m -~~ 2- ono W,.kly Ttm.u9Wednesay> April,: 9 Qrono 'f44ekfy 'Rmes Publicatons Mai Aegistrntor No, 036 PubliCirg 47 isso, s Annually at theoý ffice~ of Publication :5310 Main Stroot, P-0. BOX 209, Oroto,. Ontario LOB 1iMO Tehone 41 6-983-5301 Roy C. Forrester,, wnerEd itor Su bsoription S$17.00 per annum Shape up Durham it came as somewhat of a surprise Monday at a press conference at Memorial Hospital to learn fromn Joan Higginson, chair of the hospital board and a member of the Durham Acute Care Study committce, to learn that the residents of Durham Region do flot shape up in their life style as do those in other areas of the province. Durham carnies another oddity in that the population is one of the youngest inthie province and has yet to age to degree as has happened in other parts of the province. Durhama apparently bas the youngest average age, a period in life when activity should be foremost in the lifestyle. Apparently Durham residents do more pufflng on the weed than the average, do flot maintain a physical standard of others in the province and gouge themselves on a poor diet. If Durhamn is the worst of the worst in Ontario it doesn't speak too well of Durham's lifestyle. A study reported in the Canadian Medical Associatian's Journal lately shows that obesity rates in children have ballooned by 50 percent over the past 15 years. We should look ai the world we aduits have created for youth. Junk food, television, dependence on cars and school buses. Physical education, once a mandatory programi within the sehool system naw placed as optional in many schools. Any active life that did exist bas taken a back seat te videos, movies and computer gaines. It is interesting te note that the Coalition for Quality Daily Physical Education plans te lobby school boards to make 30 minutes of physical education mandatory five days a week. Further the Ontaio Royal Commission on Learning has recommended essentially the same thing. If Durham is the worst of the worst, and we have no reason to contradici the information, then we, as aduits do have a long way to go to set a good example for the younger people of the Region. As to the press conference ai Memorial on Monday 1 would have ta say that I was well pleased with the positive attitude and stand taken by those at Memorial as te the recent report from the Durhamn Acute Care Services committee., Those ai Memorial look forward ta the challenge that comes with an increased population and with changing health care procedures. They are ready ta work within a regional systemn of health care so that health care is provided for ail, effectively and efficiently. Happeningis. Dance the Night Away The dance committee of the Durhamn Central Agricultural Society has a date for you this Saturday night, April 22 in the formn of a dance staged ai the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex in Bowmanvile featuring the local country band of Chaser which bas played ai the Orono Fair, for Ctaringten Day and other local 3vents. Advance tickets $8.00 available at Rolph Hardware, Hooper's Jewellers, Bowmanville. $ 10.00 at the door. Maple Syrup Day at Ganaraska Forest Centre You are not to forget the outdoor outing planned for you at the Ganarask Forest Centre this Saturday , April 22. You will have te put off breakfast for an hour with the event running from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Pancakes and syrup along with a tour of the maple syrup operation including the sugar shack. Euchre Resuits The Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wednesday, April 12 with 14 tables in play - bigh scores Grace Coathamn 100; Alf Pigoit 92; Roy Hayward 83; May Tabb and Ivison Tamblyn each with 82. Low score Bob Simpson. Draw winnersShirley Gordon, Joan Sutcliffe, Marilyn Martin, Charles Campbell, Bernice Pai-iner and June Wilson. \Euchre is held every-Wednesday 8 p.m. Lunch provided. T/w Aroma of Popcorn There is a need for a bit of humnor in ife-wbich without we can turn aven on te duil side. Fotunately there are many occasions for light-heartedness and these can give a lift for the rest of the day. 0f course what one rmght see as humor another may niot. You be the judge. 