8 - Orono Weekly Timies, esa, June 28, 1995 Canada's national bird shouldj be the grouse.-Anon SOkay3,feow Cncs.al together now, in thre-e-pariit harmo ny, ah-one and ahi-wo and ah:' three... Let's Nb(ic. Let's wh1ine, lt's comnplain, ltsbeat our breasts, and gnash our- teeth and tel[ ac other oni ore tinie how mfiserable ih is to be Canadian. Thei couintr 's too ýold, too bigý, too dev eloped, too raw. -the inhab- itants are toi) coarse, t0oo nice, too our- politicians stinik. Our armied f'orces are ai joke. We don,'t m-ak-e vry good wý,inei. We'd rather watch Three1's Company on tile boob tube than ColmnFiore on the Stratford Stage. Our- taxes are too ighI. Our wages are too low. Our- golfers neyer win the PGA. Our tenni s players blow it at Wimbledon. Oui.rnags always faide in the stretch at the Kentucky Derby. We can't even keep an NHL franchise in Quebec City. Theýn there's Quebec, alway's threatening to leav e home and ask- ing for thec car key's. Thier's Newfouindlandic, an econoie cbas- ket case. There's the 'West, ever ready to mou nt up and ride off intoý the suniset with the Preston Manning posse. Thier's the r'obber barons of Bay Street, bleeding, the rest of the counitry white. Oh1, it's pretty tou-gh, living in Caniada, right? You thinik so? Tell it to ,Alfred Nasseri. Alfried's not hard to track down. You'll find himi sitting, on a plastic bench at the Charles De Gaulle ai- port in Paris. Terminal One, Boutique Lev el, to be precise. How -do 1 know he's there? Easy. Tbat's where he bas been for the past six year s. Mister Nasseri's predicament- bis ightmaire-began witb the accident of bis birtb. He wvas born in 1944, ina part of Iran vwhich was under Britishi jurisdliction at the ime. Because of tbe Britishi con- nection be got to leave Iran to go to uniVersity in Britain wý,hen he was 18. But Whcn hieturnLI-Ied to Irah 11e wvas declared a traitor and thrown in jail. The Iran ians even- tually let hlrnmiot, but confiscated bis passport and gave hlmiii exit papers. It mneant lhe could leave Iran, but lie could not return. Mvister Nassei appealed to the United Nations. The U.N. office granted imii asy- lum and gave hlm precUlIouIs pape)rs thatalod himi to apply for resi- denice in any couintry in Europe. Wbichi is whenr Nasseri's badl luck really started to unfold. His papers wý,ere in a suitease wvhich was stoleni in Paris. Mr. Nasseri got a flight to London, but tlie Britishfusedto tAke hlm. They popped him ,right bhack on a flighit bounid for Chairles De Gau île aîrport. That,11was Iin 1988. NMr. Nasseri is still at theý airport. Hle4sits ;on bIis plastic bh, tguardig a hugag cart which bolds alIof pbispwrdly posseýssion1s-a cardboard suitea,1S somegarageagsfil Of' clothes and ai diary that now r1unls to 60 pages. Fligbt attendants know himjj they should aifter six yeCas-and they keep hlmi suppliedwith samv- ing kits, toothbru-tshles and jsoapj. by Arthur Black Somne of them aJlso givehim their mieal ticket, AtdNaseicat wahsin th0 arpot ashroom,ý read newpnpes fomi the tr-ash cans, watchues TV in thle air-port lounge. -What 1J\wa1nt" lhe sysis a But in the grand new, Europeani communLnity of commnunities, thecre is flot onecCountry Uwilling to give hlmi the littie book hienes He's broke, but hie ishoet Twice now, Alfred Na.sseri has turned in billfolds fulof mioney that passenigers hav e lost. "'It's flot a good Solution to) live along timlikefi this" says Nassercji, in thle under-statemjenit of theyer "Living without a bcd and aý ProbaC\ een Uwor Sethani ing a Canadian. You Uw odosmething pos- itive? Drop asseria Ine. His address is Charles De CGa1ulle air- port, Termninal One, Boultiqu level C, PaiFrance. Enclose a few bucks, if' you're feeling flush. And then count your blessings. Start with that little blue book with your namne in it. Notice to the Ratepayers of the Corporation - of the Regional Municipality of Durham The Audited Financial Statements of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham for the year ended December 31, 1994 are available from the Regional Finance Department. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of these statements should write to the Finance Department of the Regional Municipality of Durham, 60 Bond Street West, P.O. Box 618, Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 8B6. The following financiai highlights refleot the operations, assets and liabilities of the Regional Municipality of Durham including the waterworks, sanitary sewage and waste disposai systemns and the Durham Region Police Services Board. COMPARISON 0F CONSOLIDATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (AIl amounts in thousands of dollars) WHERE THE MONEY CAME FROM: Requisition on Area Municipalities Ontario Grants User Charges Other Revenue Pro-ceeds from the issue of Long-Term Liabilities WHAT THE MONEY WAS SPENT FOR: General Government Protection to Personis and Property Transportation Services WVaterworks Operation Sanitary Sewage System WVaste Disposai Health Services Social Services Senior Citizen Services Day Nurseries Family and Children Services Planning and Development Excess of (Expenditures Over Fin ancing)/Financi.ng Over Expenditures Fund Balances, Begînning of Year Fund Balances, End of Year 1994 105,190 153,036 90,165 29,669 378,060 9,135 58,031 31,624 38,341 55,302 12,988 9,164 114,'320 34,933 10,356 2,180 3,974 380,348 (2,288) 146,576 144,288 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (AIl amounts in thà'usands of dollars) 1993 104,295 Cash and Short Term 161,753 Investments 85,947 Accounts Receivable 22,372 Other Current Assets Restricted Assets 6,690 Capital Outlay Financed by Long-Term Liabilities 381,057 and to be Recovered in Future Years 8,576 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and 55,391 Accrued Liabilities 33,590 Current Portion of Ontario 35,529 Housing Action P'rogram 55,447 Loans 11,494 Other Current Lia,ýilities 8,442 and Deferred Revenue 118,822 Net Long-Term Li bilities 37,497 Other Long-Term viýaýbilites 8,10 1 2,397 3,896 FUND BALANCES Reserves and Reserve Funds 379,182 To be used to offset taxation or user charges 1,875 Unexpended Capital Financing 144,701 146,576 Trust Funds Admirnistered by Region 1 1994, 63,919 33,604 7,075 94,623 1993 60,650 35,144 8,427 87,757 14,597 210,082 _206,575 41,101 1,603 8r402 10,861 3,827 65,794 134,271 6,493 3,524 -144-,288 35,484 1,483 4,585 14,597 3,850 59,999 1 17,487f 5,954 23,135 146,576 210,082 206,575 2,224 2,132 i 77 ,Shelly Rekker S.helly received a gif t 1,for ber efforts from b ler coach 'Steven, CamneyofClar"ing-ton Glass, Cong£r'atuLilations SheIly. K Sate MIcKelvie, 16, of Clairke High Sehool, hias been seleucd to play on the Ontario Women(ýl's Provincial Volîcybl T eamn. Tryouits wee eld in Guelph carli er- thus year,ý and Kate a one of twelve gils chosen from over 50 that tried out. At thlis momntt, Kate and thec other girs are at tUnrsity of Ottawa training for their comipeti- tions in Cuba and Quebec, bef1ore rýetur-ning hiome at the beginning of August. Ths isa great OppOrtui- ty for- her to play at the interna- tional level and Imeet people fromn ahl ov er thec province. Good luck to Kate and thle rest of bier teammat,ýes in thir competitions.