4 - Oron. WoeI4r Time,, W.dneuday, April 5,1995 Roughley Novice excited crowd with playoff tie Roughley Insurance Novice opened their playoff round robin against Carter's Bakery in Orono on Sunday, March 26. Carters had beaten Orono in regular play but Orono was in top forin. The first period was ail Orono as the first three shifts had Carter's bopping. Matt Raines, Paul Richter and Brian Pisani came off the bencb flying, pressing the Carter goalie and missing some great chances. Kyle MacDonald, Stevie Gregg and Freeman Hutchings also had several chances to score but just couldn't lift tbe puck up over the sprawling goalie. Kevin Martin was called upon te be sharp as Carter's were ail around and in bis crease. Andy Bangay made a big check on the Carter's blueline te keep them from breaking eut. Derek Sellars played a super gaine on defence also as be camne up with several key checks. Greg Dunham took the first penalty for Orono for tripping in the second but they were able to kill off the penalty and get some offensive chances. Paul Richter in on net lost the puck but Brian Pisani breught the puck out from behind the net only to bave it jamn under the goalie's pad. Kyle ,MacDonald made a super pass from the corner to Steve Gregg tailing in front of the net. Steve got a great shot away but the g oalie got a piece of it. Late in the second Milce Teixeira, Greg Dunharo and Tyler Gregg ha d another chance to put Orono abead but couldn't lift the puck. Carl Tardiff and Colin Maitland were key in keeping Carter's off the board as it was tough for any of tbem to get by our defense. The third period was a nail biter as the game remained tied late into the period. An offside caîl prevented Carter's from scoring as tbey got by the defense for the flrst breakaway. At 3:25 Carter's scored first as Kevin Martin was unable to get a piece of a bigh bard shot. Hie did make a Big Big save as Carter's broke in again at 2:35 and could have gone up 2-0. But Orono did not give up and at 2:09 Brian Pisani passed out front behind the net to Tyler Gregg wbo poked the puck ino the corner of the net. Orono bad several chances to win but were bappy with the die. Playoff action centinued for the Rougblies as tbey played gaine 2 of the round robin teurnament against Thursday Nigbt Town League Sunday, April 2, in Orono. TNT went up 1- 0 early at 13:20 of die first. As if a wake up call for Roughlies the team played Rzreat hockey after this. Kevin Martin in net stopped all otber scering attempts, an especially big one late in the gaine. Greg Dunbam had Orono's first big chance but came up against "the wall" in net. Paul Richter, Brian Pisani and Matt Ramnes put in seme good offensive shifts but wereunable to score. Early in the second Paul Richter eut across in front of dhe netand Brian Pisani tried te put away the rebound but "the wall!' was tough. Derek Sellars at center made a beautiful pass eut front'te Milce Teixeira wbo put the lumber te it. Late in the second Freeman Hutchings horse sboe was at work at TNT shot one off the crossbar and eut. Orono fïnally cashed in, in.tbe third at 12:40 as Gregg Dunhamn and Freeman Hutchings set up Stevie Gregg who beat "the wall", te tie the gamne and take anotber point. The boys will have played two more games April 3 and 4 with their final round robin gaine on April 17. Hang in and keep shooting Roughlies. You're doing great! 'U Pineridge Atoms round robin standing 3-1-O Pineridge Atoms opened their playoff race by losing te Crows Sports on Saturday, Marcb 25 in' Orono. The team seemned te be full of butterflies and Crows were- gunning for the champs. The score was 3-0 Crows before Orono got on the board. At 9:09 of the second Matt Gregg let a blast go from the point with Rick Howe getting a shot at the first rebound and D.J. Boardmnan putting it away with the second. Pineridge bad several powerplays but couldn't put it together. The final score was 5-1. The team's second gamne of the five gaine round robin was played Sunday, March 26 in Bowmanville. The old team showed up Sunday and it didn't take long te see that they were back te their old form. Orono opened the scoring witb 3:03 left in the flrst with J.P. Pisani scoring from Chris Bouley and D.J. Boardinan. The defensive pairs of Aaron Robinson, Kevin Pritchard, Matt Gregg and Chris Bouley were teugh on the bluieline and kept the Hutton offence off their marks. At 8:24 a pass from Shawn Dejohn back te Chris Bouley on tbe peint resulted in a 2-0 lead as Chris let a rocket go. The gealie just get a piece of it as it went over bis sbeulder into the net. Orono's only penalty was called on Scott Woed for hooking at 6:3 1. kt was a good penalty as the Hutton player was on bis way into Orono zone. Late in the peried the lime of Boardman,, Bonnetta