) Supports Durham Habitat for Humanity 'Durham Habitat for Humanity gratefully acknowledges and accepts the receipt of financial and moral support from the Professional Engineers of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Certified Engineers Technicians and Technologists. These two organizations recently held a joint fund-raising event and chose Habitat as one of the causes to lend theirsupport. "We were impressed with the Habitat concept and therefore want to be part of the development of Habitat in Durhamn", stated Randy Pickel. Pictured above Randy Picide, Boris Varga, Rich Krechowicz and David Jukes. Habitat for Humainity is a non- profit, charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of economically disadvantaged families through home ownership. For further information cali Dave Jukes 905-263-4719 or Rich Krechowicz 905-721-0178. Canadians feel ownership of nation's social network OTTAWA (NC)-Canadians' strong sense of own)ership of the country's social security system is fuelling their desire for change to achieve better value for money invested. This is the clear message judging from responses received by Human Resources and Development Canada to its Have Your Say workbook. The workbook was made available across Canada last fal when Human Resources Minister Lloyd Axworthy. released a discussion paper on improv- ing social security in Canada. More than 25,300 people completed the questions in the workbook, and the responses were analyzed for an interim report in January. More than 90 percent of the respondents said social security in Canada should be changed. One of the favoured ways of doing it was to link support to specific results such as completion of a training course. The respondentq also exýpressed the need to reduce theý deficit, spend smarter and tie payment, to work or an exchange for services. Although most people did not view themselves as being in need, they did like the fact that the social security system protects vulnerable Canadians. Those who described themselves as the working poor suspected abuse of social programs and objected to tax breaks for the wealthy. Eight percent of the respondents reported an annual income of less than $10,000 and another 24 percent listed their income between $ 10,000 and $29,000. The workbook also asked specific questions on issues such as unemploy- ment insurance, education and training. Legislation on changing the social security system in Canada is expected te, be introduced in Parliament later thi s year. Newcastle Lions News The regular meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club took place in the Lions Roomn at the Newcastle Commumity Hall on April, 12. Three Lions from Blackstock and four Lions from Peterboroughi were on hand for a visitation. The Newcastle Lioness Club catered a delicious roast beef dinner to 26 Newcastle Lions and guests. After dinner President Amos chaired the meeting and the first'order of business was to welcome Lion Pat Blaker back from the sunny south, the climate must have agreed with Lion Pat, he seemed ini good form. "Thank You" cards were read from The Lung Association for a donation, and Kay Powell for "gel well wishes". Birthday wishes were bestowed on Lions Peter DeJong and Greg Forget. Long terma Service Chevrons were awarded to Lions Frank Hoar for 40 years, Howard Quinney for 30 years, Dave Adamns, Ron Locke and-George Rickard for 25 years. The Annual I.G.A. Spring Clean Up was announced for April 29 at 9:30 arn. and volunteers from the comnity are in.vited to participate, many Lions plan to help. The next regular Lions Meeting will be Held in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Cornmunity Hall on April 26. The speaker will be Sharon 983-9588 Elefie from the Helping Hands Food Bank. Dinner is for 7:00 p.m., guests are welcome, cali Roy Hopkins for more information. DUR ICUTM FEUcNGI 98-927 MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Chldren and Aduits Now AvaitabI&, . Martial Arts Suplé Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 CLASSIFIED) MARKETPLACE "A dvertise A cross Ontario orAcross the Country" COMING EVENTS ELMIRA CRAFT, SHOW: Saturday, April 29, 9am-5pm; Sunday, April 30, lOam-4pm. Over 85 vendors. Adults- $2.50, children under 12, free. ELMIRA ARENA'COMMUNITY CENTRE, next to RACEWAY. Info: (519) 669-2533. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN! This new technology is a water based liq- uid-like-rubber that totally seals and protects the roof of most buildings. Product can be rolled or sprayed. You will receive fuil training and inventory to start and operate a dealership in your selected areai Can be operated as a separate business or added to your existing. Earn high profits! lnvest in your future and.feel the excitement of being an entrepreneur. For your free info-pak cal! 1-800-376-3176 or Fax 1-705-671-9590. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Financial independence. Unique and tested business ideas. For FREE details write Marketing Wilman, 429 St. Eustache Street, St. Eustache, Que- bec J7R 2M8. CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence courses for the Certificate of Coun- selling studies to begin April 30. For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- 5pmn year round. A real inside flea market, good dcean merchandise tram crafts ta collectibles, solid wood furniture. SALES FIELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $200 PRODUCTS. Nothing ta pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 383-3589. JENNIFER KATHLEEN FASHION JEWELRY. Earn extra money as a party plan sales representative in your area. Develop an exciting ful or part-time career in direct home sales. No investment required. Cal! 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REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take it! Ameni- ca's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FROM FUTURE - Q20x5O or S20x3.8 or A20x36 $5975, Q25x34 or S25x28 or A25x24 $5230, Q30x44 or S30x4O or A30x38 $7,626, lncluding Ends, Sliding-Doors, GST & Freight, cail 1 - 800-668-8653. ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI Quonset buildings ... High sidewalls. Spring sale. 25x34 $2,669.00. 30x42 $3954.00. 35x54 $6,998.00. 42x66 $8,888.00. 47x80 $1 1,844.00. 52x90 $1 7,838.00. Ends optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM series of buildings, Straightwall wood/steel and ali/steel buildings, Arenas, Stables, Work- shops, Barns, Etc. Contractng and Financing Available, 24 hours 1- 800-561-2200. VACATION/TrRAVEL 5 DAY CANAL CRUISES: Explore Ontarios herîtage waterways aboard the newly expanded 38 pas- senger "Kawartha Voyageur". Enjoy the mature company, home-style cooking and cheerful crew on the calm waters of the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal. Send for brochure ta: Ontario Waterways, Box 135, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3 or caîl 1-800-561-5767. WHITEWATER FUN! One and two day Whitewater Rafting Adventures n Eastern Canada on the famous Ottawa and Rouge Rivers, based tram beautiful Outdoar Adventure Resorts! Family/Gentle Rafting, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Bungee Jumping available. Na experience necessary. Cal now for a Free colour brochure. 1-800-318- 7238 (RAFT). Saturday, April 22nd Gabrielle Antiques & Collectables 5351 Main St., Orono Drop by for a visit and coffee, tea and cookies We carry a large variety of GLASSWARE, (Ruby, Cranberry, Depression, Carnival, Old China Patterns, Cornflower, Pinwheel, Crystal and much more.)_ BOOKS - LAMPS - FURNITURE -OLD KITCHEN UTENSILS COLLECTABLES NOW ON TWO FLOORS "Unique Treasuresfrom the Past" Hours:Tues. & Wed. 10-6; Thurs. 11-8 Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-5 Conservi ng wdlde for _qou! The Canadian Wildlife Federation works hard ta ensure a healthy future for Canadas wildlife. CWF sponsors environmental research and works with goveri nments ta help develop sound leglislation. Become ianmembier Lf CWF, Canadas largest conservationi organization, nd you'l1 be hlping wildlife in more ways than you can imagine. Cali or write today. Canacliain ',WidIife 2740 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, Ont. 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