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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Oct 1995, p. 12

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2rono Weekly imes, Wednesday, October 18, 1995 Vikinig Raîder' Viking Robbie MacGregor was oneC of the almost 40 kids that participatëO inl the bike decorating contest held at the Newicastle Fali Festival. His bike was oneC of the more unique and interesting ones at the competition. Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowery To start this week's col- umn I feel I mnust address the remarks made by a read- er who wrote the Orono Timfes and used my name in lis or her letter. First you were fortunate to have your letter published since you did not see-fit to sign it, I have stated that I will not include any -comments in this colurnn given to me by others, unless they give me written permission. When I was asked if I would care to write a column, I agreed but said that I would not write a gossip column. Who visits who, or who goes where is not my business. I do not have any aspira- tions towards becoming a Minister nor do I profess to being a religiouis seholar. Many Urnes I have feît like flot carrying on with this col- umn, but thien I get a letter or phone caîl, or somieonec stops me on the street and tells me that they have enjoyed what I write. It rnay not mean muchto the writ- er of the letter to the paper, but to soi-ne of those who rnay not be able to -attend a church service, it lias mean- îng and as long as it brings some form of pleasure to o thers I will try to continue. I arn not a trained typist and have given uip rnany Suinday afternoons doing this col- umn. Perhaps others could do a lot better, but I don't see miany volniteers. Well it looks like the weather las taken a tuirn towards cooler tempera- tures. Sunday was breezy and although it started out sunny it gradually tur-ned cloudy and there were a - few showers here and there. It was grood to Sec so many ot to churdCli, even if many were visitors, lots of children present and the Sunday School was well attended. The Service opened with the hymn, "Jesus Saves" fol- lowed by the 'Invitation to Worship, the Prayer of Approadli. The hyrnn, "Praise the Lord Ye Heavens" was sung and the Prayer of Seif-Examination and Words of Assurance given. Rev. Black called the children for- ward. He asked thern, how rnany like stories? How rnany like to be told stories? He asked therni if stories were magical? He told themn that the bible was full of sto- ries. Sorne of themi were in the forn of letters, because the writer wanted to let oth- 'ers know of something. Some are history, telling of things that had happened. Sorne are stories of drearns, some of bravery, some of hope. At one Urne the Bible was hidden, not in a secret place, but it was chained to a desk. It was written in a languiage that no one could read 50 that they could not under- stand it so it might as well have beeni hidden. But thecn thie Bible was translated into a langu-age that all couild uindcrstand, 50 that all couild read. The children's hiymn was, "Hie Is Lord." Thec scripture wa1s Ephiesians 2: 4- 10. Thie sermon was titled, "Saved Bv Grace". ln thie 2000 years of west- ern Christian Faith, there is nothing more important than tlic writings of Martin Luther, "We Are Saved By Gr-ace." His Urtne was not s0 vcry much different thian our times, a world nui by a bureamucc, truth buried by apathiy. We ftum a blind eye to whiat is happening. We often take f'or granted that sorneone knows all about ChristianitY. Today, we will take it Out Of its pigeon hole and examine it. Saved by Grace, what does that mean'i What does Save mnean? ThÊ dictionary says, conserve-, put aside mnoney for the future, pre- serve frorn danlger or loss, be frugal. Saved, sornetimes brings forth the picture of a professed Christian Who10is dried tup, joyle',ý-3.and this, turns you off, but traced back far enougli saved means a slave, tp be healed. Saved by Grade means fel- lowship with Godl, but some- where back thère sin came in between and1 formed a barrier betweefl man and God. Whiat is Grac@? What the Bible is talkirlg about in Grace, is the utiearned love of God. Martin Luither recognized what the bible mneant, God loved uis not1jecause weý earned it, not fbecause we bouglit it. The church was using the payi-tg of money to buyN Grace, -As a way of getting rnoney for the> church. Martini Luther saw this and wrote ýîgainst it. The Bible tëadhies that one doesn't have to eamn it, you have to accept it by Faith. You can not see "Faith". Youi can not tç)uch it, you rnuist accept it. You can see it in the faces of the children whose homes have been saveci because a parent has foulid Faith and quit being abus-ive. In the face of a man or womnan who, lost everything because they had no faith and the change when they aIccopted God's Grace. Have you ever felt an emipty space in your life? A feeling that like the hole in the donut, sornething is missing, that there is more to life than what you have now? Perhaps you need to tum to God, accept Hirn into your life. To be, "Save by Grace". The hymn, 'Thanks, to God Whose Word" was sung, the Prayer of Thankfulness given. The Clerk of Session brought the Bujold family to the altar for the service of Baptism. Rev. Black Baptized "Hailey Laureete Bujold" daughter of Michael and Susan Bujold, god- daughter of Cheryl Jones and Larry Sullivan. Susan French then presented the' parents with the Certificate of Baptism. The Prayer of Concern and Commitmfent was given and the closing hymn was, "Ail the Way My Saviour Leads Me." -Don't forget that the Kendal U.C.W. will be hold- ing their annual Bazaar.' The sale of Bazaar items will take place in the Orange Hall starting at 2 p.m. Tea will be'served at the C.E. room at the churcli. On Sunday, October 22 we would like to invite you to corne out and join us in cel- ebrating the 125 Anniversary of the church. Service starts at 11: 15 a.m. with special music and Rev. Black conducting the wor- ship. Following the service a time of fellowship wlll be held. Special commemora- tive plates will be sold and also- a special book, "Memory Lane" willbe avail- able and should bring back many memories. On Sunday, October 29, there will be a service hcld at Kendal at thc usual tirne, in the absence of Rev. Black the service will be led by Ron Pedddr anid with music by Yvonne and Lyle Bender. Sunday school will be held both of these Sundays, so bring the childrcn out. Special things are planncd for them. Glad to hear that Helen Couroux is back at home, and hope that she will soon be back to her old self. Helen Boyd has reccntly been moved from the hospi- tal to a nursing home. Bemniece Soper is at pre- sent a patient in Oshawa General. Our thouglits and prayers go out to all these people. Ooops - From the Canberra Times . - . "Kay Brien will speak at the United Church on'Newness in the Nineties', not Newness in the Niglities'," as reported yesterday. ~ aWar.ArnPs videa series ýPORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL A Delectable Dining Experience in a Unique Waterfront Setting Discover Durham Region's best kep secret. The Port Darlington Marina Hotel Overlooking Lake Ontario Srvn lunch Mý,onday to Friday, a delicious Sunday Brunch, a la carte dining TýIvý da1y to Frday, our ever popular Wednesday evenn Two Can Dîne for $ 19.95 dinner specials, Elaborate SeafoodanidlBeef Bu et Satra vning Sunday evening from 4 p.m. Family Buffet, A make for a very special dining experience. We cater parties from 50 to 200. Shooters Sports Bar open Nightly for pool, dancing and D.J. music uBIECOME A MEMBER 0F OUJR POOL LEAGUE. 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