Oroo Weld Mmes, Wednesaci Sppeniber2,19 H SCHEDULEREMX_ _ 0F EENTSCORNERSTONE hApe Blosso O V N SREALTY LTD, REALTOR ShopI O R i1 ORONO NRo F-M O r no Fafgou d 74kp of selng1? )FLOWERS & GIFTS TpQaiyBidr Orono Faigro nd C afreappraf. QaiyBidr Since 1986 Sep . 2 2 Jll ORONO 983-9155 "We're flot building homes, Stapes-Humpiirey OSHAWA 433-2525 we're building your dreams." associate broker, We donY just specîallze,ARODYJN Sun aySepem er 4 63-600We make veiy order speciat 983-5646 7:30 AM PANCAKE BREAKFAST Eat flapjacks under the "big top",. Your hosts today are Good luck to ail Durham the mnembers of the Long Sault Ridge Runners Rodeo Participaints Snowmobile Club benefitting Easter Seals.u amr'Cut 3 Pancakes, syrup and coff ee/juice From Management ___________________ $2.O0/person and Safat AUTO WORKERS-O StffCOMMUNITY CREDIT UNION C 8:3Q - 9:30 AM Armstrongfl& S Everyonie Welcome! Corne visit us J SUN RISE GOSPEL SERVICE, (OO at our booth Join the Rodeo participants. and their familles in this I~A5331 Main St. - 983-5561 at the Rodeo and special service hosted by our local ministerial LGA ~ BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA check out our fine association. Money collected wilI go t0 support local 91ML TET133 King St. E. 322 Kng St. W. of Horse Tackk charities and organizations. 91ML TET623-7890 728-5187 ORONO ~~See aur Loan Arrangers for theOonGrfn 1000AM-1200NON983-5306 best competitive rates. 983-9134 349-2411 CLARINGTON GOSPEL SHOW We complete our special Sunday presentation with a____________ Gospel Show, featuring the talent of Reg Benoit and BIDN Norma Gale, that is second f0 none. If you've neyer ORONOBULIGM R E heard Gospel this is one presentation you won't want to nu r î &DECORATINO miss.R' CENTRE HEATING P.O-Box 180,J 12:00 - 1:00 PM PIZZA & SUBS Station Street *Furnace CIeaning MEET THE RODEO COMPETITORS adOrono, Ontario (AUTOGRAPH SESSION) CHICKEN & WINGS LOB IMO aN o R epa FOR ALL YOUR -2Hr No1a 2:00 - 5:00 PM Pick-Up and BUILDING NEEDS Service MUNCIPLIY 0 CLRIGTO ROEODetivery Value and service FREE ESTIMATES MUNIIPALTY O CLRINGON RDEOyou can build on This is the finals for the Ontario Championship Rodeo MAIN ST., ORONO sic 1935. Over 21 Yrs. Experence show. Guaranteed to be exciting and fun! 983-9788 (905) 983-9167 983-541 COMPLIMENTARY FACIAL IMary Kay has a skin carc prograrn LARRY designed for your skin type. J Ail basic skin care JAC KSO N @ àproducts are non-comedo-genîc PLUMIIBING& 59and clinically tested for skin HEATING NOW irritancy and allergy. Most areA fragrance-free and Safe *Pump Repaîrs & installation LIECDfor sensitive skIfl. *New Work 0Caîl t:oday rn receive *Repairs your eomplimentary facial. eFraeCenn UNDR LLBO ~MAR-Y KAY Free Estimates FACF TO FACF BEALJTY ADVICFThi For friendly Expert Service Sally Staples CAL983-6214 Independent Beuty Consultant (905) 983-6430 RESîENTAL COMERCAL .,~ 5334 Main St. POLELNE CNSTRCTIO ~>PO. Box 309 Orono Oi~arkOrono O$~554 or9'35940