mmfflmC 2 - Oroio Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 20, 1995 O RONO WEEKLY TIMES % Procluced Weekly By Sonbon Publisbing Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Editor. Publisher --J THE COURTIE COMM UNITY COMWPLEX:' PART 2 Last week I included a. rather strong and vocal editorial against the building of the Courtice Community Complex. This prompted Councillor Larry Hannah from Ward 1 (Courtice is in Ward 1) ta, respond. 1 will include bis letter here in my editorial, flot to attack Mr. Hannah or his position, but ta clarify rmy own position. Here is the letter: To The Editor: 1 was absolutely astounded by tbe edîtorial comments in thelDecember l3th issue of your newspaper. I was totally unimpressed witb tbe parochialismn and naivety expounded by tbeeditor. 1 have neyer been a voice for parocbialism as a Councillor in aur municipality and 1 hope my trust bas not been misplaced. 1 bave continually supported projects, operational costs, for facilities, major park improvements, like Orono "Woodswalk", based on need and not political consideration regardless of location in aur municipality. My record speaks for itseIL The Courtice Complex is not being built ta serve Courtice residents, but a cross section of tbe municipality. Communities like Sauina, Hampton, and Mitcbel's Corners will be more closely adjacent ta the facility tban some but it is ta be built ta serve residents muinicipahity wýide. Is tbe editor aware that Courtice residents go skating in tbe Newcastle Mrena for instance? Let's address tbe issue of timing. Capital funding has not been an issue because we bave worked ta secure tbe major portion of it. The infrastruicture grant portion represents approximiately a 4.50 percent tax increase if the residents of aur municipality bad ta providie it. Do we now wisb ta, wait another 3 years and buîild becauise we think times will be better and pile another 4.50 percent tax increase on ta aur residents because we did not proceed? I tbink not. Builders need work naw and competition is keen. Will it be tbe samne 3 years from now, or will costs bc up? In thîs writers huimble opinioný it mnakes sense from an economic stand point ta proceed naw and save tbe taxpayers money. The motion that was passed in wbich I1 played a role in- formulating gave the Council two ways in wbich ta offset the 3+% operational casts. (a) havec an ouitside agency aperate the facility, whicb could facilitate sonie chanige and (b) utilizîng tbe library space as a revenue generatar untl a library could be afforded. "It sbould be pointed out 'the Library Board basbeen made aware publicly that the municipality bias nio additional funds for 1996" It would now seem that tbc Cauirtice Complex is becoming the scapegoat for the Mike Harris cuts. Is tbe Common Sense Revolution "camman sese io NONSENSE? 1 support the deficit reduction absoluitely buit tbe nmetbodology 1 question sincerely. If tbey proceed in the mnanner that has been quoted ta us, some municipalbties will be an tbe ve-rg)e of bankruptcy. What's wrong? To proceed witb ýa 20-25% eu ctt ta al municipalities would be a travesty of justice. Flow can anie possibly equate a 20-25% eut ta a municîpality witb a 45% industrial tax base wbere residents only pay 55% i)of the taxes ta a-municipality witb a 15% industrial Commirercial tax base where 85% of the residents carry, the municipalîty? This would mean an immediate attack on the residential tax base, a total unequal playing field. Surely adjustments have ta, be made. Mr. Editor, your comments on the Garnet B. Riekard Recreatilon Complex were totally naive. The Skate 88 Committee did a tremendous job of raîsing funds under the late Garnet, Riekard but ta suggest that the fund-raising committee raise the money fîrst is absolutely absurd. The Skate 88 Committee closed out the balance of their fund-raising only during the last year sortie six years later. AlI of us as citizens o)f this municipality are paying for tbe remainder of tbe debentures an it. 1 would suggest ta yau, sir, that lnstead of doing your best ta, incite discontent, perbaps it is time you commented an some of the positive tbings tbat bind aur municipality together. I believe aur people are smarter tbat wbat you bave g iven them Regionâ-1 Councillor Ward 1 Quiîte àa letter. First off, 1 would like ta state that Larry.Hannais is a very good couneillor, and as he said, his record does speak for itself. Until this instance, I don't recaîl myself belng on tbe opposite side of an issue from him. (I bave bad run ins witb almast ah aof the councillors, either private or in print, except ta my knowledge Counicillors Elliott and Pingle. 