Orono Weekly 'imes, Wednesday, October 4, 1995 - 5 Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, As October 30th nears, we are increasingly concerned about what could happen in the Quebec referendum. A "Yes" vote will see the even- tual destruction of Canada. A very close vote elther way will result in more wrangling in years to come. We are not satisfied to stand idly by as a spectator to the possible destruction of our country. Therefore, we have decided to make contact with as many french Quebec residents as we can on the weekend of October 21 and 22 by hand deliver- ing a personal letter to their homes. An english version (is found below) for your infor- mation. This is a non-parti- san, totally non-commercial effort to communicate with our Quebec neighbours and say personally that we care about them and about the future of Canada. The letter appeals to the reader to think very carefully before casting their ballot in the referendum. We will print as many copies of the letter as we, and some close friends, can deliver on that weekend. If any of your readers feel as strongly about the future of Quebec in a united Canada, then they are welcome to join us. We are all travel- ling independently and pay- ing our own expenses. Any persons interested may con- tact us at 905-983-9867 to discuss the project. It is our plan to drive to Montreal very early on Saturday, October 21st to deliver letters throughout the afternoon until dusk and start out again on Sunday morning October 22nd, leav- ing the area for home latter that day. We believe and hope that francophones will respond positively to this personal approach. Sincerely, Lynn R. Helpard Open Letter to the Citizen's of Quebec An Urgent Appeal From "Anglo" Friends Dear Neighbours, We have delivered this let- ter to your home ourselves because we wanted you to know how a typical "Anglo- Canadian" feels about October 30, 1995. Like the vast majority of our family and friends, we care very deeply about Quebec. We not only respect the differences between our two cultures, we honestly enjoy them. They are what makes the sum of our nation so much greater than the parts. Without you, we are dimin- ished not just in our area or population, but in those things that make our coun- try se special. The United Nations has declared that Canada is the best country in the world to live. The best place on earth! What a tragedy it would be to give that up. How sad if, after hundreds of years of working and pros- pering together, we allowed the rhetoric and emotions of one brief span tear apart the finest country in the world. We know that elected offi- cials on both sides of this debate are playing their usual political games. But this is one issue that reach- es beyond politics, and goes deeper by far than the pre- dictable interests of the media. That's why we are appeal- ing to you directly. To let you know how strongly we feel about Quebec in the rest of Canada. To remind you of how much we all have to gain, and how much we all have to lose. But most of all, we just wanted you to know how sincerely we hope that your family and ours will remain together, and keep building together the very best place on earth. Cordially, Angie and Lynn Helpard Orono, Ontario. Open Letter to Residents of Orono Dear Residents and Merchants: We are proud to announce that "Wind at My Back Productions" is com- ing to Orono to film scenes for the upcoming family drama serieS of the same name during October and again in the coming weeks and months. Our filming locations are on the Main Street in the vicinity of Centre and Park Streets. The first scheduled dates are Monday through Wednesday, October 2nd to 4th. Orono is a favourite of our creative heads for a number of recurring sets. We hope from the outset to establish favourable relations with the community. To this end we will inform residents of our filming and vehicle parking plans as early as we accu- rately can on each occasion. The series is a depression era saga set in fictional Ontario mining town of New Bedford. In our story two young boys are reluctantly sent to live with their grand- mother after the tragic demise of their father, while their mother searches for work in another town. Amongst the many scenes we will film in this block is the one which is probably the most demanding on a location. The mother in our story, forcibly separated from her children, pulls away on a bus as the boys follow running behind. This scene, scheduled for Tuesday morning will require a large portion of Main Street to be redressed and cleared of vehicles. On each of the three days we will attempt to cone off only the areas needed for the show, and not take up spaces gratuitously. Our service vehicles will park on Park Street and Church Street from Sunday evening until Wednesday evening. Essential equip- ment vehicles would park on Park Street Sunday evening through Monday and on Main Street Tuesday and Wednesday in areas that would be coned off in advance prior to our arrival to secure the needed spaces. We would appreciate your help in allowing us to clear these areas If you are dis- placed from normal parking due to our work and need to pay for parking elsewhere, please notify us so that we can rectify this. The series Is concelved by Sullivan Entertaiiment, the creators of "Anne of Green Gables" and "The Road to Avonlea". The show is expected to air nationally on the CBC Family Hour some- time in the near future. It is our sincere hope that "Wind at My Back" will be the kind of show that we as Canadians can be proud of making. We gratefully acknowledge that location filming of this scale would not be possible without the continued support and patience from communities throughout Ontario. Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to call Dan Matthew's pager #(416) 375- 2847, or Greg Holmgren's pager # (416) 375-4716. Thank you, "we couldn't make a scene without you." Sincerely Dan Matthews, Location Manager Greg Holmgren, Assistant Manager S UBS CRIPTION OFFER During the next few weeks these specially commissioned sales representatives will call on area residents offering subscriptions to: THE ORONOWEEKLY TIMES at SPECJAL RATES This offer is being made available to new readers and existing subscribers. These individuals have been authorized to represent The Orono Weekly Times during this special subscription drive. Please consider the offer they present carefully as it Cannot Be Repeated And Is NOT Available Through The Office. Take advantage of this special offer when these individuals call and enjoy Your Community Newspaper all year round.