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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1995, p. 10

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îw- OtonO weýeMly Ims eân iwmbt,1 L. A.C.A.C. Donation to Kirby United Church dwell on the problemn, be flex- ible, God rarely works the way we expect Him todo. We must let go. Trust God. Worry won't change things, if you are doing your best to fol- low where God is leading you, that is ail you can do. Accept the wisdom of Serenity, "O God; grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things 1 can, and the wisdomn to know the dif- ference." Many of u s know th is part but, there is a second part to the prayer; "and grant me the patience for the things that take timne; appreciation for what I have, tolerance for those with different struggles and strength to try again, one day at a un. T his is what it means to turn to the Lord for help. That is how to do it. Trust in God, Believe in God. The Prayer of Thankfulness was given an~d the Prayer of Concern and Commitment. The closing hymn was, -Because He Lives." Anyone who is interested, there are stili some Anniversary Plates available, contact Thelma Westlake or Helen Wood. And if you wish to order a copy of the book titled, -M-emory Lane", more may be ordered. Tuesday, November 28th will be the meeting of The Central Board of Kendal, 7:30 p.m. To ail those who have asked after my health and have told mie that they have missed my column, my heart- feit thanks, àt is nice to know that you have been missed. "I'mBaaaaaaick." "If nobody knows the trou- bles you've seen, you obvi- ously don't live in a small town.", Sby P. Lowery L.A.C.A.C made a generous donation to the Kirby United Churcli at the 9:30 a.m. ser- vice held there on Sunday. $ 1,000.00 was given to the Church, a historical building located àt the southwest corner of Regional Road #9 and Highway 35/115. The money will be used to help defray some the costs for the recent repairs that are being done to the church. Eleanor Magder and Janie Dodds of L.KC.A.C. present the money to Don Hamm, Chairperson of the Trustees at Kirby United, and Rev. Mervyn Russell, minister of the Kirby and Orono United Churches. Remember the L.A.C.A.C. House Tour in Orono on Deceinber 9. For information cail 983-5926. Well wînter is here, I declare it officially, had to use the snow blower for the first time. I must admit that even though I don't look forward to having to remove the snow, it does makes everything look nice and bright. I almost feel like going out and doing some Christmas shopping, 'maybe next week." It has been 3 weeks since my last column, in that time Kendal has. lost another member of the community, Bemnice Soper. Bemnice spent her whole life in the Kendal area. My first memories of ber were as a young teenager when she took me to a young peoples picnic. Bemice loved to play cards and attended as many euchre parties as pos- sible. Bernice will be sadly missed. Sunday was a beautiful bright sunny day, and although other ski resorts opened this weekend, Kirby Ski Hill is not open yet. There was a good atten- dance ai church this morn- ing. The service opened with the gathering hymns, "Bigger Than A Mountain", *"By My Spirit", and "The Haven 0f lRest". Rev. Black welcomed ail. The opening hymn was "Learning To Lean". The Invitation to Worship was fol- Iowed by the Prayer of Approach. The hymn "The God of Abraham, Fraise" was sung and the Prayer of Self- ExaminaI ion was given and the Words ot Assuirance fol- l<)wed. Lyle an(idYvonne IBender s;lilîg f bu ovelv song, "Il [s No A<'cref". Lyle 101(1 lis thb' st<)iy ('!>1 Iov, hits song was w ift ('1 by a, mail o Ilad losi thr-ec they waited' for the school bus, he wrote it one night as he heard the chimes ringing and reaîized that the hurt in his heart was gradually heal- ing. David called the children to the front, he told them that, it is no secret, what God can do. He asked them, do you think this is true? Wfhat can God do? The children said that He could make flow- ers, were they ail the samie? They said no, they were al different colours. David told them that God made us, and we were ail different. He asked thiem what did God do when they were aifraid? God gives them courage, strength when it is needed, perhaps to pull someone to safety. It is no secret what God can do, He does wonderful things every day. The Bible is filed with stories of children, nlot only aduits, that God bas given His gifts to. Lyle and Yvonne sang, "*Consider the Lilies." Tbe Scripture was from Psalms 124, 125 and Corinthians Chapter 12. The sermon was titled "How". Two weeks ago the sermon was, -God Only Knows" Since then David bas been asked numerous times, How? How do you let go your trou- bles to the Lord? How do you do this? It is easy to say but bard, to do. This question keeps ruany tbinking people from acccpting the fullness of liftè Ibat Jesus promises theni. Tbey don't know bow to do il, and iin other cases Iliry are ai raid 1tn ty. Taking if to t Ne Lord in lraver is liard, but Ieaviigilfltîere is flic lardest part. l'rayer is f alkinig 1<) Cd. you niay bc woi-rri(i aiid pray f o Iliiii as yoen arc di vfng yeîîr car, or you may be awakened ai home in the middle of the night. How do you leave your troubles in God's hands? This is the story of a womnan who was having a troubled night, she had a vision of God and she was telling Him of her troubles but her troubles did'not go away. She argued with God, He told her that 'she had neyer left them with Him, everytime He went to take them she took them back. Think about this, the only reason that you are here, you were given life, no matter Who you are, what others may think of you, what you may think of yourself, God cares for you, God made you and God doesn't make Junk. God made Jesus. Jesus life was not always pleasant or easy, but Jesus knew God. Jesus knew that through the loss of a friend, the betrayal- of a fol- lower, the charges made against Him, the trial and the acknowledge of His comîng death, Jesus knew that God loved Him. God gave H im the strength to go on. It was flot because Jesus had any kind of special rela- tionship with God that is flot available to you, but because ,Jesu-s took advantage of the samne opportnities that you have today, ighst now. Much of it depends on you. You haeto choose to believe, you hiave to miake thie effort to alflow God to eýstabIishi a rela- ionsbip withyVol]. Tb"iere 1 5 notbing In ail cre- ation thiat cain separate us fr-orn God's lv" Do you realy elivethat? It is true. Therei- is no place we-an go, either by our on il l or by the wiIl((-of othrs, no power canil)\( renv byn he reacb 'We nuistievethat God II do 1 lis part.We we are alador worricd can go 1" 0(( Go d dknow iblat 1wis doîig lis par t we sbotild not GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED???' Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS Limousine Service will get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE REGULATIONS FOR 1995-96 WINTER SEASON DECEMBER 4,1995, TO APRIL 1, 1996 Area residents are hereby advised of the Provincial and Municipal Regulations applicable to the 1995-96 Winter Season, December 4,1995, to, April 1, 1996, as follows: The Hiahway Traffic Act <R.S.O. 199o): Section 170 (12) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movemnent of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Section 170 (15> provides the authority for the remnoval-of any vehicles, atI the owner's axpense, found to be causing an obstruction of a highway. Section 181 prohibits the depositing of snow or ice on a public roadway. Municipalitv of Clarington By-Iaw 91-58: Section 4-6 (i) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway for a period of longer than three (3) hours, and is also applicable t0 overnight parking on any road und er the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington. MMUNl(JPAI1Y 0F Don Patterson, CET. Manager of Operations Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Dates of Publication: WNednesday, November 15 and 22, 1995 P. 5207 Ke»lndal News

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