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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1995, p. 12

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12 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 1, 1995 '~ ~ Orono Public Sohool News Hello! We are, the grade twoclas s fromi Orono Public Sehool. Our teachers this year are Mrs. O'Neill and Mrs. McCrae. We studied about n)ond and creek life in September. We explored the Cutdoor Education Centre, Orono Park and our senool crek. This month we are camnn about spiders. %Ve made webs from black yarn. Ve researcned about rnany cifferent kinds of spiders. Our class is reacting the novel Charlotte's Web. We enjoy learning about spi- ders! From the Grade Two Class Next week's news, will be from Grade 1/2. Cross Country running- results by Russell Hawley Our Harrier teamn went to Harmony Valley to race agaînst students fromn other area schools. Ail students showed good team spirit and Ig Cover your head when it 1 rai ns 2 Line your bird cage 3% Make a fireman's hat 4Shade the suni from your 5 Mulch for your garden 6 To pottie train bosse pets 7Wrap fisb and 0f ber goop 8 Wrapping for fezn 9% Use ta pack wtb when W ovin g 1 0 Roll inoafreplace legs I IMBarket for bench sleeping Ià2 Roll op ta make telescope I 3 Recycle for cash IA Clean car windows I 5 Make spît balîs Temporary curfains for 16 yor home I 7 Put on fleur wben pantng 0 aUse for wrappîng gffa I 9 Emergenty toîlet paper 2 0 Use as islto 2IUse leffers for wrtîng 2 1 ransom notes 22Rustingsotînd effeci for A2 3 Start a ire wth if 2% 4 Make isf0 bouse lîppers 2%5 Rol u f0 make a à& megaphone 2â%6 Stand on pile fo appear tal à2 7 Make a collage ran with a lot of heart! Here are the resuits from Orono. Junior Boys, D.J. Boardman - 3rd; Junior Girls, Jennifer Henderson Ist, Sarah Higgins- 2nd; Bantam Boys, Matt Barnes - 3rd; Bantam Girls, Katie O'Neill -l1st, Leanne Topper .-D:d: Atom Boys, Bryan nickell -Ist, Ian Crashlev nd ncc om Girls, Mata Hoggins -i st, Gîllian Barnes 2Àd. This Week's Kidisvfew ie you believe in ghosts, goblins and se on? (Asked of grade two stu- dents.) a) Just spirits because there's a spirit in everyone. b) Yes, because I see them on Halloween. c) No, there were a long time ago but not anymore. 1d) 1 only believe in skele- tons because everyone bas one. e) 1 only believe in ghosts because you can't see them so there could be one here without us knowing. ý2 8 Use as a temporary cast 2 9 Use as shoehorn 3 O Make a fan 31I Empty vacuum cleaner on if 3 2 Fis hole in shoe 3Keep fowers fresh unili you 33get vase 3 4 Put on fluor shen you shell %pecans 3 5 Spank your o 36Make contfetti 3 7 Scoop up dead bugs 38Fîngerpaînt os it 3 Stuartin wetboots ta belp t hem dry 4 nsulate water pipes in 4 1 Swat fles 4 2 à Use rolled op ta beat rug 4 3 10 une the trash tan 494Make a kte 4 5 Paper your trend's yard é46 lean your teef os 47 Use as tunnel for filling pas tank A Make patterns for sewisg 4ý 9 A mnust for slly-putty asers 5 Keep kitcfîen clean mhea transferrîng poffed plants 5IUse for ionng tos 52 Make pinter's bat the uewspaper B3Fold up a page and make , 3 your wallet look impressive 83 4 Make y our bat fit better 8 5 ch pefor ue 85 chwinggum 9 6 Collect the yellow from tbe 4 7 Good for breaking windows, U screen doors, etc, 808 Exercise your grip 8% 9 Teach dog ta fetch 9%O Batking for magit marker ZY art proîecfs 9%1 Sit oniit at raîning football 92A place mat for office coffee 9 3 Use as dusf pan 94 Gîve subscriptîon as a gîft 95 Temporay replace ment for " broken window 9 6 Fller for SantaClu 97 Paper stencils 98Use as worm food 99 Rend 'natianal and local noms, sports, edito- riais, human inferesf, felovision listings, wed- dlin annountoments, birhs deaths, are ail avaîlable in fhe newspa- per 100 Advertise in it: nomcars, grand oponinga, fash- ions, turnîture, food, foys -you name if If you want to sso] somethîng. tho nospaper can hoip. 53Stuf n shirt to make m3r1uscles 5 4 Feed a goat 5 5 Absorb tbîngs you spîll 516 Make paper dolîs S7 To ide in af dinner table For table clotb at anoual 15qspicnic 5 9 A source for rubtier banda 6Colect as a hobby 6 I Make yourself look 63 1 important by tarryîng if 6 2- Use as door-stop 63Dsposable plate Mhen 6 3 eating watermelon 6 4 Use in magietck S Tearîng strîps for birthday ~party streamers 6-ý6 Save the seat sent fa you 6 7 Make a Chrstmas wet 6 M Take ouf frustration by U tearing and tbrowîng 6 9à To tollecttbaîr wben cting 70% ltyurlptck 71I Pack the ice cream freezer 72ý Test out your new 7 o paper'weight 7 3 Practîce stapiinq 74Make pe ople thînik you're 7 f- ot at h ome 7 5 Staff pilows Use onde r car whes you 7 6 have ail laak 7 7 Backîng for wax transfers 78Make a dummy for ffaliaween 7 9 Mask your car for painting oaj Use as a toaster for cold à%~ Prartc or bigleagur, 8 à4basketbal PU%'BLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS At a meeting held on April 11, 1994, the Councii of the Municioality of Clarington passed a reselution whîch states that once each quarter, one regularly scheduleri C',uncil .meeting will be held at a suitable location in either Ward 1 or WVard 3. Accordingîy, the Councîl meeting scneduled te de heid on Monday, Novembirer 13, 1995. at 7:00 p.m., wîll be field at the Orono Town Hall. Stili cheaper than a The Orono Weekly Times Your Small Town Newspaper. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T C!erk Munîcipality ef Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 P.O. 5717 H.W.JU Wood Industries Inc. WINDOWS e WINDOWS *@WINDOWS NOT 5 YEAR, NOT 10 YEAR, NOT 20 YEAR BUT LIFETIME WARRANTY VINYL REPLACEMENT Whioh Covers Seals, Vinyl, and Hardware *Euro-Tech Vinyl Windowsd, WE ARE So CONFIDENT 0OF OUR WINDOWS THAT WE WARRANrY THEM FOR LIFE Installations Available eall (905) 786-2979 For Free Estimates PUBLIC, NOTICE The Honourable David Crombie, Commissiener of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust wîiI present a report and recemmednations cencerning the Westside Marsh te the Council of the Municipality ef Clarington. The report wiII be presented at a regular meeting cf Council as follows: Date: Monday, November 13, 1995 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Orono Town Hall Main Street, Orono The report wiII respond te the Councilsrequest for assistance in resolving issues related te St. Marys Cernent Corporations planned development et their watertront lands. This develoment would affectj the future et the Westside Marsh. A\ny member ot the public attending the meeting will be given an opportunity te ask questions fer clarification. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Municîpalîty cf Clarîngton 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 Date of Publication: Wodnesday, Novombor 1,1995 P.O. 5736 MUNLNCPALITYOF -,y241anglon ONTARIO Dates et Publication: WVednesday, Nevember i and 8, 1995 P.O. 5736

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