(4-Oroio Weekly Timies, WVednesdacy, Octobeýr 4, 1995 Major Plumbin Novice off to After weeks of tryouts and tough decisions on the part of the coaching staff, the Major Plunblng Novice team took ta the ice 'for the first time on Wednesday, September 27 in Newcastle. 'With only 4 of last year's reg- ulars on the teamn it was s new look squad i front of goalie Ian Crashley in this exhibition game., Kyle Cox started the sea- son off with the team's first goal early in the first period, with Chris Moffat assisted by Doug Garlick putting Major's Plumnbing up 2-0 at the end of the first. Orono continued the scoring trend in the second with Paul Richter and Kyle Cox boih assisted by Jason Geraldi scoririg goals 3 and 4. The, only Orono penalty came in the second with Brian Pisani g and Heating a Good Start takmng 2 minutes for trippirig i front, of the net. Major Plumbirig finished off the game with their Sth goal scored by Steve Gregg assisted by Justin Hill in the third leadlng them ta a 5-0 romp over the Newcastle teamr. The defensive pairs of, Evan Moore, Justiri Caruana and Bilan Pisani, Andy Bangay along with stellar goaltending by Ian Crashley contributed toaa shut out. Rounding out the team is Taylor Doyle and Kyle Allin. The coachiig staff of Brian Allin, Gary Geraldi, tramner Bamney Bangay and G.M. Blain Moffat hope the winning trend continues as the regular sea son opens next week. FamîIy Auto Fit To Be Tied In OMHA Pee Wee exhibi- tion action Friday, September 30 the Orono Family Auto Leafs hosied the Newcastle Stars. Dropping 6-1 a- decision ta the Leafs just one week ago, the Stars came oui flying ti the rematch as the, eamred a 1 - 1 tic ti this spirited affair. Ouihustling and outshooi- ing the Leafs 7-1 in the first period, Newcastle was siyrnied only by the superla- tive goaltending of Orono's Mati Bourgeois.- The Leafs actually grabbed a 1-0 lead laie in the frame an iheir only shot on, net! Usirig a Siar's defencemari as a sereen a breakirig Leaf cen- tre Bob -Witheridge ripped a 30 footer over the shoulder of a suirprised Newcastle net- minder. The second periad saw bath clubs exhibit entertaining hockey via quick breakouis and cnd-to- end rushes. Solid goaltend- ing ai bolh ends of the rink however, preveritcd ither team from scoring. Conditioning prevailed in Orona's favour in the final period as they held Newcaistle ta just 4 -shots. Unfortunately for the Leafs their offensiv e opportu nities were significanily restricted due to timcly penalties. Newcastle taok advantage on a power play situation ta tic the game ai 1i 1 early in the third. The Stars hiad a gold- en opportunlty ta take the lead laie In the gaine when the Leafs were assessed a five minute major penalty. llowever, superlative penal, iy killing led by Bob Witheridge preverited the Stars t -ram any furiher scor- ing chances. Final shols faivoutred( Newcastle by a 22- 15 iarin.Nexi homieexhi- b)illon cntsifor Orono is FriayOcoberýi 6 af 9:00 p.m Sec you there! 1Leaflets ... Latest update an Leafsinjured defence- mari Mike Kniox is hce s final- ly out of traction and on the road ta recovery., He's still about a weck away from hospital release hawever. (Krioxy says it will take that long to say goodbye ta all the nurses and who's hearts will bc broken upori his depar- turc)!. . . Still a couple of months from lacing them up. Mike- faces several weeks of intense physia- therapy and "bulking up"! - - Knoxy has dropped almosi 301 pounds during his stay!. .An omission ini last week~s Orono Time writeup was kiridly brought ta my atten- tion by a Leaf hockey mam - also warrnly welcomed ta this year's Leaf lineup are, Matthew Reid, Jonathian Whitehead, and Jeff Thompsan -- sorry about thai Cathie! ... speaking of Matt Reid, the diminutive lefi winger produced a solid performance in Friday's match along with several crisp breakout passes up centre ta his streaking mates! ... D.S. (Orona T'imes ;apologizes.-, but due ta spaýce thlis weeký we are unable ta print the game stats.) The Central Ontario Walves «AAA" Minor Novices, sponsored by Tlmn Horton's Donuts, Lirid§ay, completed its first of twa wccksof reg- ular season play this past weekend, postrng a record of three wiris, 0iie tic, and one loss.* This marks the reestablishrfent of the Novice "PAAA" prOgrarn ti aur arca after a rçspite of same years. It is fioped that by providing the cmerging elite players at thë "AAA" level as minor novice§ý more of these players will I'emain in the area as thcy gi'ow older, pro- viding a solid talent base to enable future tcams to com- pete with other "AAA" cen- tres. The Tim larton's Minor Novice WolveS began tryouts in mid-Augtlst under the watchful eye of Coach Bill Dunlop, of Qmemec. The team that wa1B chosen con- sists of the followirig talent-' cd Young hocey players: Shane Beers, Woodville. Dustin Beltoïl, Bobcaygeon. Chris Boissoin, Omemee. Tyler Cuthbel't, Omcmec. Chad Dunlop, Omemee-. Andrew Fracz, Courtice. Jesse Francis, Bowmanville. Mark Garron, Fenelon Falls. Mati Gray, Omcmce. Mark Kelly, Orono. Matt Mitchell, Orono. Alex Moron, Cannington. Biyan Piggott, Courtice. Jeif Semcszyszyn, Pontypool. Michael Swift, Omernee. Coach Dunlop is being assistcd by Jeff Mitchell, of (irono, and Rich Boissoin, of Omemee. The coaching staff are very optimisiîc about this team and are excited about the ycar that lies ahcad. After an carly bird tour- nament in mid-September in which the boys lost in the semi-firials ta the ex ertual Iounmarnent winner, the Tim Horton's -Wolves opcned their regular schedule on September 23rd with a 5-1 inover Peterborough. Matt Gray gat Ihings going for the Wolves, with an unassiste d tally. Alex Morion notchcd agoal and an assist, whilc Mark Kelly, Michael Swift, and Chad Dunlop also scored.