ý12 - Oýrono Wýeekly Tiîmes, Wýednesdlay.Septlember 27, 19ý950 by Arthiur Black I'm sonry that I missed the 3th annlversary of the Sonny Liston/Cassius Clay fight last sprlng. (You may or may not remember that that May 25, 1966 was the night a fast-mouth Cassius Clay -- soon to be rebomn as Muhanmmad Al -- Decked a growling bear of a boxer named Sonny Liston, agalnst ail predi.ctions, and thereby won the titie of Heavyweight Chamýpion.of the World.) You may also have forgot- ten -- or repressed -- the memory of the performance of Robert Goulet that night. Mister Goulet, a Canadian, had been hired ta sing, before millions of baxing fans, the national anthemn of the United States of Arnerica. It was an assigni- ment for which Mister Goulet was emninently quali- fied. He was handsome; he spoke English; hecould sing. And that night Robert's rich baritone rang out from ringside, reverber- ating from the arena walls, bouncing off the interstellar satellites around the cosmos merrily tympaning against the eardrums of quadzillions of fight fans from Kenora to Korea, fromn Tswwassen to Timbuctoo. There was only one teensy weensy thing wrong. 1The words. Robert Goulet forgot ... the words. Right there on National - make that International - television. Canada's own Robert Goulet, heniming and haw- ing and errlng and aahing over the words to the U.S. National Anthem. Oh well. Not as if the Yankees haven't paid us back. Rememiber 1985? Yankee Stadiumn? The Blue Jays hell bent for the World Serles? And May O'Dowd stands up to warble the anthems. She did real well on the Star Spangiedl Banner ..- but she bobbled the words ta O Canadla ike a third- string short stop wth peanut butter on his glave. And just fast year we suf- fered through the perfor- mance of D)ennis Parks, a lounge singer signed ta sing the anthems at the apening of a Canadian Football League game south of the border. Dennis did a fine job. He Unfortunately, he neglect- ed to note the tune. When Dennis sang 0 Canada, it sounded a lot like Auid La.ng Syne with overtones of For He's a Joliy Good Fellow. Hey -- nobody's perfect. There's something about sports that brlngs out the fumble-footedness of com- mentators. Remember the Heldi Games? Let me take you back to 1968. The New York Jets are playing the Oakland Raiders. The Jets are lead- ing 32-29, with just over a minute 1eft in the game. We're talking Superbowl Countdown here, where every game counts. Jets 32, Oakland 29, just over a minute left. And NBC television switches ta the Sunday Night movie -- HeidL Sports fans of North America went ballistie -- tens of thousands of viewvers called NBC ta vent their wrath. And those were just the TV wat chers who knew how ta diai a phone! Other sports bloopers? Mostly verbal, thank good- ness. There was the time Curt Gowdy explained toaa breathless TV audience that: ". .. Brooks Robinson is not a fast man, but his arms and legs move very quickly." -- "Andthe Canadian golf commentator who once whispered into his micro- phone: "Anie Palmer is get- ting ready ta -putt. Arnie , usually a great putter, seems ta be having trouble wlth his long putt. However, he has no trouble dropping his shorts." Let me leave you with the alI-time Sports Bloopmeister -- Casey Stengel. Here's how the famous New York bal club manager answered one reporter: "No manager is ever gonna run a tail-end club and be popular because there is no strikeout king that he's gonfla go up and shake hands with and they're gonna love ya because who's gonna kiss a player when he strikes out and I, got a shortstop which I don't thlnk I coulda been a success without him if ya mix up the infield ya can't have teamwork and it's strange thing if ya look it up that the -Milwaukee club in the morning paper lost a doublehieader and they gat three of mny players on their team and you can think it aver." Or as Yogi Berra s0 suc- cinct ly put it: "If people dan't wannia corne out ta the park, nobody's gonna stop Happenngs «coon t . Card Party Resuits The euchre results for the Orona Town Hall Wednesday, September 20: hlgh scores Wanda McNeil 89; Jlm Gordon and Don Thompson 82-, Marion Sears 80 and Reid Harness 79. Low score Art Bedwln. Draw win- ners Jim Gordon, Shirley Gardon, Thelma Vagg, Art Bedwin, Hilda Caswell, Lorna Crockett and Lieske Reynders., Cards are held every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Lunch provlded. Free Parent Driver Program Young Drivers in Bownanville will be offering a Free Parent Ca-Driver Program on Wednesday, September 27 fromi 7 - 9 p.mi. For information caîl 623-7017. Monthiy Breast Care Session Free, one-ane-ane breast self-examnination sessions with a trained femiale health professional are being offered the last Saturday of every mionth at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Sessions are o ne hour lang. To take advantage of this service, caîl MHB's Diagnostic Imaglng Department at 623-3331 ext. 5400. The next Recipe of theiý Week Compliments of Orono Bulk Foods POT BARLEY SOUP 4 lbs. saup banes 1 tsp white su-gar 3 qts. cold water 2 cups potatoes diced 1 tbsp. SaIt1 - 1/4 cups carrots diced 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 cup celery diced 3 whale claves 1/2 cup anian chapped 1 bay leaf 1 cuip pat barley In a large pot place banes and caver with cald water. Add seasanings and sugar. Cook slowly for 3 hours ar until meat falîs from banes. Add vegetables and barley. Simmer a nather hour. Serve hot. Put mnore rnoney in your pocket and a lot less in your garbage at OR1ONO BULK FOO'%DS 5331 MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-1143 We now have CAKE PAN RENTALS Shop at home service - pick-up or home deliveryavailable WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS!!! BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES* STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 COMPLETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'T'Vfrre fProfessiona( Etiquette is Important» Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wiliams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE PROCLAMATION it is hereby proclaimed that the week of October 9th - i 4th wili be observed as FIRE PREVIENTION WEEK in the Municipality of Clarington (~Iai-nqorl Diane Hamre 2 T ýMayar MuniCipality of Clarington Date af Publication: Wednesday, September 27, 1995 P.O. 4937 -i, elle