Lýýw 7j[itý,PJLd lilll 1 1041 DAP XIP ï, ý % 1 p mi ~ Oroo WeklyTime, WdnesaySeptemitber 6, 1995 - 13 j tNature 's Miracles Monte Hummel Presient f World Wlldly'èFroid Canada 8mai! fish that help larger ones stay pest-free Its electrie-blue stripes flashing, the littie fish dances in the Sun against a backdrop of brilliant pink coral. This performance attracts attention fr om other reef-dwellers, including the deadly Barracuda. Indeed, a sinister shadow already drifts across the coral toward the seemingly suicidai littie fish. But it is the littie Cleaner Wrasse that has found its next meal, flot the voracious Barracuda. The predator is flot a threat but a customer at one of the many "cleaning stations" along the reef. Here, the 10 centimetre- long, Wrasse will minister to the nearly two-metre 'Cuda. A variety of shrimp, other small fishes and at least one species of crab provide similar services ail aiong the reef. The cleaners remove and eat par- asites and damaged issue from big- ger fishes' bodies, mouths and gilîs. It is a mutually beneficiai relationship; the Cleaner Wrasse and its compan- ions have their meals. delivered and help the big fish to get rid of pests they can't remove themselves. Marine biologises don't yet fully understand what takes place when large fish such as Barracuda, Moray Eel and Grouper answer the Cleaner Wrasse's eye-catching advertise- ment. The Wrasse nonchalantly swims right into the Barracuda's mouth and moves easily among the razor-sharp teeth, yet the larger fish refrains from swallowing such an easy meal.i t may be the'Wrasses' jerky dance and the rituai body language to which the "client" fish respond that set the stage for a safe ex change of food for cleaning services. But, this peaceful scene will soon be disrupted. The line-up of big, fish awaiting parasite remova.l has been spotted by another smail blue-striped fish. Slightly larger than the Cleaner ýWrasse, this fish approaches and dances an imitation of the Wrasse's routine. A Grouper, perhaps impa- tient with waiting in line, obligingly opens its great jaws and relaxes its ,guard. Instead of an expert cleaning, the Grouper receives a nasty bite on the lip. t bas been fooled by a Saber- toothed Blenny. t recoils and then reacts with a vicious snap at the smnall fish, but the Blenny hiis aiready streaked to a hiding, place amid the branched coral with its favourite meai of living flesh. The coral reefs of the world resem- ble rainforests in the profusion of life they support, and, like the rainforests, TAX TUPS (NC) -The rcent edeabudget lima lt subetl to)i naltyl 10 $8,00 o_$.000 Ito oe contributecd iup to $.00 ct.th budet ter'sno pnlitbt you must bgin draw býý,iin don yur over- l195taxretrnuilits',down to l $2.000. Il\ youiveLcontibutled imore than'$2,000 Éafter tbeludgettbere' a pena,,lty. Ask your cartercd accountaint 1lor advice on how to deal ite ovr contib lution. Bvuc~ri (ot<)lfbt' lic lit>! inu' of they are under increasing siege by humans. Ironically, much undersea beauty is being damaged by the souvenir hunting and harmful divin.g practices of people who corne to enjoy that beauty WWF Nature 's Miracles is brought to you by this publication and World Wildlife Fun.d Canada (W4WF). To find out how you can help save wildlife and wild places, WWF at 1-800-26-PANDA. I DAY TRIPS! Sept. 9- Canadien Open Oct. 12 Crazy for You Nov. 17-19 Watertown N.Y. Shopping Nov. 29 Sunset Boulevard Goligers Travel (905)623-1511 callj BUSINESS FOR SALE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Busi- ness. Operating sixteen years success-, fuly in Northern Ontario. Incorporated. Includes inventory, tol sheet metai equipment, vehicie, goodwili. Asking $115,000. Partial Financing availabie 705-647-5444, BUSINESS OPPS. TRAVEL Home Based Business, $149 Plus tax. 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