Oronio Weekiy lmes, Wednesday, September 20, 1995 - 5 uOne Horse Blue' at Rodeo This Friday Night Vancouver based 'One Horse Blue' will be playing at the Eastern Ontario Rodeo Championships this Friday nlght held at the Orono Fairgrounds. Coming off the success of a tour with Michelle Wright and two number one singles, 'One Horse Blue' is at the highest point in their careers. I talked to Rocko Vaugeois of the band on the phone last week and asked him the-fol- lowing questions: ig:It seemu like you guys have been an overnight success, even though the band's original inception was in 1978. How have you responded to this suc- cess.? A:We respond, it is very gratifying... we have been very dedicated to our music... it is nice to be acknowledged for our work in furthering our art, espe- cially to people who really have music as part of their lîves, it is really gratifying... we have played many music festivals and many people of ail age groups enjoy our music and it is really great to see the fans corne out to support us. 9:1 read in your bio's that you have toured Asia before, and are scheduled to do so again. How do crowds in Asia react to Canadian Country Music, and One Horse Blue in par- ticular? A:They like singing. Their favorite bands are the Eagles and the Beatles. We played a few club dates and had thesame people com- ing back, day after day, try- ing to mouth the words. it was a very different culture and we enjoyed it and they really enjoyed us. S:How did you enjoy opening for Michelle Wright on ber tour? Has this tour been any differ- ent now that you are head- lining instead of openIng? Have you noticed an upsurge in attendance and record sales since your tour with Michelle Wright? AUI was a very big expert- ence to be on a tour as big as this with such a super- star. We complemented their band very well. We did the best job we could and they did everything in their power to make our show good. They were a great group of people. Everyone worked to make everyone sound better. It was a win- win situation. It is a 'big step to be head- iining. We are under pres- sure to bring out the fans and give them what they want. 1 really don't know how the sales have been affected. 1 don't pay atten- tion to those things.- We are coming off two number one singles in a row, and that means that our record is being heard by a lot of peo- pie. Q:Did you guys ever consider calling it quits before the suc cess of your recent album? A:Playing in a band is like being in a relationship. People some times thlnk that itjust isn't working out. You -are living together when on the road, and there are things about everyone that youdon't like. We want to break up every second week, but we stay together for the love of the music. We are sticking to our guns. Q:What can your fans expect from your show In Orono on the 22? A:We are going to stand still, then run around the stage a bit and then we will stand stiil. A few of us will thenjump around the stage a bit, and'then stand still. We have a lot of fun on stage. The audience can see that. and enjoy it. We hope our enthusiasrn translates>. 9:Where does the future of One Horse Blue lie? Where will you be going from here? A:Wherever it leads us. Right now we are working on a new album in the stu- dio. We are trying to find'a focus and put out the best album we can. The last cou- ple of years we have been snowballing and we hope to continue. The fali is mostly golng to be stuck in the stu- dio. August 24 was our last summer date. On Sept 18, we wil be on the Canadian Country Mu sic Awards and then Orono on the 22. We wil go anywhere the fans are: it doesn't matter where or how many., 'One Horse Blue" wil be at the Orono Fairgrounds on Friday night. They really hope to see you there. Local band 'Chaser' wll be playirig on Saturday. Recycle Orono ýw ý e e The nov ment for active, heaithy livng Open Saturday and Sunday 're 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Starting in September Wow Mart Country Market is definitely flot your average flea market. Right from the Russian MIG target drones hanging fromn the ceiling to the sets from the Family Passions TV show offering a formai 1sense of style and grace, Wow Mart stands apart from any other mar- ket you have ever been to. The owners have worked -desperately to make Wow Mart the finest Flea Market in Ontario. You will be amazed at the selection available at Wow Mart, from office supplies, toys, electron ic equipment, crafts, pet supplies, antiques; there is just too much to list it ail here.' Wow Mart is constantly buying up bank- rupt stock to sel1 to you, the consumer, at rock bottomn prices. Everyone wins when they shop at Wow Mart! Hometo ýjn2to#2 Bowmanv ille's Wlligt onS Best, Bargains! nV 401 Bowmanville Waverley Rd Liberty St.