S - Orono Woekly TImos~ Wodnesday May i7~ t.S5 Communitiy Care Annual Meeting Clarington Community Centre had their annual meeting and awards ceremony on Tuesday, Ma y 9th at 7:00 p.m. The Clarington branch cf community care workers has around 400 velunteers and service over 1200 people in the area. Many people were eut this evening te support each other ini there achievements. Hate literature. In Durhamo it is being spread by cowards who, under the cover of night, strew this vile material along our road sides. My introduction te it came lust week when a constituent came te my office with a large envelope filled with approximately 2,000 leaflets hie and bis wife picked up on a road north of Courice. Each leaflet, about an inch and one-haîf wide and three inches long, had a swastika on it along with a message, "STOP Non- White Immigration!" Others read, -Fight Crime .. . DEPORT NiGOERS."1 Franly, I find this sickening, as I'm sure the majority cf yeu do. But whoever it was that did this, I wender if you read my column. If so I got a message fer you: As a politician 1 stand up face- to-face to deal with people. 1 give my opinions and I stand by them for the people of Durham to judge. If they do not lîke them they can contact me and give theirs and they can vote me out. But I don't hide like the coward you are. You, whoever you are, have nothing but a yellow streak down your back. And I'rn sure you are the type who sits around blaming politicians for this problem and for that problem. But you, whoever you are, will only stick your miserable red neck out when you are in a crowd. Why? Be cause you do flot have the courage to stand alone, like 1 do, or like any other politician in thîs country, and share your vews with people and stand by ihem. You, like the garbage you spread, are vile. The rise 0cf fascist govemnments give us dlues as te how people who spread this stuff get started. They dwell on other people's misery. The inability te find a job, financial insecurity, crime. They point at minerities and blame social and economic ilîs on them instead of evaluating Awards were given eut for excellent service starting with new volunteers leading right up to the old faithfuls who have been areund since the starting days. Special recegnition was given te several organizations including the Orono United Church who has been offering a lunch for seniors giving them a place te their own shortcomings. "I would have a job if we didn't allow se much nen-wite immigration," some say. Nonsense. 1 have great difficulty with people who say out cf one side of their meuth, "immigrants are taking away jobs frem Canadians." And in the same breathe, "immigrants are Iazy." My understanding is that racist leaflets have been turning-up fer years around Durham. I'm amazed there hasn't been an arrest. I've been told ne one has actually seen anybedy distributing this material. Also the criminal code makes prosecution difficuit. I've brought this te the attention cf Allan Rock, the Minister cf Justice last week during question peried. He assured me the Department cf Justice is reviewing the weaknesses i Canadian law that a llews this material, and those who print it, te survive. The problem for him is te muzzle those who distribute hate literature while insuring Canadians enjey freedom cf expression. In Durham we must be diligent in assistîng police te get convictions. By reporting the distribution, or even evidence cf it, police wil have a better chance cf getting those responsible. I've spent a great deal cf time recently celebrating the fiftieth anniversary cf the Second World War. In the wake cf that I am shocked and saddened that a constituent would have te corne te my office and present me wîth' 2,000 swastikas and racist verbiage. But I do knew this - and I'm directing my remarks at whoever distributes the garbage - you'll be caught and you'll expect full protection from the law, by the law when ycu appear in court. These wilI be the very laws that you would argue pretects the lazy immigrants and visible minoriies cf this country. 1You'll get yours. mme and socialize. Gord Mills was presenit giving his support te the velunteers. He thanked people saying that with eut their help these services would neyer be afforded by the provincial government. The Community Care Group continues te plan great events te help our cemmunity. Coundil Briefs Development near Farewell Creek Tabled Residents that live near Farewell Creek in Courtice were on hand at Counicil on Menday te protest development in the area. Fred Finlayson was on hand speaking for the residents of Timberlane Ct. Residents are ccncerned that future develcpment would harm the balance of wildlife in the area as well as adversely effect the water quality cf area wells. Town services at this point do net extend te the aiea. The area is presently environmentally protected and the presenit zoning does not permit development. The Ministry cf Culture aise feels that the area could be cf archeological significance and should flot be disturbed. William Tonne Cons- truction Ltd. cf Oshawa has submitted a rezoning application te the Town for the area. 196 homes are proposed for the development. Prestonvale Road to retain Local designation Residents of Prestonvale Rd. in Courtice want their read te remain a local designated road. Development in the area has seen Prestenvale Road become a very busy thoroughfare in recent years. Residents would like te see steps taken te reduce the flow cf traffic there. The Town had proposed changing the road's designation from local te Type 3 arterial. Residents would like te see some of the existing roads that were designed te be arterial roads extended te Bloor St. This would reduce the amount cf traffic on Prestonvale Rd. The Town voted te look over three different proposais for realignment cf the road, which would take some cf the pressure off cf iL Further decisions will bc made in two weeks time at the council's next meeting. SPECIAL MENU WEDNESDAYS Featuring "Wing Nite" 20e Each ,5:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. FORUM RESTAURANT &TAVERN Hwy. 115 South, Newcastle 987-5313 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zonîng By-law Amendment under Section 34 ef the Planning Act. The proposed Zoning By-Iaw Amendment wilI: 1 . Delete "public fairg rounds" as a permitted use under the Agricultural <A) Zone; 2. Amend Section 2 entitled "Definitions" by adding a new definition of "AGRICULTURAL FAIRGROUND". The proposed definition would read as follows: "AGRICULTURAL FAIRGROUND shaîl mean the use of land, building(s) or structure(s) for the temporary exhibition and/or sale ef farm produce, livestock, rodeos as well as permitting in association with such events, ancillaryfacoessory uses such as, music, art, geods, wares, vehîcle auction, f lea market, concession stands and midways." 3. Amend the Agricultural Exception (A-21) Zone provisions by adding te the list cf permitted uses agrieultural fairground and music festivals or concerts. 4. Amend the Urban Residential Exception (R1 -14) Zone provisions by adding te the list cf permitted uses music festivals or concerts whichare operated by a net-for-profit organization. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support cf or in opposition te the pro- posaI. In that Staff cannet confirm the precise time at which the Public Meeting portion cf the agenda will be heard, it is noted for your information that the start time listed below reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting com- mences. DATE: TIME: PLAC E: JUNE 19,1995 9:30 A.M.' Council Chambers Municipal Administration Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating te the proposai is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. te 4:00 p.m. for the months cf July and August) at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Larry Taylor at 623-3379. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON THIS 8th DAY OF May 1995 C MUNICIPAULTYO0 - Iarin ONTARIO Date ef Publication: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 Patti Barrie, Clerk Municipalîty cf Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. Li C 3A6 PLANNING FILE: DEV 95-004 CLERK'S FILE: Dl 4.DEV 95.004 P.O. 5430