mmm - ron Weýekly lIïmes, WýednesdýaySepýtember ý20.199ý5ý O~WEEKLY TiMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishîng Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 4l7 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Teleptione 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Edltor e Publisher Printed By James Publishing L2 ORoNVo: CLARINGTON'S 'FORGOTTEN' COMMUNITY Many people seem to feel that Orono is being' overlooked by people in the town. Complaints have arisen in recent months once again of the lack of sanitary sewers in Orono. It is true, that this lack of services 15 a serious problem for the community, but as the town has managed to function productively for many, many, years, it is a problem that tends to get overlooked when problems that are perceived to be more pertinent arise. There is only one way to make our thoughts known on thîs matter, and this is to approach the Town and let them know how serlous this problem is to us. That is the only way that anything will be done. I have heard from manyv people. and even thought this way myseif, that Courtice was getting unfair precedence in matters. Our tax dollars have been supplying Courtice wlth services and projects foryears. Right now over $6 million is being slated for a community centre for that area. Many people in our area do not see the logic in that; are not sewers more important than ice rinks? Only recently my view on the matter has changed. It has nothmng to do with being unfair, or being coerced by large arnounts of money from developers. Courtice is slated to get its community centre because it fought for it. In Council, on an almost weekly basis, residents of Courtice are on hand to bring to the attention of the Town the concerns they have for their area. Stan and Libby Racansky and Kerry Meydam are some of the more prominent, fighting to curb the destructive sprawl that Is endangering the environment of the area. They. among many others, make it a point of asking and coming back so often that their concerns cannot be dismissed. As evidenced ini the recent proposed plan submitted by Town staff, these people have been listened to. The urban boundary has been stopped in its northern trek south of many proposed developments. They are also getting their community centre, which will include a Courtice Branch of the Clarington Public Library, something else that residents have been asklng for. The point that I am trying to make is that in order to get somnething done, we have to let the Town know what we want. The perfect opportunity was given last week, on Thursday, when the Town held meetings open to the public, to speak specifically on issues that were of a concern to Orono residents. People from the other communities showed up to voice their approval and disapproval with Town policies regarding Newcastle, Courtice, and Bowmanville. Residents of the beach-front in Bowmanville raised such a fuss about the attemrpt to have their area ruled Hazardous Lands, that the Town alI but settled the matter right then and there. They spoke out and were able to get the change they wanted. However, when it Orono, not one resident was on hand to say anything in regards to the Town. The sewer issue aside, there has to be something that someone, anyone in our community has to say, for better or for worse, about Orono. But no -one showed -up. That would have been the time to let the Town know how you felit. They do listen, as is evldenced by the proposed official plan. If there were changes to be made in Orono, they were not brought forward. These wil now, for the most part, be overlooked in the face of concerns brought forwai-d by people in other communitles. -The officiai plan will be voted upon in the next few weeks. Once it is made. officiai, it wîll take a lot of the Town is taklng has been mlssed. We have no reason to complain about why Courtice is gettîng their comrmunity centre; they fought for it. If we wil not fight for our own causes, no one else will do il for us. If Orono seems to be Clarlngton's 'Forgotten' Community, it is because we let the Town forget about us. KUDOS FOC-R TOWN STAFF Last week 1 was very hard on the Town staff, but this week I must give themn credit. The proposed plan for the Town took in a lot of concerns expressed by residents sinice the last plan has been prepared. It was a very well prepared plan,, with a few problems, that will be looked at by Coundil. The staff involved should be given credit for a job well done. CORRECTION Last week in an article regarding the Harbour Masters house in Port Darlington, it was implied that the Town purchased the Harbour Masters house to be used solely as a bargaining chip against the Port Darlington Harbour Commission in the Town's quest to purchase alI of the waterfront lands. The P.D.H.C. felt that the Town was guilty of bargalning in bad faith, which was stated in the article. In fact, according to Mayor Hamre, the property was purchased because the owner, Carole Jackson, approached themn and offered the property to them. The Town has not in the past expropriated any lands, and does not want to begin to do so. Also, it was not their attempt to become a landlord, but feit that it was a wise purchase to make, due to the Town's desire to set aside lands in the Port Darlington area for public use. I would like to apologize to the Town for the misquote i the article. VACATION TIME I wil not be around next week as I will be going to Walt Disne y World in Florida with the new Mrs. Young for nine days. That will mean that I wil not be around to cover stories or wr ite my editorial. The paper wil go out as usual. See you i two weeks. Darlington continued f rom page 1 29. The plant's fire fighting capabiities were tested and monitored by the ClarJngton Fire Departmnent, which gave it their seal of approval. Th ere were some improve- ments that are stili needed to be made. The equipment that monitors the stack emissions did not always operate, although the back- up systems always worked. However, the plant should not have to rely on these back-ups as often as they had. There was also an air flow problem ln the plant. Air is supposed to flow from areas of low radiation to areas of high radiation; how- ever, a few times last year the opposite happened. Neither of these-problems is very serious, and Ontario Hydro is investlgating a way to fix these problems. Coundllor Larry Han nah compared the Darlington Station to the Pickering plant, and asked Dr. Parsons if the problems that are presently being experi- enced there could happen in Darlington. Dr. Parsons felt that was unlikely, as the Pickerin g plant is much older andless up to date. Mayor Dianne' Hamre congratulated Darllngton's staff for receiving, the A.E.C.B.'s safety approval. Mayor Harnre, who has been workcing closely with the pro- posed ITER project, com-, mented that the Europeans that have inspected the plant as apotential site for the programn, feel that the Darlington plant is "the best in the world." St. Saviour s Anglican Church M IL STRE1 ET ORONO, ONTARIO Mînister: Rev. Ann Tottingham 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 ar. lat & 3rd Sunday of Month Holy Coinmunion ORONO S Rev. Dr. *Mervyn Russell p Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Orona United 9:30 a.m. Kirby Anniversary Service 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker Rev. Edward Kersey Sunday Sehool coincides with church services lst Sundav of Everv Month Commnunion Sundav at Orono and Kiby United Churches Leskard Service Last Sunday of Every Month Pot-Iuck 5:00 p.m. Service 6:15 p.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, September 2Oth Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUF meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -16 yrs. A.A. mneets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. o8Othe Coopcrators lnsurarice I FlnancJal Services My and MyApothecary 100-102 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE ON THEIR OPENING Friday, September 29th Thanks to the many professional s whose cooperat ion, skills and knowledge have made this.venture possible - Sonbon Homes - Ovidio Sbrissa Architects Mr. Marty Topoli - The C.I.B.C., John Shewchuk, Frank Realty Municipality of Clarington, Planning Department Bettie -and Jim Stutt 983-5009 1 ORONO, ONTARIO