,-,Orýono WeýeklýyTimes. WednesdayNovp-nbbr!22, 19!5 -ý7 Local Businesses Donate Money The Orono Amateur Athletic Association ice re- surfacer fundraiser is getting another boast from Armstrong's IGA in Orono. Mr. Don Armstrong announced that the Armstrong IGA will donate $1.00 towards the ice e surfacer for every $300 of grocery receipts dropped off in a box that will be located in the Orono Arena. The, A R O'UNE with Bob Wilsher Trustee, W ard 3 No rthumberland-Clarington Board of Education On Wednesday last week 1 had the pleasure of attend- ing the Clarke High Scbool Academnic Banquet. The event is design-ed to honour tbe academic achievements of the students at Clarke High School. Even thougb the weatb er did n't cooperate, there was an excellent turnout by students and their parents. It is evident that the stu- dents have put a great deal of effort into their studies and the results prove it. The stu- dents and thecir parents are to be congratuilated. Excellence requires work and promotion wîll run until February 29, 1996. So go look through your bags and' get your receipts and bring them on down to, the Arena. Don Armstrong was also on hand witb Peter and Lynda McCullough of Famîliy Hair Design. Armstrong's IGA presented the Orono Athletic Association with a generous cheque of $1,000.00 te, go T THE support from home. This event bas been orga- nized for the past ten years by teacher Mark Silnicki. Mark and the staff of Clarke have placed a high priority on rec- ognizing the achievement of their students. It is a great deal of work te, make the ban- quet happen and to make it a meaningful event for the stu- dents. Congratulations to Mark and the staff at Clarke for their efforts are very much in order. Clarke staff, under the leadership of Laurel Nichols, are also to be congratulated for the suiccess of the Board- wide Scienice Olymipics whichi was held at Clarke oni Novemiber 3. The evenit chal- lenges studenits ini the area of For Ice Re-Surfacer towards the re-surfacer. Family Hair Design made an equally generous donation of $200.00. As of November 17, $29,170.00 bas been raised for the new machine. The Goal is $55,000.00 Above, Don Armstrong (left) and Lynda and Peter McCullough (right) present Orono Athletic Association President Ray Bester with their donations. BOAR D science through questions, projects and a quiz-contest. It proved to be a hit witb the students and accomplished the objective of teacbing the students the importance of r science in the curriculum and their lives. Again our appreciation to Laurel and al L of the teachers for the many extra hours tbey gave to mak- ing the event so successful. in last month's column I said the 1995 enrolîment statistics were ready and that 1 would sbare them with you. For the Clarke High School Associated School Grouping, that's all of the schoois in ward three the following information is offered in the chart below. As can be seen fromn these Total Enroll~ment as of September 30, 1995 Clarke High School Elementary The Pines Sr. Public Kirby Public School Orono Public School Newtonville Public School Newcastle/ Lockhart P.S. Total Elementary 1994 1995 260 191 274 119 558 1402 257 193 272 110 578 1410 Secondlary Clarke High School Total ail Schoois in Ward 3 Clarke ASG iTotal Clarke ASG 1994 1995 508 465 1994 1995 1910 1875 % Change - 1.2% 1.0% 0.7% -7.6% 0.6% % Change 8.460/ 1994 %of Elementary in Ward 3 18.5% 13à.6% 19.5% 8.5% 39,8% 100.0%/ 1994' % of Board Secondàry 6.96%0 1994 %~ of Board %o Change Total Students School ASG 1995 % of Elementary in Ward 3 18.2% 13.7% 19.3% 7.8% 41.0% 100.0% 1995 %of Board Secondaiy 6.33%0 1995 % of Board Total Students 7.69% Oro%-%no Public From Senior Kindergartens Aýftemnoon Class. There are twenty students in our class. Mrs. O'Neill is ouir teacher. Mrs Smith works in our classroom. She is an Edu-cational Assistant. Th ere aïre il girls and 9 boys in our class. In September, wve visited Mr. Allin's apple orchIard. In October, ouir class went f-or a, Fail walk. in Novemiber, we walked to the ceýnotaphi. We like to play ,withi blocks and leamn about thing9s. Some of us play with the cars. We like to work on th optr.We like to pinti. W like to draw pic- tu ýres. WeVt make things at cut and jpaste. Welke to play in the sandbox. We like to have fun! One of our favouirite activitieii is thie triple ladder. Aniotherfaourteactivity is the sniack table. We like to read books. Some of us work at the home centre. Please corne and visitus in our Kindergarten classroom. Momfîng Clciss Mrs. Osmond is our'teacb- er. We learned about "Littie Critter". We found out infor- numbers the elementary schools are still experiencing growth. Newcastle continues to have a significant increase wbile the others remain sta- ble. The situation at Clarke High Scbool bas been reviewed anid some changes for next year will be impie- mentedi. It is important to maximize th-e Luse of Board's facilities. Clarke Highi School bas a lot of room for more students. Where program is available at Clarke students will be expected to attend that school. Bowmanville High School is quite overcrowded. School News mation from Mercer Mayer's books. Little Critter tired out bis babysitter. He had a day- dream and he becane, Super Critter. He is five years old and be is in Senior Kindergarten just like us. The children wrote a book about Little Critters. The class built a town for the Critters and Mrs. Osmond took pictuires. We had fun. Correction: Two weeks ago 1 wr-ote that Mrs. Caron's class biad free time after recess. in fact they have actrivities whicbi involve set tasks. 1 apologize- for sug- gestîng that Mrs. Caron's cliass had an easy time of it! RusselilHawley Titis Weekc1's Kidsview Are you bapDpy that we bave snlow alreadyý? a) Yes, beca-use 1 love the snow. b) Yes, because 1 like to play in the snow. c) Vies, because I like to make snowrnen. d) Yes, because I like to make snow forts. e) Yes, because I like -sliding dlown the bis. I would like to express my appreciation to ail of you wbo have taken the time to respond to the presentation we did on amalgamation. Clearly the vast majority are not in favour of it or, at min- imium, have questions that the Minister, of Education mi-ust answer before changes are made. 1 was amazed at the large number of letters I have received from parents and ratepayers. Thank you! We will keep you infonned as the province deals with amial- gamation. 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