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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Aug 1995, p. 6

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18th Annual American Saddlebred Horse Show in Orono this Weeken d This cîvic holiday weekend, exhibitors of the Amiericani Saddlebred horse wîll comne fromn ahl over Ontario to compete with best of their breed at the 1995 Saddlebred Classic 1Horse Show. Competitors will take to the show ring at Orono Fairgrounds at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, Aug(-ust 6th for a fui day of classes that will test horses in many disciplines. Be sure not to miss the evening Chamipionship performance starting at 6:00 p.mi. where Saddlebreds will compete for Championship rosettes, trophies and prize money. The eighteenthp- annual Saddlebred Classic Horse Show will be a casual, yet elegant and colourful day, punctu- ated by keen equine competition. Admission and parking is free. Spectators may view classes fromt Peewee Hockey camp starts August 15 With hockey tryouts starting in Septemiber, thec staff of' the Orono PeeWee entry in the O.M.H.A. loop have put together a summier hockey camp. The camp is f'or players who have registered with the O.A.A.A. before August 15ý and who will bc playing House League or Rep PeeWee hockey this sea- soni. The camp is primnarily to pre- pare for the upcomning hockey sea- son and to have some fun and gamnes. The camp will bc held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in and around the Orono arena between 10:00 a.mn. and 2:00 p.mn. starting AugList 15. Orono Kicks Tyýke Soccer Players offthe Week Alex Camipney Alxand 1l)alLm eci cccd pcc tsloi ilcii ciliniis hlil iii coach S leen Cnîpiey ( (1 lu(la iii ltn GIuas (oî rit;i A Lx AMiid)aIi:1îm the stands or wander aniong the horse trailers and tack, rooms, get- ting an up close look at the horses and their equipmecnt. Riders, grooms and horse owners are always happy to show off their entries to interested spectators. The Saddlebred Classic is different from some horse showvs, in that the public can get an inside look at wvhat beingý part of the 'horse w,ýorld' is like by visiting the trail- ers, talking to exhibitors and show sta'ff and by pickingu nfra tion about the breed. Spectators are encouraged to comne early and stay late. There will be plenty' of food, refreshmnents and comifortable surroundings. Just rieember to dress for th e weather, wear a hat, and don't forget the sunscreen. In the ring, American It will consist of a fitness comn- ponent, some skill developmnent, someI strategy sessions, some yideos and team gaines. Once a week there will be a one hour on ice session when ice is available. (This will be out of towvn.) There will be somne skating, a tfew drilîs and at least one third of the time will be a scr-iiiage with balanced teamns. Players wvill need a helmet, ath- letic cup, hockey gloves, a stick, personal water bottle, and running shoes. Dress will be appropriate f'or the wecather. For thec first two sessions the players should brîng their own nutritious lunch (pizzas, or other teamn lunches may be added later). The players will need futl equipmient f'or the on ice comn- ponent. The camp will be staffed by J. Withecridge and selected midget players. The cost wiIl be minimal and depending on the numbher of play ers and the cost of ice. To egister- or get more infor- mation cail John Withieridge at 983-92-02 or Ray Bester 983-5584. NOVA SCOTIA You are neyer more than an hour away f rom the sea in this beautiful province, which is aimnost compieteiy encircied by the ocean's embrace and with more than 10,000 ki cf coastline you can hike, swimi, bike, scuba, or saii. You wiii discover that the Nortlhern headiands cf the rugged Cabot Trailiafford inspiring views from the 90 meters straight Up above the crashing waves cf the Atlantic. n the Bay of FuIndy, mother nature wiil overwhelim you withi Saddlebreds and their cousins the National Show Hor-se, (A cross between Saddlebreds and Arabians) wîll show in breedingj classes, under saddle and in har- ness with classes for children, adults, amateurs and professionals. Junior riders will demnonstrate their skill in showmianship, Saddle Seat equitation, and driving. Orono Fairgyrounds is approxi- mately 6 kmn north of Hwy. 401 ight on Hwy. 115/35, exit at Main Street go north a few blocks and look for the fairgriounids and arena. Please join us Sunday, August 6th for- a fun and exciting day of horse show action featuning two of thewols most