r &The ýApp1e Blossom Shp FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We rlon'tjust specialize - We make every order speciat "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono) 983-5333 PATR ICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanviile, Ontario 623-4473 Barinae Home Check *Vacation Home Checling *Let us make your homne look Ived in *Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSU RED Barb Shetle - Ina Coix NEWTONVIU..E (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wiida Middeton 983-9819 3'RIeflola1 ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - Hii-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A WNhite fWestinghourse Frigidaire -\Whipool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108 GRUJNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2, rono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville FRIDAY, AUGUST 4TH 6:00 p.m. Selling the attractive furnishings from a Whitby home and the contents of a Hope Twp. home; 5 pc. maple dinette; 5 pc. white dinette; 2 pc. provincial chesterfield; 3 pc. coffee ensemble; qtxeen bed; white provincial dresser and vanity desk; antique rocker; oak press rocker; 4 pc. bed suite; pump organ; capt. chairs; spool bed; brass iron bed; glassware; dishes; china; crib; high chair; several occasional tables; antique 3 pc. chesterfield (ornately carved); corner carved display unit; Yamaha PSR 6300 electric keyboard ($4000 new); loveseat; 1950 fridge; airtight stove; wood stoves; air conditioner; bikes; pressure system; Beaver planer; 'workbench; ladders, etc. This is a very interesting auction. Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, Interac AUCTIONEER Frank Stapieton 905-786-2244 Hardware Bam Steel Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fonces and Stalîs -A Ceflre trM YourBuiditg Nes- (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 (evenngs) ON HWY. 352 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 115 Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4p.m. - Other times by appointrnent - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 Bachelor apartment for rent in Newcastle Village.- Skylights. $470.00 per month including utilties. Phone 987-3211: 2,ac Office space for rent, Newcastle Village and Bowmanville, from 400 sq. fi. to 4.500 sq. ft. Excellent rates. Caîl Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. 2,ac Store for rent - Main Street Newcastle. Excellent location for retail or office $575.00 per mnonth. AlIsoc, other commercial space available from $350.00 per mionth. Cal Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. lac Storage area for rent in Bowmanville, 20 x 40 with 12' door, dlean and dry. $250.00 per mnonth. Cail 987-3211. ,ac, LITTLE, Helen -Ina loving memory of my mom who _________________________ passed away on August 5tih, ____ ____________ 1990. ________________________ __ My heart remnembers A everything. Although ut timets the mind forgets. The raptures and agonies the hopes and the regrets. My heart remembers mY mother when the snows oj winterfafl. When the spring shines ini the meadow, I knowv I hear her eall. To hear her voice once more would be the swveetest song o.f ail. Though death had its final hour and love its golden dlay. Time mnay fade the colours and the glory turned to grey, but somnething of mzy mother lin gers neyer t0 depart deep down in the secret plaices of the quiet of my heart. In rememibrance of mny mother and grandirother of Evaleen, Scott and Heather. We neyer knew you, but will mneet in the hereafter. 1 love you momn, your daughter Maureen. lac LEWIS, Tom - In loving mnemory of a dear father and grandfather who passed aa July 29, 1978. He left us quiietlly. Hi, thoughts iunknon,i, But left us a memory We are p'zo.uj4 own; So tesr him Lord In Your.garden o frest; For ilhlen on earth, Hleiwasi one of the best. Lovigly ememeredby Gord, Lorna aindfaimilyh ,p ALLDREAD, Joanne (Granny) - Sorrly mnissed and loved by Lorri, Ethel, Nancy and Barb. 2a Orono United Church asks for aid for fire victims If anyone hias any items to help the people who lost their belongings in the fire at the Orono apartmnent building last Saturday, they should call Orono United Church at 983- 5502. Clothing for infants, children and adults mnay be needed. Furniture also may be needed. If persons who lost their belongings want help thcy also should phone the church office. The church will then make the contact between those with items tO- give or those in nccd of themn AUCTION NOTICE unde r instructions received, we wmiI selli n detail lots: MiXED ESTATES* PRIVATE COLLECTIONS * CONSIGNMIENTS COINS * JEWELLERY * COLLECTIBLES * ROYAL DOULTON* OAK MAHOGANY PINE * FURNITURE * ACCENT ITEMS- COMPUTERS PHONES* STEREOS PRINTERS* KOSTA BODA- SPODE* FITZ & FLOYD TUDOR MINT * SPORTS MEMORABILIA' WATERFORD CRYSTAL* SWAROVSKI* PRECIOUS MOMENTS * TRISHA ROMANCE * IDOLLS * EXCLUSIVE ART OFFERING OF THE "GROUP 0F SEVEN- "CHRISTINE MARSHALL." RARE ART & OVER 100 ASST. LIMITED EDITION PRINTS* DECORS* STUDIO ART* WEDNESDAY EVE. AUGUST 9TH AT 7:00 P.M. ý'PR-EVlEW 6 PM) HELD AT: THE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL 20 KING ST. WEST (AT MILL ST.) NEWCASTLE Over 1000 Fine Quality itemis to be ottered. Always a large sale oftering. A NEW SELECTION IN EACH SALE PLAN TO ATTEND (Union Position) General description: 1 . This position entails responsibility for ail facets of animal control work, includ'ing care of impounded and quarantined animais, preparation of statisticai information, implementation of the adoption program and enforcement of ail applicable Provincial legisiation and Municipal policies and by-Iaws. Qualifications: 1 . Minimum Grade 12 education is required and a diploma in Animai Care or Health Technician from a community coliege or Canadian Association for Laboratory Animai Certification is considered an asset. Candidates with a lesser degree of education wiil be considered if the indivîdual has compensating experience in an animal care operation. 2. The abiiity to deal with the generai public in a courteous manner and maintain good public relations is required for this position. 3. A vaiid Ontario Driver's licence is required. Salary scale: $15.02 - $18.44/hour. This is a 40 hour per wveek position requiring shift work. Applications wiii be received untii 4:00 p.m.. Friday, August 11, 1995. Office of the Chief Administrative Officer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanviiie, Ontario Li C 3A6 Please quote File #1 1-95 We thank you for your application but only those applicants invited for an interview wili be contacted. MIANIUCPALITY OF ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 2, 1995 P. 0. 3453 LS Simpson Memorials IN~[ "Now in Bowman ville" 121 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 WVest, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions I ndoor / Outdoor Displays *Excellent Prices d. *Etchings -Personal and Scenes WooGuarandbWrkase ns Try us before you decide by visiting our ne w Sales Office, or cali us and arrange for an appointment in the comnfort of your homne. IN, MEMOIAM: 3E R ng E anville, Ont. -8150 'UT OF TOWN ALL TOLLIFREE 1-fflO-461-4848 affl«TiEfflONUMENTSý a CÉMEtERYLET1rERlt4.Gýý ibr --àà6ýWROOM 'ýAPÇjlDINTMENTS AVAILABLE ."'SERVING ALL FAITHS, F EN ESAV ILABLE E UE a for your ........... e flo or vase and winter wreath. ED A Hour Call Oshawa .;..ý79-1116 1