evening FAMILY BUFFET Exit 1 32 wy.40 70Pr-DalhtnRa

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