OronWeeky Ties~ .dnedayMayï à i'; - Engagement Announcement Armond and Yvonne Young of Orono are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, William Troy, to Lisa Marie, daughter of Tom Nikifork of Mississauga and Sarah Nikifork of Burlington. The wedding is to take place at St. Paul's United Church in Milton, Ontario on August 26, 1995. The happy couple will be residing in Orono as the new owners of the Orono Weely Times. Satisfaction with rural Blue Box program At a recent meeting of Regional -council Regional Chairman Gary Herrema expressed is satisfaction witb the development of the rural Blue Box operation which was introduced earlier this year. Ail residence in the Region whether in built-up areas or la the rural areas now have the opportunity to take part in the recycling program through the Blue Box prograrn. Herrema said the program was very effective, very visible and bas been weil received. To be charged for water and sewer service Residents along Tooley's road in Courtice are to be laformed of a by-law to be passed setting charges for water and sewers at the time approval of the work is to proceed. Port Hope harbour to be dredged The Port Hope harbour which bas seen a drastic drop ini boaters taking shelter or visiting the barbour now expects a renewal of interest. $70,000 is being spent on dredging the harbour this coming montb. The build-up of sedirnent at the harbour moutb bas reduced the depth of water to two feet wbich bas made it difficult for boaters. 200 tires dumped in Hamilton Twp. OfficiaIs of Hamilton Township are Iooking for the person who dumped 200 old tires on an unmaintained road allowance. It has been stated that there was identification on the tires that could lead to the person dumping the tires. Roadside dumping bas becen a problem but this dumping of tires is one of the largest deposits of trash over the past couple of years. $7 million recycling plant gets approval Northumberland County has given approval for the construction of the $7 million recycling plant to service the county. Miller Waste Systems wilt construct and operate the plant for the next five years. The plant is being constructed just outside of Grafton. A look down under Port Hope residents are to get a look at what it is like down under. In an effort to educate the citizens of the town as to the underground cavern being proposed to store low level waste the community liaison group is bring a huge chunk of limestone from St. Mary's cement with a hole drilled through it to acquaint the locals what it is like in the limestone formation. Breast Cancer Seminar Po"stponed Memorial Hospital has had to make a date change for one of their Breast Care Semînars due to the upcoming election. Please note that the Breast Care Seminar scheduled for Thursday, June 8th, 1995 has been cancelled and rescheduled for Wednesday, June 7th, 1995. T'his free seminar about breast care and self-examination will be held in Lecture Room A from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. To reserve your space caîl Memonial Hospital Bowmanville at 623- 3331, ask for Diagnostic Imaging at ext. 5400. Lette r to the Editor Dear Editor: The working peopleof this province need peovlie like Gord Milis and the New Democratic government of Bob Rae. Unlike the Liberals and the Tories who stand for big business and their fiends on Bay Street, it is the New Democrats that continue to figbt for fairness. 1Let's remnember that it was the Bob Rae govemment that brought the working people of Ontario the Wage Protection Fend, worker ownership, improvements to the Ontario Labour Relations Act, labour-sponsored investment funds and real job training for workers. As a working person, 1 shudder to think about what Ontario would look like if the Tories or the Liberals (who are more and more like the Tories) formed the government. I'd, be even more fearful as a public servant. The federal Liberals talked about job creation in 1993. This spring they cut thousands of public service jobs. So much for protecting jobs. Lyn McLeod promises to cut 12,000 public service jobs in Ontario. Mike Harris is outbidding Lyn by promising to cet somewhere in the range of 15,000. In addition . to tossing thousands of people in the unemployment lines, these cuts wiIl mean lost taxes and reduced services. Both bave also vowed to destroy the most succçssful job creation program in North Amenica. Unlike the Bob Rae government that bas belped welfare recipients get back into the work force, the Liberals and Tories would rather send a million Ontanians back to the unemployment fines. And then there's Bill 40. When it was first introduced, big business said it woeld scare away investînent. Yet tbe sky bas not fallen down. Business investment is, ini fact, at an all-time high. For examiple, investment in new macbinery and eqeipment hast year reached its highest level in Ontario history -- and it will be even higber this year. Yet Mike Harris plans to scrap the entire Bill and Lyn McLeod says she'hl scrap part of it. As usual, she hasnt made up her mind about which part. Then again, maybe she'll just flip flop tbroughout the campaigu. Unlike the Liberals and the Tories, the Bob Rae governînent recognizes that working people -- that women, labour, edecational institutions, communities -- must bc an active partner in belping put Ontario back to work Now, more than ever, Ontario needs strong New Democrats like Gord Mihis and Bob Rae. The federal Liberals have slashed $3.6 billion from Ontaio's healtb care, education and social assistance funding. Only New Democrats bave the courage and leadership to continue to figbt for faimess from Ottawa and to stand up on behaîf of the working people of Ontario. Possibly the best known bird of the hawk family has to be the Red Tailed Hawk, a bird that can be seen when driving along any of the highways and byways. It is a bird of the open country and habitat seems to often be along side our road systems that provided a good opportunity for a sighting of the bird. It is wide- spread tbroughout Ontario. There is another hawk that makes its appearance especially during the migration period and that is the Broad-winged hawk. it is smaller than a Red-winged, and about the size of a crow. It nests and lives in wooded areas and it was in the Ganar aska that over the past week-end we made a sighting of the bird. It is reported that tens of tbousands migrate into the forest in April and in the fali on the trip south. Thousands upon 'SERVICES thousands present a spectacular flying over Hawk Cliff near Port Stanley during a period from September l8th to 23rd. Jim Richards of Orono made a sighting of 700' Broad-winged hawks during a thirty minute period in 1964, September as they made their way south through Darlington Township. Nature bas played its part in equipping the Broad-winged with shorter, deeper wings and a short broad tail which allows it to manoeuvre through the trees in the forest with a great deal of control. During the years we have possibly made one of two sightings of this forest bird while on the other and the number of Red-tails would no doubt add up to many hundreds. JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-5491 LA NDS CAP IN G INSTALLATION- GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WATER PONDS- PERENNIAL GARDENS J CONSULTING -DESIGN - SHOP AROUND, GET YQUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US FOR YOUR On June 8th, 1995 VOTE . .....M ar * Balanced budget Job creation Safe communities - Access to high quality health care and education Durham East Needs a Strong Libe rai Voice in Queen ý Park 1475 Hwy. 2 52 Water St. 192 King St. E. Courtice Port Perry Bowmanville 432-6006 985-0594 697-2682 Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Mary Novak Camnpaign sonlt 'sIn!Mi