and Pisani put on a spurt but failed te score. Early in the third Rick Hewe rusbed alI the way tip ice and took tbe original shot on Chris Burritt. Scott Wood was in the perfect spot te put away the rebound te put Oreno up 3-0. Orono had chances te go up even more with Mike Knapp working bard along the boards and John Halik on offence rushing and sbooting. Jeff Slemon cbalked up his first sbut eut of the playoffs putting on a good show..in net. Playoff action continued on Saturday, April 1 as Orono faced Bowmanville Non Contact in Bowmanville. Orono carried most of the play ýwith Nick Lucyk, Scott Wood and J.P. Pisani having many chances e.arly on and Chris Bouley's point shot almost fooled the goalie. Orono finally scored at 9:20 as J.P. Pisani carried the puck in alone and beat the B.C.G. goalie. Orono continued te press with fine shots from John Halik; rebound attempt by Jake Bonnetta and a carry in by Mike Knapp. The game was penalty ridden with Orono taking 8 and B.N.C. taking 6. Orono had fmne penalty killing with Sbawn Dejohn on the shift. Orone made it 2-0 with Ricky Howe making a perfect pass from the corner to Nick Lucyk who one timed it past the goalie. Period two had tbe boys contmnuing their good play witb Aaron Robinson showing how be can rush and J.P. Pisani putting the puck off the post, behind the goalie and off the other post for a close one. At 6:09 Chris Bouley takes 2 minutes for dhe "laying on of lumber" and Rick How almost scored while sborthanded. Jeff Siemon came up big several times, but bis best save was on a breakaway attempt as he stood bis ground and caught the puck on bis cbest. The third period was filled with penalties as tbings heated up on the ice with B.N.C. showing their frustration. Witb tbree seconds remaining in the game J.P. Pisani scored bis second goal as be once again went in alone, while shorffhanded and deked out a goal. The game ended 3-0 Orono, putting tbem at 2-1-0 for the round robin. They were back on the ice earLy Sunday merning for game 4 of the round robin playing Ontario Hydro. Ontario Hydro scered first at 12:55 of the first and Orono had to play catch-up for the rest of the game. Fine play by defenseman Kevin Pritchard and bard work by goalie Jeff Siemon held Ontario Hydre to one goal. Orono had many scoring chances and defenseman Matt Gregg bad a few Robinsenian rushes of bis ewn this gaine. It wasn 't until late in the1 third tbat Orono finally camne up with a goal to tie Ontario Hydro. A fine pass from Shawn Dejohn to D.J. Boardman wbe put it deep in tbe bemp but gave Orene one more point in round robin play. The boys would like to thank Mr. Irwin wbe filled in on the bench for coach Henry this weekend. Round robin play ends on April 16 wben they face Canadian Statesman for the final game. A must win. Good luck boys. Ce dar VIIey- Resort Relaed Atmospher9 SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $968.00 Service mci. 7 kms. east of Orono/Hwy. 11 5 Enter Clarke 4th or 5th Cono. Line 1-905-786-2562 Bob .Rae sehedules 407 Hwy. through Clarington to 35/115 Bob Rae bas announced a plan te extend Highway 407 tbrough Durham Region including the Municipality of Clarington -te link up with Highway 115/35 and thus te Peterborough. Rae bas stated tbe completion date, formerly, of 2050 is far too late and tbat by 2001 the extension could be te the Courtice area and te Higbway 115/35 a few years later. Private sector partners are being sought te plan, design and finance tbe 62 kilometer section from 48 highway in Markbam te ighways 115/35. RANDY REID Sales & Leasing Gary'Herrema, Regional chairman, speaking on the excellerated prograin of work said it was the best news that the Region bas bad in years. It is estimated the cest would be in tbe neighbourhood of $1.5 billion. A private consortium is building 407 from Highway 403 in Mississuaga te Markham, Hligbway 48. The lengtb of 407 will be an electrically-tolled road with users beîng charged for the distance they travel on the road. I'm always available to address any of your questions, and for your convenience, in - home appointments are available any-time! 1800-361-8154 &LA U RIA Monday & Wednesdays Tuesday & Thursdays CALL BARBIE 263-82 je Hampton Clarington Qider Aduit Association presents A SPECUAL PERFORMANCE by THE G.M. CHOIR Saturday, April 29, 1995 7:30 p.m. ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH 178 Church Street, Bowmanville Tickets Sinigle $5.00 Family of 4 $1 7.00 Tickets Available Lions Centre <Tuesdays 10Ôarn - 3- pm) Community Care <623-2261-), Community Services Department 623-3379, INFORMATION: Glenn'Prout 623-2918 Jean McKnight 436-2592; Jennifer Cooke 623-3379 Dates of Publication: Wednesday, April 5 and 19 1995 P.O. 5602 Ages12 to 17 Latin Dance