Qronê Weeldy Times, Wo~n.sc~ay, April 19, 1995 - 9 Orono building destroyed byfire A landmark building on Station Street opposite the Orono Fuel and Lumber business in Orono was destroyed by fire late Wednesday night. The caîl went out at 11:45 p.m. and with therefire trucks, from Orono and Newcastle, it took a ittle over an hour to bring the blaze under controi. The building was totally destroyed and the cause of the f=r is being investigated. Sittng Task Frcer please4;;d with communÎty responses Some 100 of 290 attendees at an Open House held by thse Siting Task Force (STF) on Low-Level Radioactive Wast e Management and Community, Liaison Group (CLG), Port Hope, on two evenings were newcomers to the Co-operative Siting Process. "The fact that s0 many new people took the time to come out, leamn more about this issue and share their views, shows us just how much Port'Hope people care about their community" Dennis Wood, Siting Task Force chair said. TIhe building was formnerly a part of the railwây operation and a feed mil in lattf years operated by Bob GlanvillÇ.. Thse building was currently owned by Bill Hooey. "Comments received from visitors to the open House also indicate that people want us to move quickly and effectively toward a public referendum and a solution to Port Hope's long- standing low-level radioactive waste problem", hç said. Comments sheets, expressing a variety of opinions, have been received to date from 122 of the attendees. Most significant was the large percentage of responses (69.5%) that confirmed the best way to handie wastes and çontaminated soils in Port Hlope is to consolidate them in a new facility in Port Hope. Only 13% of the respondents preferred wastes and contam- inated soils to be left in place under the present system of temporary storage at a number of different sites. Another 8 percent accepted neither of these options, expressing the wish to have the material completely removed from Port Hope to some other location. The majority of the commentors also want the low- level waste in Port Hope and neighbouring communities cleaned up i the next ten years. Responses also showed mnajority support (59%) for the lakeshore Cameco site for a cavern facility. 20.5% of responses said they did not agree with the site screening preference, 7% mentioned that neither site met their approval and 5% said they were not sure which site would be better. In responding to the question of cavern orientation at the Lakeshore near Cameco site, 51.5% of the respondents preferred a cavern-facility under the Cameco plant with 10% preferring an orientation under the lake. Written in responses included 24% who said neither cavern orientation suited thema and 6% did flot answer the question. The suggestion for onienting the caverns under Camneco rather dha under Lake Ontario was first raised by visitors at the December Open House. 'We listened to this suggestion and offered people at this Open House the choice. Now we wili factor the comments into our proposed options and report back to them at the next Open House planned for the early part of June" said Mr. Wood. It is stated that the eent Open House was a very useful part of the on-going public involvemnent process. ORONO ARJAYS VIDEO BECKERS STUTTS PHARMACY DULEES ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS $1 7.00 Inc. GST Mail cheque to: Orono Weekly Times P.O. Box 209 Orono, Ont. LOB 1 MO For inquiries phono 983-5301 NO PAYMIENTSNINTERES TILL JULY 1/9 TROY-BiLT' SickIe Bar Mowr-3.5HP, 4HP & 5 HP Models * Power steenng hand clutches *"Micro-switches" for fingertip control *Floating handiebars isolate hands from ibration e Powered wheels e W,' 38" & 42" blades a 7-year warranty TROY-BiLP Chipper! 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