Santa Savs Remember: WEELYTIMES - -eivn Es Caintna eyond * e 3 650 ÈnaCasPrae omnil GsTifludd This Weekend Wednesday, November 15, 1995 Turk eyD Dinner For Seno Cees Oronlo Branch oI Auto Workerps _____Cred-it Union To Close in New Year The 0Oronio Senior Cees Bil Grady ail tied with 64, but new year when holiday festlv- were served a delicious turkey Bill Grady won the draw. Low MUes are over. dinner on November 9 by the score was Ruth Grady. The Isabeil TrIm, Charlie Rebekahs. After the short Bingo prize was won by Campbell, Tom Wilson, and meeting there were il tables Charlie Miller. Thelma Vagg, all enjoy a of euchre belng played with It was decîded to have the round of cards after the Ray Staples hlgh with 66. next regular meeting in lunch. Thelma Vagg 65, George December with the suggestion Carson, Hilda Caswell and of a pot luck dinner in the The Board of Directors of the Auto Workers Communlty Credit Union announced last Frlday that the Orono branch office of the Credit Union will close at the end of this year. The AutoCash (banklng ma- chine) service will, however, remain operating at the Main Street location in downtown Orono. Earlier this year, an oper- ational study performed by Price-Waterhouse recom- mended this closure. Credit Union members in Orono wffl be encouraged to move their accounts to the' Bowmanville branch office where they will continue to avail theni selves of full fi- nancial services. Members will be contacted personally within the niext few weeks with further information. On behaîf of the Credit Unlon's Board of Directors, Corporate Secretary DYon Nichoils said "We regret the necessity of this decision and the disappointment'it, wîll cause but the small number of members being served through this location really left us with no alter- natives." The Orono branch office was the resuit of a merger of the Auto Workers (Oshawa) Credit Union with the former Orono and District Credit Union in 1991. The office was opened by the Minister of Finance in October of 1992. Auto Workers Communlty Credit Union provides finan- cial services to more than 20,000 people who share In its ownership. Membership li the Credit Union 15 open to anyone living or worklng in the Regional Municipality of Du-rham. -Founded .in 1938, Auto0 Workers Credit Union is community owned and con- trolled. It has total assets' of approximately $185 mil- lion and Its deposits are in- sured by the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario. Waterfront Regeneratimon Trust Reports on the Future of West Side Marsh David Crombie and the Waterfront Regeneration Trust made a presentation to the Town at- Monday's Council meeting held at the Orono Town Hall. The pre- sentation was on the Trust's recommendations for the future of the West Side Marsh in Bowmanville, the contro- versial site at the forefiront of St. Mary's Cement's long range plans. The recommendation is 1ust that, a recommendation. Council Is not requlred to fol- low the points laid out in the, report. The deal, which was worked out in conjunction with St. Mary's Cement, would Save a higher percent- age of the marsh than Oýarlier St.* Mary'"s proposaIs. TI:e marsh would stilîl decrease in size from -102 acres to 64 acres; 13 acres of the new acreage would be newly con- structed marshland. St. Mary's would be giving up parts of the limestone deposits found li that area. In return, they would be given most of Waverly Road south of thae 401, so that it may be closed and limestone nned from where the road was is. A new entrance would be need- ed for the residents of Cedar Crest Beach. Three new access ways were also pro- posed; one along the limit of the St. Mary's Quarry, one which would make Cove Road a public road, and one called the 'Ramble Route' which would come down somewhere between the other two pro- posed routes. St. Mary's would also be required to move their rock crushing operation-from the east side of Waverly Road continued on page 2 LUA.C.A.C. House Tour L.A.C.A.C. (Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee) is proud to present their' 1995 Yuletide House Tour of Vntage Homes in the quaint Village of Orono, December 9th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Spend the day embraced by the warmth of Christmas past. Houses decked in fes- tive celebration-. Sample traditional fare. Enjoy musicians, soloists, quartets. A Victorian Lunch is offered at an additionàl cost of $6.00, and a traditional Turkey Dinner, at $12.00, to be served at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are lîmited and are available at the following loca- tions - Saywell's Book Store - Oshawa; The Book Studio - Bowmanville: The Apple Blossom Shop - Orono. For further information or tickets through the mail call 905-983-5926. Volume 59, Number 44 Happenings ... Lighting of the Lights and Santa tool! Lighting of the Lights and Christmas Caroling at the Orono Town Hall beinsFriday evening at 6:30 p.m. The Orono Town Hall Craft Show will be held Friday 4 to 9 and Saturday 10 to 5. And of course Santa Claus will be the highlight of the week- end as the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade gets underway Saturday at 10:30. Park free fromn 8 - 4 at Memorial Hospital. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society A show of 'collectable' items will be on display in the Historical Room, Community Hall, Village of Newcastle, on- Friday November 24 and Saturday November 25, froi to 4 p.m. Antiques" autograph books, dolis, memorabiia, a collection of unique dlocks and faniily treasures are some items to be shown. Vlew our Archives. Everyone welcome. Free admission and refreshments. Claringtofl Older Adult Centre's Upcoming P rogramns The Clarlngton Older Aduit Centre's upcoming programis include: Tues., Nov. 21, 10:15 a.m. inclujdes: Decorating with Podge with Audrey Stevens; at 1 p.m. the Canadian Mental Health Association will make a presentation and at 2 p.m. the Osteoporosis Support Group will hold its monthly meeting w'ith Judy Climenhage trom the Public H-ealth Dept., at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville. On Thurs., Nov. 23rd, Christmas Celebrations with the 'Countiy Town Singers' at Bowmianville High School. Tickets '$8.00. Avalable at the Apple Blossom Shop & Rolph Hardware. For information phone Comm-junity Gare 623-2261. Orono Towvn Hall Euchre Resuits Lastweekl-'s resuflts are as follows: June Wilson, 88; James Lowery, 82,' Richard P otterý, 79; Gladys Greenwood, 76; Roy Hayward, 75. Low scoreý Edgar Milîsoni. Draw winners: Alice Hooey, Marthia Clark, Jean Richard Potter, Mlinnie Taylo)r. Euchre is held every Wedniesday at 8 p.m. Lunch provided. Dart Players welcome The Durham Srs., Lodge welcomes any seniors wishing to j om in on their Wed. afterncoo dart games, caîl Maron 983 5361.