- Matt Mitchell, Sharie Beers, Chris Boissoin, and Bryan Piggott added assisis. On the, following day, the boys hosted Markham and cruised ta an 8-1 victory. The goal scoring was spread throughout the team. with Dustin Belton, Jef f Semceszyszyn, Shane Beers, Matt Gray, Mark Kelly, Alex Morion, Matt Mitchell, and Michael Swift alIl fnding the target. Andrew Fracz picked up two assisis, and Chiris Boissoin, Tyler Cuthbert, C had Dunlop, Mark kelly, and Alex Morton each chipedin an assist. Goaltenders Jesse Francis and Tavis Phillips looked solid and poised. On the 27th of September, the Tim Hortan's Minor Novice Wolves visited Oshawa and came away with a 9-2 victory that saw the boys take a 6-0 firsi pcriod lead and then coast home, much ta the concem of Coach Dunlop. The tcam was led on this day by cen- tre Chad Dunlop, who pickcd up a hat-trick ta go along with three assists. Defenceman Matt Mitchell and forward Matt Gray also had strorig offensive games, natchirig a pair of goals and assists each. Dustiri Belton and Shane Beers poited a goal each. Bryan Piggott led the assists parade, with four, while Beltori, Mark Garran, and Aridrcw Fracz each picked up an assist. The Wolves met their stiffcst challenge of the carly season on September 3th when they played Barrie toaa 5-5 draw. The Wolves were fierce carly on, passing well and quickly jumping out toaa 3-0 lead. Michael Swift had two of thase goals, with Dustin Belton adding the other. Shane Beers assisted on two of the goals, and Jeff Semcszyszyn, Chris Boissoin and Tyler Cuthbert Wolves Minor Novices OpePl 95-96 Season Strongly Orono Arena Happenings This new feature will appear weekly in the Orono Times ta keep you informed of coming events at the arena as well as reporting scores from the previous week. Wednesdays 2 - 3:30 p.m. Public Skating, Parents, Tots and Seniors Free Admission. Sundays 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Public Skating - Aduits $2.00; Students $1.00: Pre- sehool and seniors Free; Families $5.00. Friday, October 6, 7:00 OMHA Newcastle at Orono, Major Plumbing Novices (exhibition); 8:00 OMHA - Manvers at Orono Accessible Designs Atoms (Season- opener): 9:00 OMHA - LNHL Red Wings at Orono, Family Auto Peewees (exhibition). PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL A Delectable Dining Experience in a Unique Wateirfront Setting Discover Durham Region's best kept secret. The Port DarlingtonMrn oe Overlo kin Lae Ontario Se rvIng lunch Monday wu Friday, a delicious Sunday Brnch, a la carte dining 1 uesday to Friday, our ever popular \Xýdnesday evening Two -Can Dine for $19.95 dinner specials, Elaborate Sedfood and Beef BufCet Saturday evenings, Suinday evening from 4 p.m. Family Buffet, A make for a very special' dsning experience. We cater parties from 50 ru 200. Shooters Sports Bar open Nightly for pool, dancing and D.J. music BECOME A MEMBER 0F OUR POOL LEAGUE. For'information cal! George or Wayne. for Reservations cail (905) 623-4925 Exit 432-Hwy 401 Takc Lake Road off Libcrty Street South ro 70 Port Darlîngcton Roaîd, Bowrnatvil ) ME help out as welI. After that, the Wolves seemed content to play conservatlvely, rather than continue wlth a robusi attack. When Barc broke through for an carly second period goal, the Wolves for- got positional hockey, and solo rushes began ta pre- dominate over team play. Mfter numerous defensive lapses and some struggling goaltending, they found themaselvtes tralling 5-3 late in the game. However, Bryan Piggott narrowed the gap off of a Matt Mitchell set up, and Michael Swift tied the match in t1he final minute, completmng his first ever hat-trick, with assisis going ta Mitchell and Shane Beers. Finally, on October 1, the Tim Horton's Minor Novice Wolves travelled ta Ajax and came ouita the wrong end of a 2-1 count, for their first loss of the regular season. Coach Dunlop was not pleased with the total team effort over the first two peri- ods, as the boys were being out-hustled and out-worked by their opposition. Jesse Francis played well in net ta keep the Wolves close, until Matt Mitchell scored late in the -game ta eut the Ajax lead in, haîf. The boys pressed hard, but could not beat the Ajax goalkeeper. All in all, a successful start ta the season for these young players, with much ta be learned and worked on in practice in the coming weeks.,