Welcome to the CERNA. Finals 14 yo t.N hty Frein the Kinsmen and Rotary Clubs 0f Bowmanville Many of you know us as a "Couple of Service Clubs" who have always been there to help deserving local causes, includ- ing disabled and cystic fibrosis children. You, have supported each of our organizations gener- ously which has allowed us to meet our yearly goals and take on new projects within the OA> communi- ty. We are especially x proud to- day to bring you the 1995 ONTARIO, RODEO ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS. What a joint. venture titis has been for our Clubs and the com- munity! Just look around you and see the, exciting things we have been able to do with the co-operation of- the Durham Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds Board. The new Rodeo Mrena - the Western Mail, with over 30 vendors and their displays of Western and Rodeo related itemns - the food and drink concessions - enter- taiminent and Pony Rides Corral for kids. Ail this, the RODEO and today's best competitors. As you might expect, ail this didn't corne together just by get- ting our clubs' members out here with their shovels and paint brushes. We had some real sup- port from business people in the community who- brought in work equipment and material that allowed us to build these fa- cilities'. We would like to thank these people for their efforts and obvious interest in providing you with an even better fair- ground. Our miutual goal here is to provide you with a most enjoy- able Championship Rodeo, some special attractions for everyone in your family and through your support raise the funds to continue our work. Both of our clubs take pride in sponsoring activities withi˘n the comimunity for people of ail ages and needs. Thie Kinsmen Club and the Rotary Club have some special guests here today that we would like you to welcome. They are a couple of our young friends from our faÓnilies of cblidren with cystic fibrosis and other disabling handicaps. For those of you who enjoy listening and dancing to, great country music, we have it al here in the BIG tent, not once' but twice! On Friday, September 22nd, start the evening off at 8 p.m. with "One Horse Blue," one of Cana- I da's best country bands. Then, on Sat- urday evening, we have "Chas- er" one of the region's most popular groups. You can read more about both of these bands later in this Rodeo Days news- paper. Thiank you for coming and please enjoy the Rodeo. We hope you wili also take Urne to visit the many vendors who' have set up their displays of goods just behind the horse are- na. Sit back and ejoy .. . if there Yu're Invited ta Rodeo Days in ClarÓni I arn very pleased, on behaif of the Municipality of Clarington', to extei -' welcome to ail of the participants and fans of the Ontario Rodeo 1995 Fina Our Kinsmien and Rotr Clulbs, along witia hundreds of voltmteers,1 j working very hard for a number of months to ensure this, our third yeart Rodeo Finals, is the best ever. We sincerely hope you will enjoy your Une at the RO(deo Chainpionship Diane Hamre, is anything we can do to assist you during your visit please see one of our members, or visit our information office trailer. Greetings from the.. . Ontario Rodeo Association On behalf of the Ontario Rodeo Association, I would like to thanlc the Rotary and Kinsmen Clubs of Bowmanville for again hosting our Fi- nals. 1Rodeo is getfing stronger every year in Ontario, with the number of competitors increasing constantly. 0f course, we recognize the reason for this is due to the support of you, our fans. We are proud of the fact that rodeo is a famnily sport, everyone young and old is welcome and will be entertained. The competitors you will see in thiese Finals have competed in rodeos throughout Ontario all year and are the top money winners in each gtn event. ,which now gives the privilege o optn for the nd a warm cash -awards and mierchandise donated by our sponsors. ials- Please join us again this year, or if it is your first time, have bCen welorrie to Ontario Rodeo. Corne visit with the Cowboys to host the and Cowgirls, they will be happy to answer your ques- 1tions. Mayor Sincerely, ICI' Anne Stroud President, Ontario Rodeo Association Turquoise Treasures IndiaiiJeL'Ol f The Higlwst Qualitij Custorn Silverwork And Sterling Silver Set[ings Navajo And ini Styiing Mlississauiga, Ontario 905-828-1432