6 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 22.. 1995 Dangerous Intersection? The intersection at Baselmne and Regional Road 57 is not a dangerous inter- secti on, at least flot more dangerous than similar intersections in Bow- manville, according to Regional Councillor Larry Hannah. Since 1992, there have been 15 accidents at the intersection, none of them fatal, compared to 22 accidents at the corner of Liberty and King and 23 at Hwy. 2 and Martin Road. Councillor Hannah was respondlng to an article that ran in the Times last week in which the safety of the entrance at the new Tim Horton's/Wendy's is located was in question. Some have criticized it, saying that it was too close to both the highway on-ramp and the intersection. "We put in what we thought were safegu-ards; $50,000 letter of credit for a divider and a cap of 16,000O in daily traffic volume," said Hannah. He was also a little put out by the inférence by Oshawa anid Regional Orpono Tanker Truck To Be SoId Cotincillor John Acre in the article that "there was polit- ical involvemnent by the elect- ed people of Clarington who were pushing for it. " "I neyer lobbied for it," says Hannah. He did in fact agree that there was a potential prob- lem with people making ille- gai left tums out of the park- ing lot. "Timi Horton's hias agreed Io look into the problem. They have agreed to extend the divider to make it more difficult for people to turn north," said Hannah. He also added, -there wîll always bc problemns at an intersection.. .you try to fix the problem as best you can. Tree 0f Lighl The holiday season is always difflcult for families who have lôst a child. This year, Bereaved Families Of Ontario-Durham Region will decorate a tree at the Michael Starr Buildinig locat- ed at King and Centre in Oshawa, Clear lights and angels will symbolize the memnories Of our loved ones. A lighting ceremony will take place Wednesday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. Donors to the tree will be assisting Bereaved Famîlies Of Ontario-Durham Region to provide programming and public education and will be giving a gift of light in memi- ory of their own. We would like to invite ail family members - parents, sons, daughters, grandpar- ents, aunts, uncles. broth- ers, sisters - to this dedîca- 1691 or 1-800-387-4870 tion service which will bring and if you would like to a special meanîng to this rememnber a loved one, holiday season. We would please complete the form also welcome your friends below and mail to: and neiglibours to this IBFO-Durham Region remnembrance service. PO Box 70518 If you wish to attend, 1615 Dundas St E. please call us at 905-987- Whitby, ON LIN 2K0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lEnclosed is $ - in support of 'The Angels Tree of Light' 1 lIn Memory of~ IMy N=me &I IAcldressI INumber of people attending dedication service:_____ IA ist of th-ose loved ones for whom the fiee is dedicaited willbe dis-l iplaryed beside the tree. To ensure thart vour loved one's namne is listedl 'by thie dedlication date of December 13, 1995, this forrn must bel 'received art the aibove address by Novenber 30, 1995. 1 L ------------------------------- J Christmas Shopping Made Easy A Showcase of Gifts & Services displayed by local Home-Based Businesses ... -FASHION - SKI NOARE - TOYS - UNIQUE GIFTS PERSONALIZED SERVICES - EXC!TING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITJES Wednesday, November 22,1995 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. -~No admission - Free Draws - Show Specials NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL 71 HWY. #2 For more information ca/i Suzanne 987-3859 >-~- lE ORONO WEEKLY lIMES SPECIAL RATES This offer is being made available to new readers and existing subseribers. These individuals have been authorized to represent The Orono Weekly Times during this special subscription drive. Please consider the offer they present carefully as it Cannot Be Repeated And Is NOT Avai1ab1e Through The Office. Take advantage of this special offer when these individuals cail and enjoy Your Community Newspaper ail year round. GANARASKA I.EATHERCRAFT AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Tandy Craft - The Leather Factory .Bristol Leathers Phone ahead or by chance S8335 Hwy. 35/115, Orano LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 w '1~~t '4 - i 1 1 T-trint fi ill nrfmmý