beautiful breeds The Amnerican Saddlebred and the National Show Horse. For more information caîl (905) 986-4204 or (905)983-9888. SonTown Vacation Bible Sehool at Newcastle United Church by Lois McLeod maiea park, bakeshop), chiurch, street corner, cafc, coin- mlunlity centre and a roof top Art Gallery ahi under one roof! Newcastle United Church hias ,becolle a town i itself for Vacation Bible Sclhool this week. Over ninety-four chihdiren ages 4-11 are meeting each mor ni ng a SonTFown, a splecial tonv where everyone feels at hiome. Through g"Mes, crafts, singing and discus- sion, timles children are discover- ing im-portant wvays to get along in their owni famihies. Famnilies have s0 mnany challenges these days, kids need the.opportunIity to dis- cuss wý,ays, to resolvec onflict, comn- municate clea rly andl show, they care for- every memiber of their aiy.With thie help of Harv-ey, Rosie and Mrs. Cr-uise, somle of the people in the SonTown video. thle chihdrien see how problemls can be' so lved and owv to compromise and listen to each other. Bible stories Conitinueti (111page 9 the powerf ul, tidcla[ bore performances. And you mili find fresh sait air wiii give you an appetite for their wonderfui seafood. You can step back into a world of the seafarinig past, visit the Maritime MuseUm In HaiifaX. Even. if you are not a history buff, you Wilitwant to visit LouisbDUrg, an awvard winining restoration of the originaFl French 18th-century fortified town, comnpiete with cobbiestone streets. Once again the genuine hospitaiity of the people wilii eave a iasting impression. The Orono Novice Girls trav- elled to Memorial Park West on Monday, July 24th for- a remnatch with the Lange's Photo teamn that they had beaten 14 to 2 on Tuesday of last week. The Lange's teamn obviously wanted some mneasure of, revenge as they had a full squad of girls out, mnany returning formn hol- idays, just for the gamne. The Orono teami scored in each of their threce at bats, but the home teani counitered with several runs of their own, outscoring Orono 20 to 16 and endingý the Orono 6 gaine win- ning streak. Several girls got a chance to try new positions in this gamne and did a fine job in the field. Lindsay, Becky, Heidi and Michelle covered the outfield for miost of the gamne while, Patty and Erin handled the pitching. Filling ont the rest of the infield were Jennifer-, Amnanda, Amy and Rebecca, who played a particularly strong game at short- shop. t was a tough Ioss for the girls but they hope to get back on the wvinning track with a home gamne Monday, July 3 1 st. Thianks to ail the famnilies and fans who keep coming out to the gmsto cheer for- our girls. A special thanks to two of our most devoted fans, Bun and Carol Boyd wvho even though Ashley wasLLn't playing, were still there to offer enicouragte- muent. The teami really appreciates the cormmlunity support. lord of Eduction Leade, nLang Request for TENDERS FOR GARBAGEIRECYCLE DISPOSAL SEALED TENDERS wiIl be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. 17 August 1995 for garbage/recycle disposai at various sohools for 1996 and 1997. Specifications may be obtained from the reception desk at: The Northumberiand-Ciarington Éducation Centre, 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario Teiephone: 905-372-6871 Sumnmer hours for the Education Centre are 8:00 arn. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursdlay, 8:00 arn. to 12:00 noon Friday. Lowest or any tender not necessariiy accepted. R. (Dick> T. Malowney Director of Education Diana Stewart Chairperson of the Board "The Bethany His School has a commiunity devoted to the School and a student body which is happy, open and polite." (1995 Canadian Educational Standards Institute evaluation) ýM TKE ~ ~BETHANY HULLS SOHIrlu0O0L BETHANY, ONTARIO LOA 1AO *Singl),e-sex girls boarding and day school *Strong advanced level academic programmie *Smnall classes (7:1 stuidenit-teachier ratio) *Grades 7 to OAC *Indepiendent learning and thinkig *Daily athiletic programme (incluides riding and skiing) *Multicuiltuiral environmrent Our schooi's strength is that we care about each individuai student. Please conta t ithe Director of AdmJjiissionis for more information 1-705-277-2866 Fax (705) 277-1279 GOING ON ATRIP??? GETTING MARRI ED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? IH OURGLASS Limousine Service wl/I get youi there and back in safety, com fort and style. Tzravel Talk with Eiliz-abethlane-LnietrCTC

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