1 am sure that is only a matter of time.) There was notbing personal directed toward Larry Hannah or anyone else. My statement tbat this was a political move does not place a value on wbether this is rigbt or wrong: it merely states an opinion. I also knaw that tbe Community Centre would be used by people from otber parts of the municipality. And. I did know that people from Courtice use tbe Newcastle Mrena (just as people fram Bawmanville use the Orono Mrena, and people from Kendal use the pool, etc.) As I said in my editorial, this bad notbing against tbe people of Courtice-. Such a construction gaing on in any part of the municipality sbauld be tabled (tbe postponement of the Older Adults Centre in Bawrnanville sbould also be considered), at least until after the provincial budget cames out in April. Like Councillor Scott said, "There are too many unknowns." Ail members of Council bad been preacbing the need of financial restr aint, and cu14 backs and tougb choices came budget time. The choice ta go forward witb a multimillion dollar project wbile talking about the need for restraint seems bypocritical. As for the options for building the Cornplex, they'are good ideas, but are not sometbing that sbouîd be rushed.' Would it not be possible ta bold off the construction until sucb an outsîde agency, as Mr. Hannab points ta, is found and signed ta an agreement? Do we know for sure that sameone will rent the library space, or could it stand empty? And bas nat tbe Town stressed time and time again (the Harbourmiaster's House incident) tbat tbey are not landlords? It may have been wiser ta table the projeet until after April, nat only ta see wbat direction the provincial budget xviii go in, but ta give tbie municipality time ta find suitable companies ta operate and rent the space. The maney charged ta a campany ta operate the facility could be used ta caver tbe construction costs. Tbey would also be made ta pay for any engineering or architectural changeýs that a company may want ta make before they agree ta take over (it would be "easier ta find a long termi tenant wbo could offer their input before tbe prajeet was built, than ta make someone conform ta an existmng structure). We know that the municipalities are being forced ta make some drastic cutbacks due ta the provincial government. Anyone wba does not realize that their services will not suffer 'some sort of reduction or seeks ta blame th is upon tbe municipalities is deluded. 1 doubt, as Mr. Hannah contends, that anyone with any insight will blame tbe municipalities (as long as they try ta keep their expenditures under control. and act respansibly). And as for aur municipality with anly a 15% indlustrial tax base being affected mare than one with a 45% industrial tax base, one of the questions thiat sbauld beasked is bow did this happen in the first place? Sbould not industry been encauraged along' with residential construction? Should tbings like the lack of serviceýs, downtown care, or acommunity centre been a consideratian by past councils wben tbey approved tbe Courtice population explosion? This is a self- created -problem that the mutnicipality cannot blame on tbe province. In fact, no one is really ta blame; b 'ut now tbat tbe problem bas been identified, what is being done to fix it? My comments an the Garnet B. Riekard Camplex were -not as naive as Mr. Hannah believe d. I did know tbat the Skate 88 campaign did not raise aillof the maney up front, and that tbey just recently paid off their debts ta the municipality. I also know that tbe Orono and Newcastle arenas were not tatally funded by their cammunities, nor dîd they have all of their money up front. But, in loaking tbrougb tbe Orono Weekly Times for 1977, the year that tbe projeets for botb Newcastle and Orono were begun. the community commitment for both facilities becomes evident. It was the Orono Rink Committee that pusbed for tbe Orono arena after tbeir- aid facility was continued on page 3 Noti ce: The Orono Weelcly Timnes wiU1 fot be published on Decemiber 27. Our next issue will corne out on January 3. Hope you have a safe and happy holidays. St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL, STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenhami Rectory 987-5678 - Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCH0OL anD YOIJTH GROUP 9:30 ar. lST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO S PASTORAL o CHARGE Minister - Rev. Dr. ~,Mervyn Russell Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Churcb Office 983-5502 CHURCH ISERVICES, Christmas Eve Éeskard - 6.45 pm. Orono - 8:00 p.m. Christmas Day Kirby.United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, December 20th meet at Rosalyn Allin's home 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. For girls & boys -ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH- GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -16 yrs. A.A. maeets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. During the Holiday Season more than ever, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. And in this spirit we say, simply but sincerely Thank You and Best Wishes for, the Holiday Season and a Happy New Year From alI o/us ... Bettie and Jim Linda, Lori, Marci and Rachel UDCirv (NI ArDif The Orono Weekly Times is available at the following stores: Newcastle Village Variety Mike's Place, Becker's Maxi Drugs Newtonville Newtonville Convience Plus Bowmanville Van Houts Variety Dykstra's North End Jug City :iý- .. .... ... ut oRnNn nNTapin