mmmm( 14 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September (6, 1995 *1 ria DedilN~~eDorY SERICE/[DIR IJ.JCeYJORY jTel. 983-5301 ~'The ýApple Blossom Shop 1 FLOWERS & GIFTS Orona 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don't just specialize - We make every order speciaI "Haïr With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 Barnna Home Check *Vacation Home Checking *Let us make your home looklived in *Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSURED Barb Shetter - Ina Cox NE WTONVILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- Hi-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghourse Frigidaire - Whirpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108, GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy gl STOMPIN GROUNDS '95 (FAIR DANCE), Saturday, September 9th 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. ORONO ARENA & COMMUNITY CENTRE Sponsored by Durham Central Agricultural Society $10.Q/person - Lunch provded TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE ORONO TIMES OR ROLPH HARDWARE Fail Craft Show at Durhamn College November il & 12 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. One of the largest shows in Durham Region. For vendor information please cail (905) 721-2000, extension 2365 6ac Kirby Playgroup Corne join us! Ail parents with tots weicome. Every Wednesday starting September 13, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. For information cali Anne 983-5211. 6, YARD SALE (Moving) Sat., Sept. 9th 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. 49 Cobbledick St., Orono 6,ac Chiidcare available with warm experienced mother of four; farm location on Kirby Schooi bus route. Infants welcome. Roomy and safe piaying area. Cail Eileen at 983-93*77. 6,13,ac *Building Supplies and Hardware Bam Steel -Sikkens Stain - Hemlock for Fenoes and Stails -A Centre for AI YourBuiikln Needs- (705) 277-33831 or (905) 434-6665 (evenîngs> ON HWi'. 36.2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 115 C.DA. (1988) Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. -Other times by appointment 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 Pre-cast, Reinforced PATIO SLABS 12" x 12" - $1.20 ea. 16" x 16" - $1.90 ea. 18" x18" -$2.35 ea. 20" -Y 20" - $3.50 ea. Other sizes available. WELL TILES, 24" inside diameter $39.00 30" inside diameter $46.10 36" inside diameter $50.10 Ail Tops and 1/2 Tiues Available Pontypool Concrete Products (705) 277-2442 LOCATED 1114 MILES SOUTH 0F PONTYPOOLON HWY. 35 Closed Sunday thn Gendron baby carniage; crib with mattress and bumper pads; $60.00 each. Phone 983-6409. 6,ac Zenith 25" console color t.v. Asking $200., eall after 5:30 p.m. 983-5019. tfn $4,95 lb. (a c. tn C.W. LEMON SmaII Engines Phone 987-5200 30 6.13. 20. an Office space for rent, Newcastle Village and Bowmanville, from 400 sq. ft. to 4,500 sq. ft. Excellent rates for weli renovated space. Cal Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. 30,6, ac Store for rent - Main Street Newcastle. Excellent location for retail or office $575.00 per -month. Aiso, other office space available fromn $350.00 per month. Cali Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. 30,6, ac Luxury one bedroom apartment for rent, Newcastle Village. Air conditioned. $600 per month plus utiliites. Available Sept. 15/95. Phone 987-3211. 30, 6, ac ORONO - 3 bedroom house for rent with garage, country setting on 15 acres. Available immediately. $850 plus utilities. Phone 623-6198 or, 983-5646. tfn O>ne or two bedroom house in die country, or an apartmnent in a farmhouse, wîth 10 acres to accommodate 2 horses. Between Oshawa and Orono. Phone 723-1684. 6,ac Silver, gold , paper worldwide Pre-1960 Postcards and Stamps, Scrap silver and'gold rings etc. Collector's Items. Mister Murray 905-623-7901 6,ac Thank you to my friends for the beautiful flowers, cards, visits and gifts, during my stay in hospitai. I would also like to thank the doctors and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. We are so iucky to hsave such a wonderful hospital in our area. A very speciai thank you to Darlene West, my Florence Nightingale. Beryl Clark 6,ac CULLEN - Ron and Pattie (nee Jrwin) announce the arrivai of their first chiid, Alexandrea Alicia, born on August 21, 1995, weighing 6 lhs. 2 ozs. at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Proud grandparents are Alice and Stu Irwin of Orono and Ken and Bessie Cuilen of Whitby. Special thanks to Dr. Westgarth, Dr. Vincent and the maternity staff. 6,ac Newcastle - Great location, 3 bedroomr Ontario cottage style home on King St., close to downtown core, insuiated 2 car dctached garage. Ideai for in home business. Available Nov. 1lst. Phone 983-5646. B.M. Bradley WLDING LIMITED I (905) 983-6753 "Mobile Service Truck" CUSTOMV FABRICATION - GENERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEY ORONO HENDERSON, Kenneth (Ken) - In loving memnory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, who passed away September 2, 1992. Always ioved Mary, Tom, Ruthe, Robbie and Famnilies. 6,ap When You Visit any of our advcrtisers tell thcm you saw thcir ad in the Orono '4eekfY §Times AUCTION NOTICE Actina on our capacily as Aucioneer & Estate sales we wilI selli n detail lots: MIXED ESTATES* PRIVATE COLLECTIONS* CONSIGNMENTS COINS* JEWELLERV COLLECTIBLES* ROYAL DOULTON* OAK* MAHOGANY* PINE * FURNITURE* ACCENT ITEMS* COMPUTERS PHONES * STEREOS* PRINTERS* SILVER* SPODE * FITZ & FLOYD TUDOR MINT * SPORTS MEMORABILIA* WATERFORD CRYSTAL* SWAROVSKI* PRECIOUS MOMENTS * TRISHA ROMANCE* DOLLS* IMPORTANT "PORTFOLIO" 0F CHRISTINE MARSHALL EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION PRINTS AND COLLECTOR BOOK OVER 350 LIMITED EDITION PRINTS* DECORS* STUDIO ART * ACCENT F RAMES' MIRRORS * IMPORTANT G ROUP 0F SEVEN ART COLLECTION F> LI -1C AiU %C_rIee«Ne el- MONDAY EVE. SEPTEMBER il AT 7:00 P.M. (PREVIEW FROM 6 PM) AT: THE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL 20 KING ST. WEST, NEWCASTLE Over 1000 Fine Ouality items Io be offered. Always a large sale offering. Plan t0 attend. A NEW SELECTION IN EACH SALE 1 PLAN TO ATTEND RETURN THIS AD TO AUCTION REGISTRATION DESK FOR ENTRY INTO: FREE DRAW FOR COLOUR T.V. & LIMITED EDITION PRINT Terms: Cash, Visa, MC. as per posted & announded at sale. NO PREMIUMS * NO SURCHARGES PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS INC. 416-298-1762 WYAR "s"q a-ce, mune-1 M 2 a )ES U E OLLElb.ý 1 1 AÔAÉNu, -URDAYS & Fý Jv.- . . . . . . . . . . :,ýýý - 391712 .E a s t o ff;_...... ........ . . . . . . . . . ........ 'Émet M . . ....... kË à ARKER9ýi' ,ýÇEMETERY LÉTT EH H R '..P INT E V ILABLE IN ALLF 1 -,ýREF,£RENCESAVA BL PYfory o>'ý 77,7 ïn 1 1 1