E!IW Il IWrjbttU L -~ - i ~~OyiIonWeekly Tintes, Wednesday. Novemtber 29, 195i) Staying In Touch continued from page 3 at 1-800-366-0355. 1This past week, we heard about the famous MPP Christmas Card. There are many long held tradition that have been the practice- for many years. lt is your money and 1 promise to be accoun t- able in mny spending.ý I agree, that we shouid eliminate some of the old accumulated perks. 1 have no problema with thesedecisions, as 1 did not make the rules and have not used any of the perks anyway. There will be no pension for MPP's eiected since 1990. We are also examining' the, tax free aiiowance of ail elected offi- ciais. If you wish, 1 wouid giadiy reveai my spending along with the previous mem- bers exDenses, as this is pub- lic information anyway. I will tell you myphilosophy. "I should be hcld responsible for those things I have control over." From day one of my term in office, my goal has been to spend 25% less than the previous member. We al work carefully to control every element of cost. We realize we are spending your money. On Wednesday, November 29th, the Minister of Finance The Honourable Ernie- Eves xiii make an Economie state- ment. The message is that we have had a spending prob- lem in Ontario, We are spending more in interest payments than in most pro- grams inten ded to heip those in need. In my opinion, the only responsible action we can take is, to stop spending youir money. Eventually, you have to pay off the credit card, we ail know that. The previous goverp'ments have been spending your money, faster than theyf could colleet your taxes. LikF most Of you, 1 arn very -conêerfled about health care, cflidren's ser- vices, educatjffl, day care, security in our communities and heiping tihose truly in need. Ask yourgeif this ques - tion, "is it honëst and in the best interest of Phis province, to keep spendifig money we do flot have? Are we flot cheating and niisleading the people of Ontario by continu- ing the spendinig spree?" The Liberais and NIP are flot the only'ones with a heart. Ask yourself, who i§ being honest with you? John R. OToole, MPP' Durham East (The ConstituèflCY Office for John O'Toole 4s located at 75 King Street East. Bowmanviile, Qntario LIC 1N4, phone (9O5),697-1501.) '95 Grand P-rix V6, pw pi cayenne red 8,000 km $1 7,995 '95 Jimmy SL Ioaded, red, 2000 km $27,995 '95 Safari SLE Ioaded, blue, 20,000 km $23,595 '95 Grand Arn Sedan Ioaded, red, 15,000 km $1 6,995 '94 Sunbird Coupe air/auto/cass, purpie, 33,000 km $1 2,695 two to Choose tram '94 LeSabre LTD '94 Safari '94 nev Astro '94 GrandA m u i Ioaded, white, 22,000 km Ioaded, blue, 41,000 km burgundy, 14,000 km ioaded, black, 41,200 km $25,995 $2,9$199995 $15,995 '93 Sunibird '93 Safari air/aut/cass, aqua, 33,000 km Ioaded, blue, 56,000 km $11,»5 $179995- '93 Cavalier airlauto/cass, aqua, 49,000 km $119,295 zii ulAVIu J .IlfI b 1111..J'.> .AVIN,. Ioaded, blue, 53,000 km Ext. Cab DualIy, Grey 67,100 km $2e4,995$549 '92 Chev Astro Ioaded, blue, 86,000 km $17,995 )2 Sonoma -V6 Cass Low Rider Teal, 66,000 km $1 3,995 -I OUUU.JLL V6 auto/air/cas, grey. 55,000 kmn $8,495, '91 Cavalier Se air/auto/cass, red, 134,0( $ 79995 '91 Jimmy'90 Jimmy Ioaded, blue, 88,00 km Ioaded, black, 136,000 km $1 9e995 $1 39995 '88 bUnbiru auto/cass, brown, 32,000 km $69995 If eo hn crssbor e hopig e s e -$$the ha eto... PETERBOROUGHN PONTIAC BUICK PORT HOPE HWVY. 9 2 COBOURG LA...P"E5Er'Tr A Yuletide Tour of Town & Country Homes Featuring Vintage Homes of Brick, Frame 8t Stone in the Vrillage of Orono 8t Surrounding Countryside. We Invite You to Celebrate the Flavour of Christmnas Past & Share out Heritage. Traditionai Decorations, Food 81 Music Enhance the Yuletide Ambiance of this Tour, Satu-rday, December 9th, 1995s From 10 UntiIi4. Tickets - $ioAval table at: The Book Studio, 2o king St. W., BounmawilIe The Apple Blossom Shop, Main St, Ovono SaYwells BookStOre, 14 SirncoC St.515.,Osawa As part of our Tour a Traditional Turkey Dinner writh Plum Pudding 81 a Vîctorian Luncheon are off ered. Dinner $ri Lunoheon $6 For further information cal!: 1-905-983-s916 r'