4 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 1, 1995 ý;î j You are. LA 71 Mearns Crt., Unit ýà!!, ýThls ad could be yourc Bowmanville, onta:rid' for only $2. 10 Ll C 4N4 -80 a week. 093. 1 75.Çj4ý7 m Umm The Newcastle Uinder 15 Teami not only won ft's divi- sion, but also won the Darlington YotËh Soccer League's Cup Final. Coach Alan Jones would like to congratulate the entire team for another incredible year' of great soccer. The team dominated in their division with nio losses and a record of 123 goals for, with only 9 against. This was achieved despite the tact they were short players for most of the season. Thfis season's MVP went to Mike Harper, with Most Improved award to first time goalie Sanya Lad. Team m iembers shown above, front row: (1-r) Lucas Jones, David Colby, Andy Reid, Jeremry Dureen and Manu Gupta. Back row: Orono Major Tykes with bîg wi n under their beits On Saturday, October 28, the Orono Major Tykes played Dur-hami T.V. in Bowmanville, The game began at a fast pace with only onie goal in the first period, scored by, Bowmrariville. Oronoreai ated lin the second period, our fir-st goal scored 1by Shane Winters wvho was assisted by Matt Baxter, the second scored byv Matt, Baxter and assisted by Shane Winters and the thirdC scored by Adam- Wood un iias- sistedi. Durhiam T.V. scored their seýcond goal at the, top of the third peiod, puing the Le-afs under someu pres- sure by narrowingý our lead to one goal but Mattl3te eased Orono's tension byv scoring two unassistedl gaoals. Bowmanville nmanaged to score thieir third goal four minutes later and -Tit for Tat", Orono's Doug Deboo scores a goa-l tfor the Leafs assisted by) Sarah Donnelly. With only three minutes left in the pe-riod, Bowmianv\,ille scores again but Orono f-01 lows through with iMatt Baxter scoring unassistedi. The final score 8 ,4 for Orono. Also lhelping Orono( win ,vas Camecron Delormei, Jo)shua lynJoniathan Greg,9 Robyn Henderson, Scott Hiender-isoni, Ryvanr Kniox, Joniathan Ko)nersseni, Heather Miaitland, Daniel Riley aind our steadjfast goalie Mat Be,,ster. Congfratulations Orono. Major Plumbing Novice host "Roekem Sockem" Night On Friday, October 27, Mariposa came to town and played Orono in a roughi and tumble gaine. This was the first gamne with Kyle Allini wearing the Captaini's "C" and Kyle Cox and Brian Pisani wearing the "A", The period opened with a bad give away behind goalie Ian Crashley whiichi resulted in a Maiposa goal at 9:41. Qrono's first shot on net did not come until thec 4:05 mark and Mariposa domi- nated the first period. Oron's estchanlce came, onl a pass to tve rg WIvingers Jason Geraldi and Andy Bangay worked hard to even the score before theý first buzzer went. Richiter lied the score with a top shelf goal off a long pass by E-van Moore. Orono appea-red to let down at tis point and sloppy playT arouind their owvn net result- ed iii Mariposa going up 2-1 at 7:1 1. Orono hiad a great chan ce to score a minute later but ai cheap shot by Mariposa's # 10 ended thichaI-nce but cost them 2 minutes for rouging.Withithe mIan advntge#5 Chris MoI!ýffat Aaron Burns, Sanjay Lad, Casey Taylor, Brent Roozenboom, Mike Patrick, Johumathon Armnishaw, Adam Goyne and Coach Alan Jones. The teami would also like to thank two Newcastle Mosquito players for provid- ing great assistance ail sea- son]. They were Ryan MacCracken and Casey Muizelaar. made a nice carry and shot Which left a nice rebound for the teami but they could flot cash in. #9 Taylor Doyle pt on a.great effort to score but also came up empty. #4 Doug Garlick, #8 Pauil Richter and #6 Justin H-ili miade a nice ruish with :537 ilft and alrhost tied thiegamei The third period was grid- dled with penalties as both teamls took penalties for Bodyv Conta.c, slasing and even a benl ch inor. Oroo, realizing dts could be thecir first defeat of, the seasoni, finallyv tumned on the bumrncs and tied the sore(. it wais on1 an (end(lto -end carry by # 10 Kyle Alun at 9:26, uhaýs- 'sisted. With 7 minuites remiaining goa0ýlie Ian Crashlley called upon his lighting (fast glove to mnake an 1 important sae Mariposa's # 10 took 1ifs sec- ond penalty of' the gamec when thec rocked #8 Paul Richter heavily into the end boards. Orono's # 14 Kyle Cox, unhappy with Mariposa's play took 2 ini- utes for slashing at 3:47 and took Mariposa's #4 with him, for body contact. As the garne wore on Orono tried f or the go ahead goal with # 15 Briani Pisani getting a chance to rush but just couildn't get his shiot away. Orono had to settle for a l'ie and a spot on "Rockemi Sockem 7". 1 cup white sugar 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1 cup cil 1/4 tsp nutmeg 3 eggs 1 tsp cinnamon 1-1/2 cups flour 1/2 tsp sait 1-1/3 tsp baking powder - 2 cups grated carrots 1-1/3 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup chopped nuts Beat sugar and oil weiI. Add eggs one at a time. Add dry ingredients mix well. Stir in carrots and nuts. Pour into greased 9 x 13 cake pan. Bake at 3250F for 30 minutes or until done. For icing - cream together: 1/2 pkg cream cheese 1/4 cup butter or miargarine 1-1/2 cups icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract S Pread onto cake when it has cooled. Sawc1Vc"ç2y aiid H-elp the-E- rc-mei ORONO BULK FOODS 5331 M AIN STREET, ORONO 983-1143 We now have CAKE PAN RENTALS 5 Shop at homne service - pick-up or homie delivery auai Jable WATCH- FOR WEE-KLY SPECIALS!!î Authorized Sales& Service Centre for:- -CamcordEàrs - VCR's - Microwaves 982 -TV's - Accessories - Stereo System-s . Telephones - Top 100 CD's& Tapes PANASONIC - SANYO SONY - JVC - GOLDSTAR NOTICE Rogers Community 10, Pine Ridge, has two openings for representatives of the Municipality of Clarington on their Programming Advisory Board. It is the mandate of the Board to wvatch the station and provide their input and opinions on the programming. Board members receive complimentary cable service and an honorarium based on attendance. If you are interested in sitting on this Board, please respond in writing to0 the undersigned by Novemnber 10,-1995. Date of Publication: WAedinesday, Novemnber 1, 1995 Patti L. Barrie,-A.M.C.T. Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance ,Street Bownanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 PO-540 RECIPE 0F THE WEEK Compliments of the Orono Bulk Food Store Carrot Cake and Icing P'eople -Do'.;Read Small Ads. es m. - - ' i .. 1