1At, urnes we are favoured by a visit from our big city campatniat, Bill Carmnan, bringing with hilm bis questions of whafs new la Orono and on occasion providing words of wisdom or event of current happenings. When seniors geltagether it seems the conversation generalhy ends up on a health Regiortal system of health care (Continufd from page 1) Through a Regional systemn of health cure fbore services can be provided within thie Region itself rather than tfavelling oui of thie area. The Whitby Hospital will become a reilabilitation centre with Oshawa providing regional note - whât pilîs are you taking? a trip ta the doctor or ta the hospital? Bill on hi@mosi recent visit outlined a visit to Oshawa General Héspital where thie aromna of ptêpcorfl permeates the building. "It smelled good," said Bill "and it was thraugh the Whole building, no matter where you went-" 0f course the question arase ai the hospital cancerning the aroma of popcomn. Bill tells that the staff are provided wifl' a bag of popcomn as a reward for staff attending Pay Equity mneetings and this happens every Thursday. It sounds Jike a bribe but noa doubi there is somne form of philosaphy tbehind the move. Popping corn~ does smell good. D onna, wit!i a smile asked "What size was the bag?" possibly as important as the, aroma. Bill rdPlied he didn't know. Flying in Formation While driving alang the highways of late I have noticed a few flocks of geese in their traditional ',V" flight formation. It is flot undsual ta see geese flying about here in southern Ontario but §eldom lan the "V' formation. It is obvidgs that those seen in the traditii@nal formation are those making their way ta the north and haiVe spent the winter south of the Canada/U.S. border. As weall kflwmafy of the geese in this area, especially in south WhitbY are year-round residents. 'fhey fly about at randomn and âppear ta have hast the art of the I'V" flight pattem. I have corne ta the conclusion that the goslins over the past yearg have been part of an educationA' systemn that has promnoted tht each gaslin would proceuil ati s own level of a bility and that there was fia need for a cammon course over the entire breed. And why bother testing ta determine the success of -the educational systems. It soudsd familiar. Thase whô make Permanent residence herd la the south have had no côncerfi for the protection andi conservation of the natural etvironlnent. Just visit lakeshare parks and beaches. What about those gaad old days when spring inchuded the sound of geese flying north in the traditional 'V' formation. care at the higher level along with Pickering /Ajax. Schonberg said Oshawa and Memonial can work together. He spoke of a seamless care systemn throughout all of the health care facilities in the Region and indeed in the province. Mrs. Higginson said the Acute Care Study has been sent ta the province for their approval but suggested no time as to when approval will be granted. Schonberg said planning was in the process for the future and pointed te some expansion within the next four to five years in the Memorial emergency department, in out-patient services and day surgery. He said these will require some building modifications. He expected there would be bcd increases sometime in the future - ten years. Much depends on population growth. The announcement of approval of the Acute Care Study points the way to a co-operative health cure systemn in the Region of Durham and for Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville. St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MJILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO InternmMinister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY sERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTR GROIJP 9:30 a.m. GOOD NEWS JESUS CHRIST WILL RETURN VERY VERY SOON. God loved the world so much that He gave B-is only Son so that anyone who believes in Bim shallflot penish but bave eternal life. God did flot send bis son inta the world to condemn it, but to save it. J. 3: 16& 17 Region's victory rewarding (Continued fromn page 1) participation in Durham's waste reductions pragrams. "Our promotional materials are designed to be informative and interesting." The Regions victory is made ahl the more worthwhile by the faci that they have been awarded these prizes by a panel of judges made up of colleagues from Waste Reduction Pragrams at various Regions, Municipalities and Counties across Ontario. Heather Austin Lucky winner of the Qund draw for Easter ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Mervyn Russel -~ ~ Rlsebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 APRIL SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 23RD Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Churcli 11:00 a.m. BAPTISM SUNDAY, MAY 14TH If you would lile ta have your child/children baptized or yourselves baptized, please contact Rev. Russell as soon as possible. There will be a Baptism workshop on April 29th. EXPLORERS Wednesday, April 19th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS VOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pan. . - - .............. 1.ýýý.ýýýý.ý.,ýý Stutt's Pharmacy