Marie Nelson Certitîed Nutritionist 983-8278 Nutrition Cousllinlif est le Balancine A number of people have been asklng. why does somneone go to a nutrltlonist and what does a nutrltionist do? Good questions. No nutrition supports death. Poor nutrition sup- ports poor health. GREAT nutrition supports GR~EAT health. Nutrition isn't the onily piece of the health puz- zle, but it's a big one. If your body doesn't feel great, a nutritionist can probably help. limproving nutiient intake and reducing, or eliminat- ing, non-nutrient intake has proven helpful in almost every physical and mental illness. Why doesn't it work? Think of it this way: imagine you have to build a car. Hall the car parts are well built, a quarter of the car parts are acceptable and a quarter of the car parts are pretty poor. To top it off, you've been told you'il lose your job if the car doesn't work when you're done. As you put the car together the poor quality parts begin to take their toîl. When you're done the car works, but you know it's a lemnon. We al know lemons spend a lot of time at the repair shop. Your body is like that, a few poor raw miaterials and~ some stress can turn you into a lemon. Unilike a car, your body is designed to constantly build and repair itself. A nutritionist can help you make sure it gets the materials and working environmient it needs to do a quality job. s Nutritionists can help een when you're healthy. Athletes will often consult a nutritionists to help them build a body with the "win- ning edge". Accident victimis may want to know what nutrient!ý the body uses to repair broken bonies or dam- aged skin. Pregnantl and nursing women are con- cerned with non rishing themnselve and their child during this period of rapid growth. Parents mray need some help understanding the nutrient needs of their children and finding ways to get them to, eat good food. People choosing -a new way of eatirig, such as vegetari- an, can benefit fromn leamr- lng about the nutrients in plant foods. Those withi budget concerns may wanit adceon how to get the miost nutrients for their gro- cery dollar. When you. go to a nuti- tionist you can expect a lot of questions. About your health. about your intake of food, drink and medications, about your lifestyle, about your family's health. A nutritionist does not diag- nose ailments or prescribe remedies. However, if your doctor has diagnosed you- wlth cancer, a nutritionists will help you focus on the nutrients needed to build healthy celîs, strengthen the immune system and elimi- nate garbage fromi the body. You can expect a lot of information. A nutritiomist helps you leamn about your body, the nutrients it needs to be healthy and ways to compensate for lifestyle challenges like shift-,vork. You can expect a lot of support. Changing what we eat and drink is not easy. These habits start in child- hood and seem to, get burned into aur brain. Friends and family may not be overly initerested and may feel challenged, or even insulted, by your new way of eating. A nutritioni-st hielps you make the changes in stages that suit your par- ticular situation. As they say, the only dumb question is the one that isn't asked. Thaflks for asking. SUBSCRIPTION OFFER During the next few weeks these specially comissionied sales representatives will eall on area residents offering subscriptions to: TE ORO NO0WEEKLY lIMES. at ~SPEC/IAL .ý,ATfES This offer is being made available to new readers and existing subscribers. Tlhese individuals have been authorized to represent The Orono Weekiy Timies during this special subscription drive. Please consider the offer they present carefully as it Cannot Be Repeated And Is NOT Available Through The Office. Take advantage of this special offer when these individuals calu and enjoy Your Community Newspaper ail year round.