10OooWeekýly im-es, Wedniesday, November 15, 1995 Souvenir f2hristmclS (arol 9nsert cEake "'his Along With YOU eCo 'the righting of (2histmas -7riday 7:30 At 'the 1. Oh, Corne, Ail Ye Faithful Oh, corne, ail ye faithful, joyful and trlumphant, Oh, corne ye, oh, corne.ye, to Bethlehem: Corne and behold Him, born, the King of Angels: Chorus: Oh, corne, let us adore Hlm, Oh, corne, let us adore Him, Oh, corne, let us adore Hlm, Christ the Lord, Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, Sing, ail ye citizens of heav'n above; Glory to god in the highest: Chorus Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning; Jesus to thee be glory giv'n Word of the Father now in flesh appearing: 2. We Three Kings We three Kings of Orient aire, Beoing gifts we traverse ai ar, Field and fountain, moor and mouritain, Folowing yonder star. Refrain: O star af wonder, star of right, star with royal beauty bright: Westward leading, stili proceeding, Guide us ta that perfect llght. Bom a Kng an Bethlehem's plain, Gold I bring to crown bim again, King for ever, ceasmng neyer, Over us ail ta reign. Frankince nse ta offer have I, Incense awns a Deity migh, Prayer and praising, ail men raising, Worsbip Hirm, God most bigh Myrrh is mine, its b)itter perfurne Breathes a lie of gcthering gloom; Sarrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, Sealed i the stone -cald tomb. Glanaous naw behold Hm arise, King and Go d and Sacrifice! Alleluia! Allelula! Earth ta the heaven replies. 3. Frosty the Snowmau Frosty the Snovvman, Was a-jolIy, haPPY soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose And two eyes mnade out of coal. Frosty the Snowmafl Is a fairy tale they say, He was made of snow,But the children know, How he, came to life one day. There must have been some magic in, That old silk hàt they found, For when they placed it on his head, He began to dPflce around. Orono rtown Hall 4- Situez Sett, City sidewalks, busy side- walks, Dressed in holiday style. In the air there's the f'eel- ing of Christmas. Children laughing, people passin.g, meeting smile, after smile. And on every Street cor- ner you hear... Chorus: Silver beils, silver beils, It's Christmas time in the Oh,Frosty the Snowman City. Was aliveas he could be, Ring-a-ling, hear them And the childrQfl say he could laugh and play, ring Justthesam asyouandme.Soon it will be Christmas Justthe ame s yo andme.day. Oh, Frosty the Snowman Strings of tree lights, Knew the Sun was hot that day, eve n stop îights, So, he said "Let's run,and we'll-have some fun, Blink a bright red and Now, before Imelt away." green. As the' shoppers rush Downto te vilagehome with their trea- WihabroomstiÇk in his hand, sures. Wunither n hra l rud h qaeHear the snow crunch, Runing herC a n h re aIl arun d hes uaesee the kids bunoh, Sayig, Catc meif yu cn."This is Santa's big scene. And above ail this bustle He led them down the streets of town you hear... Right to the traff ic cop, And he only paused a moment Chorus When he heard him holler, "Stop!" For, Frosty the Snowman had to hurry on his way, But he waved Goodbye, saying "Don't you cry l'Il be back again someday." Thumpity, Thump, Thump, Thumpity, Thump Look at Frosty go, Thumpity, Thump, Thump, Thumpity Thump, Over the hilîs of snow.