JO - Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday~ August 16,1995 GOOD HEALTH - NATURALLY by Sandra Topper, Cert. Reflexologist. Arornatherapist & Therapeutic Touch Practifioner 5925 Main St. N., Orono (905) 983-8162 Chamomile Bnitain the, plant is often used as a There are several varieties of ground cover along garden paths. chamomiile, however in herbai Roman Chamomile has a less pun- medicine Roman and German gent aromna than the German vari- Chamomile are the choice of natu- ety. In aromnatherapy the Roman rai practitioners. Also known as variety is my preferred choice as it the "Herb of the Sun" with it's has a higher content of esters. apple like aroma, feathery foliage Essential oils that are high in ester and tiny daisy like flowers content are very gentie ois, and chamomile is a delightful sight in again they tend to be anti-inflain- any garden. If you have matory and are very effective when chamomile growing in your garden used for sldn disorders that are pick the tiny flowers and a litt1e of itchy, dry and cracked. the stems, place a handful in 2 cups The Vikings rinsed their blond of water, bring to a boil and simmer hair with it. The Egyptians treated for 15 minutes. Strain and let stand fevers with it. The Greeks and to cool, this makes a great hair Romans treated headaches with it. rinse, or add to a bath to soothe The Germnans use it for everything. irritated skin. In fact, even Mrs. Rabbit'gave Chamomile is world renowned Peter Rabbit a cup of Chamomile for it's soothing properties and is Tea te soothe hus upset tummy m i well suited for treating children. "Thte Tale of Peter Rabbit." Bisabolol an organic compound The essential oil of chamomile found in chamomile appears to is best to avoid during the day as it relax the smooth muscles of the cani be quite tranquilizing, as well it digestive tract, making it an excel- should be avoided by women who lent choice in treating stomach are in theïr lst or 2nd trimester of upsets, colic and inflamed bowels, pregnancy. Chamomile is an ...torments of thte belly" says emmenagogue therefore it can English Herbalist,, Nicholas cause uterine contractions. Culpepper (1649). Chamomile's Note: When buying essential soothing properties make it an oiîs, buy from a reputable source, excellent tea to drink at bed time. who cari guarantee that the In aromatherapy chamomile essen- Essential Oils are of a high quality, tial oul cari bc used in bathwater or that they are pure and not synthet- blended with a carrier oil, it has ic. Read the label, e.g., if the label analgesic properties and can be reads "Lavender 011" you cari be massaged onto joints and muscles sure that it has been diluted in a that are swollen and painfut. carrier oîl, which is fine, but the German Chamomile is an annu- price will bie considerably iess than al that reaches up to 3 feet, it has a a boutle of "Pure Lavender high content of azulene an organic Essential Oil" of the same size. compound which has anti-inflam- Neyer apply pure essentia oilîs matory properties as weil as being straight (aiso referred to as "Neat") a local vasoconstrictor (iLe., it caus- to your skin uniess otherwise es small blood vessels to shrink). instructed by an Aromatherapist. Roman Chamomile is a peren- Some essential oils have other pre- niai ground cover, oddly, it does cautions, check with an best when it is stepped on. In Aromatherapist before using. Source available upon request. Orono Horticutu rai continued from page 9 Section D - Other Class 51 - "To Your Health", home grown veggies, in salad bowl: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2),Minnie Zegers; 3) Inez Harris Special Prizes 1. Best rose in entire show, donated by Eileen Billîngs, won by Carol Mostert 2. Best dahlia in show, donated by Isabelle Challice, won by Isabelle Challice 3. Best- gladiolus in show, donated by Mary Tamblyn, won by Jill Chappel 4. New exhibitor, most points in show, donated by Vera and Lawrence Staples, won by Carol Gay with 17 - 1/2 points 5. Best arrangement in entire show, donated by Andrea Etman skie, won by Isabelle Challice 6. Judge's Choice, donated by Minnie Zegers, won by Helen Schmid 7. Most points in cut flowers, donated by Ol ive and Ed Milîson, won by Lomna Atkins with 33-1/2 points 8. Most poi nts in veggie section, donated by Eileen Billings, won by Carol Mostert with il points. 9. Most points in decoration section, donated by The Apple Blossom Shop, won by Isabelle Challice with 18 points 10. Most points in entire show, donated by C.I.B.C, won by Isabelle Challice with 38 points (may win every 4 years) 11. Most points donated by Orono Horticultural Society,, won by Lorna Atkins with 44-1/2 points 12. Best annual in show, donated by Isabelle Challice, won by Minnie Zegers Judge for the show was Mrs. Kathleen Petrie Number cf exhibîtors 21; num- ber of entries 197 and number of tables 21. Planters and Window Boxes: 1) Don Evans; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Michele Ernst Best Small, Planters: 1) Aif Pigott; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Shelley Etmanskie; 4) Lorna Atkins and Michele Ernst Best Outside Large Plants: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Aif Pigott; 3) Hazel Pigott and Vera Staples; 4) Lomna Atkins 11 Best Outside H-anging Plants: 1) Hazel Pigott; 2) Michele Ernst;, 3) Lorna Atkins; 4) Shelley Etmanskie Judges for this section were Mrs. Anne Evans and Narda Hoogkamp. Number of entries were 28; number of exhibitors 12. Our meeting ciosed with "God Save the Queen". E. Teril, Press Correspondent Join us tclJaý Canadian L Wildlife Federation 2740 Qýueensview Dr. ,Ottawa, Ont. K2B 1 A2 1-800-563-WILD THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Specîality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings - Anniversaries -, Business Functions HOT - COLD - BUFFETS. FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 with Elizabeth Belanger-L inkiette r CTC 'WAYS TO TRIM THE TRAVEL BUDGET, WITHOUT TRIMMING THE FUN!' A recap of some of our recommendations on how to save money when making your holiday or winter get away plans ... i) Use vour travel agent to the fulleàst: She is aware of what is good value for the travel dollar during the season. ii) Consider shorter vacations5: Can not afford the time for a long holiday? especially dual income families, consider four or five day trips every few months; which gîve you the relaxation time while not sacrificing ail cf your time or budget. iii) Travel off eason: There was a time when few people would consider travelling te the Caribbean or Europe in the fail or spring. Once you make the calendar a secondary travel consideration, you wiIl find numerous travel values. iv) Look into cruises. ail inclusive vacations. condo aàccommodations: ;Al three are options for travellers who want te cut corners without saorificing enjcyment.ý y) Form vyour own special interest 'goup': Have a group cf friends with whom you like te vacation? High Sohool Reunion; Neighbourhood groups who like te cruise, etc.? If so, you have the potential for a group, and will 'be able te gel the benefit cf reduced fares collectively; perhaps some free accommodation ... il is hard te do a botter job cf cost cuttin-g than thatl Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mill 623-0005 i Now Open Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Wow lart Country Market is definitely flot your average flea market. Right from the Russian MIG target drones hanging from the ceiling to the sets from the Family Passions TV show offering a formai sense of style and grace, Wow Mart stands apart from any other mar- ket you have ever been to. The owners have worked desperately to ma-ke Wow Mart the finest Flea Market in Ontario. You will be amazed at the selection available, at Wow Mart, from office supplies, toys, electronic equipment, crafts, pet supplies, antiques; there is just too much to Iist it ail here. Wow Mart is constantly buying Up bank- rupt stock to sel1 to you, the consumer, at rock bottom prices. Everyone wins when they shop at Wow Mart! eigton St Homne ta 2# Bowmanville's Scugog St. Best40 Bran!Bowmanville Waverly Rd Liberty St.