More Than 10, 000 Expected for Bowmanville Apple Festival On Saturday, October 14, 1995, Downiown Bowmanville will be hosting ils 6h annual Appe Festival and Craft Sale. This eveni, which sees the central core of the Downlown closed bo vehicle traffic for the day, is one of the most popular small lown events in Ontario. Lasi year over 10,000 people flooded int downlown Bow- manville 10 enjoy the celebration of the apple harvesi and 10 browse in the many lents filled wilh unique home-made crafis and foods. Each year the Cana- Skylight Donuts in Spirit 0f Rodeo Finals with Fun Happenings for Everyone Dan Hoikema and Skylight Donuts have always sup- ported the community and have always tried 10 give somnetbing back. Thei Rodeo Days Press Day which was open 10 the public and which was heid on August 241h saw Skylight issuing dout antofa a discouinled rate with proceeds 10 charily. Nol surprisingly, Skylighl is involved in the celebra- tion of The 381h Ontario Rodeo Championsh-ips -with fun everyone. *Wear a cowboy hat mbt a Skylight oullel ai anytime uiitil September 241h and gel a donut firee. - Seniors who comne 10 an outiel and mention the rodeo and buy six donuis, will receive an additional six donuts frec of charge, again until September 241h. Skylighl will also be on location aI the rodeo, so stop by and say hello. THANKS SKYLIGHT! B OWMAN VII' APPLE FEST AND CRAFT SA Saturday, October 9 a.m. until 5 p.n u[j~j~j FREE ADN FREEPA (Clip and pc 'Ik n a In E VAL L4, 1995 ITANCE I KING i 1890 )owntownI ost as a reminder) - dian Statesman holds an Apple Pie-balcing Contesi and Auction 10 determine who bakes the besi apple pie in Claringlon and 10 raise money for a local charily. Downlown Bowmanville's Apple Festival is aways held lter in the season than other siinilar evenis 10 provide the largest variely of apples possibhle.Local .growers are present 10 seilifresh apples ~ from their own or- chards, freshly squeezed apple cider ˝O is available for sale from the Tyrone Mili, and local churches are on - 'hand selling apple Sbake-goods. -' The highilighl of V. VL.1the festival each year is the smell and laste of ap- pie frilters made hol-on-Ihe-spol. Music is provided by a number of local groups including the Orono and-District Country Fid- diers and the ever popular Jazz Cals. 0f inlerest 10 the chidren are candied apples, a chance 10 bounce in the big apple and meeting mnembers of the RCMP, the Durham Regional Police and the CIlaringlon Fire Department. In addition 10 a demonsiration of chainsaw woodcarving, this year, the local Johin Deere deal- er, Ever- green Farm and Garden Lld., will be display- WEST ing the laI- est in farm 451 Danforth Ave. impie- Toronto, Ont, M41< *Site development - Road building -Sand - Gravel - ExcaVating - Rulldozing Snow removal BILL VAN CAMP 905-985-8469 Res. 905-985-3527 FEAN VIE W ilwiCONSTRUCTION LIMITED P.O. Box 33, Bolton Ontario L7E STI Telephone: (905) 794-0132 Fax: (905) 7--1313 FERNANDO VELOCCI TOTAL MARKET'COVERAGE 0F VOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE!I CLARINGTON THItS WEEK 95 King St. East, RowmanviIIe (905) 579-4400 ~1 rooking Transport Lt. 281 L 1BEFRTY˝ ST. N.. BOWMANVILLE, ON fARIO LIC 3Y6 DAVE PUK )ertosDirector 1 - 800 -461 - 9346 Operatns (905)- 623 - 3821 ments. All Ihis in the centre of Bowmanville, wiih its many in- teresiing and unique shops and businesses located in buildings which date back 10 the laie 1890's. Admnission is free and so is the parking. The Apple Festi- val begins ai 9:00 a.m. and con- tinues ail day.' An advertisement, located el sewhere in thi s publication, mnay be clipped, and saved as a reminder of tihis event which is fun for the whole fatil y! MEN DOOTS Scitlc1edanz Bros. lad, Bob Schickedanz Suite 105 3311 Bayview Avenue 416-223-0710 Wilowdale, Ontario Fax: 416-223-0924 M2K 1G4 Mobile: 416-587-3098 SIDING - SOFFITS - FASCIA Seamless Eavestrough D7eivered at Contractors' Prices' Materials supplied, installation also avallable. BARR'S "Over 20 Years Experience" 987-1445 *Newcastle Cernent Block Ser'ving Newcastle and area since 1,954 732 King St. East Hwy. #2, 1 mile east of Newcastle Villages 987-4444 1-800-263-1 913 BES*"'" T WISHES CLARINGTON I 7270 Woodbine Avenue Suite 100? Markham, Ontario 13R 4B9 Tel. (905) ˝475-6988 Fax (905) 475-5930 pi Phone: 463-5167 GOLDEN SPURS COUNTRY & WESTERN BAR Live Entertainment 114 Dundas St. East, Whitby, Ont. LIN 2H7 (905) 666-1278 Karen Faulkner Brian Parish Owner Manager K lPl