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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1995, p. 13

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A Mixed Bag, Afalfa. Chlorophyll, Vitamin K and 'Vitamin U Did you know that the roots of alfalfa can grow up to 130 feet into the ground, but do not worry, it won't take years to develop a crop. You can grow your own sprouts in just a few days. Ail you need to grow alfalfa sprouts are; a mason jar, a piece of cheesecloth or a J- cloth, an elastic band or the mason jar ring top (not the fiat seal) and somre seeds. Rnse the seeds flrst, then place 1 tablespoon of alfalfa seeds in the jar, cover the top of the jar with the cloth and secure with elastic or ring top. Add two table- spoons of warm water through the cloth swirl the jar and let stand for 6 - 12 hours. Invert the jar so that the water drains out and the seeds fall against the cloth, place the jar in a bowl upside down and put in a dark place. Add water through the cloth daily, swlrl, drain and place again inverted ini the bowl. In about 3 days place the jar in a well lit wundow after another 24 hours the white sprouts will turn green then you can start harvestlng the sprouts. Once a good crop has developed keep sprouts ini the frldge untl ready to be used. The cloth may need to be replaced every few days. It's a good idea to have 2 or 3 jars growing, starting them at different intervals. You can use your sprouts in sal- ads, sandwiches, hamburg- ers, pizzas and omnlettes. Alfalfa is the richest nutritional plant substance on the face of the earth, it's history dates back to ancient China. Alfalfa's chemnical and nutrient content is com- prised of 8 essential enzymes as well as large amounts of minerais and vitamins, namely; biotin, calcium, choline, inositol, iron, magnesium, PABA (para- amlnobenzolc acid), phosphorus, potassium, protein, sodium, sulfur, tryptopham (amino acid), and the vitamins A, B com- plex, C, D, E, K and U. Due to the large minerai content, alfalfa has been helpful in the treatment of arthritis and osteoporosis. Vitamin K found ini large quantities in alfalfa is known to promote proper blood clotting, and aid in the pre- vention of internat hemor- rhage. Dr. Garnett Chaney, a food scientlst at Stanford University, Califomnia has used alfalfa to heai 80% of peptic ulcers this is due to the large amounts of Vtamin U found in alfalfa.. Vitamin U is aiso found in raw cabbage. Alfalfa also contains large amounits of chlorophyll, it neutralizes stomach acids and has strong anti-bacterial proper- GOOD HEALTH - NATURALLY by Sandra Topper, Cert. Reflexologist, Aromnathierapist & Therapeutic Touçh Practitioner 5925 Main St. N., Orono (905) 983-8162 "HOW MANY QUARTERS ARE YOU PUTTIN' IN ?q' tics and is a natural deodor- izer. Accordîng- to Dr. James Balch, a Uirologist and Author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, "...clorophyll has been found to aid in the hecaling of arthritls, intestinal ulcers, gastritis, liver disorders, eczema, hemnorrhoids, asth- ma, hlgh blood pressure, anlemia, - constipation, body and breath odor, bleeding gums, infections reduction in pus formation, burns, athlete's foot and cancer.- Strange but True!' Just a couple of cautions 1. Do flot eat alfalfa seeds as they contain high amnounts of canavanine, an arnino acid whlch over time can build up in the blood and cause a reversible blood disorder. Alfalfa seeds should also be avoided by anyone wlth lupus. 2. Do nlot eat apple seeds as they contain cyanlde. It takes an estimated 1/2 cup of seeds to MI11 the average aduit. Please encourage children flot to eat apple seeds. NOTE: Herbai supple- ments should be used to complement flot replace tra- ditional medicine. When in doubt abou t any medical condition, consult your physiclan. Source availabie uponrequest. Join us tôdaý "~Canadian WildIife 'fFederation 2740 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2B 1 A2 1-800-563-WILD ,-W.-M ARI YKAy FACE TO-FACE BEAUTY ADVICETM SANDRA THORNHILL Independent Beauty Consultant (905) 987-1748 CLARINGTON COMMUNITY PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY CHALLENGED INDIVIDUALS A graup of conoerned citizens, parents and caregivers have started ta meet ta review and ciscuss issues effecting develapmentally challenged residents of the Municipality of Clarington. This newly established groups focus is to seek input tram community members wha are interested in having services and/ar appartunities for developmentally challenged individuals avallable wthin this Municipality. The Claringon Project needs ta determine what services are required in Claringtan. It you are a caregiver, a parent or a developmentally challenged individual, yau are invited ta provide the Prject's Committee with yaur cancems, suggestions and ideas. For example: Transportation Housing Leisure Activities Home Support Caregiver Respite We want ta hear tram VOUI You can make your comments knawn ta the Project Committee by caîling: Nick Van Seggelen 623-1426 or writing: Clarington Cammunity Prajeot, P.O. Box 165, Bowmaniville, ON LI C 3K9 ALL CONTACTS WILL BE RESPONDED TO AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, THE PROJECT COMMITTEE THANKS AND APPRECIATES YOUR CONTRIBUTION. ALL CONTACTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL Tr av e1 Tal1k with Elizabeth Belanger-L inkle tte r C TC Yau have just baoked your holiday of a lifetime! or maybe just yaur annual trip ta the sun. Perhaps a flight ta Calgary or a trip ta Floridla with the kids for a week. In ail the above cases you were pleased with the service and price that your travel agent was prepared ta offer yau and satisfied that yau had made a good deal on yaur trip. A concerned, conscientious travel agent will ask one more question; probably the most important one of the hour spent together. You do not feel you need it so generally shrug your shoulders and say "NO, we are going to go anyway". She is asking about INSURANCE for your trip. Insurance tekes ail farms from cancellation ta package insurance. INSURANCE IS IN FACT, YOUR MOST. IMPORTANT TRAVÈL PURCHASE! Travel Insurance is like a shield that guards you against u'nforeseen circumstances like sickness or any_ Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLo".ESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mill 623-0005 unlikely occurrence that would put a crimp in your travel plans. The extent of the insurance, and options shauld be explained by your agent but it in fact 15 flot a bad investment considering that it casts only a few dollars as compared ta the total cost of your holiday. An example ta consider: You and the f amily have booked a week long cruise over the March Break. The TOTAL cost of the holiday, for the four of you would be $5056.00! Package Insurance for the family woutd be $240.00. You said that you did flot need insurance! The evening before your flight was ta depart you have an ear infection and the doctor says that you can not fly for 5 days . .. what do you think the total loss of your trip would be? If your agent does not advise you about insurance, she is flot doing you-a service. Ask for it or find an agent who wïil! Goliger'>sTrýavel (905) 623-1511 ~~1

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