OonowdyThnes> Wedne~d~ rn~1W ~ ACCESSIBLE, DESIGN HAVE BUSY HO LIDAY TIhe Accessible Design Atoms partlclpated in a Tournament in Douro on Sunday,,December 29. They opened up the tour- nament with awin against Marmora wlth a 4-3 overtime decision. It was a game in which Orono was downM 3-0 and came back in grand fashion to win. Scorlng for Orono was C. Robinson from N. Caruana, J. Mercier from Robinson, J. Mercier from G. Dunham and the wlnner by C. Moffat from Robinson and Caruana. This put Orono in the A & B side and they played their rivaIs from Manvers in Game 2. It was a very close, well played game but Manvers came out ahead 3-1. Orono's goal came from Robinson, assisted by B. Pisani. Orono went on to the "B" finals but were out played and outscored by St. Johns, with score ot 4-0. On Friday, December 29 the fans were treated to an al Orono match with the Atoms playlng the Armstrong IGA Pee Wee House League team. Although -they were outscored they weren't outplayed and it was fun to watch some of the match ups such as the Robnson cousins. neighbours Moffat and S. Wood and the Pisani brothers taunt each other on. The Atoms'continued exhi- bition play by taking on the Ciarlngton Toros on Friday, January 3. Orono held on till late in the second when the Toros caught fire and took the game by a 5-1 score. Orono's marker came from 88 Curtis Robinson, unassisted. The teain wishes everyone a Happy New Year and looks for your support in the upcaming playoffs. National Power Skating Major Tykes On January lth National Power Skating battled Dufferin Aggrcgates ta, a 5-3 loss. As usual it was a close gaine wiUi lots of end to end plays and many chances for boUi teams. #29' goaltend er Kyle Feldcamp had his work cut out for hlm - brcakaways, two on ones, and lots of shots. Gaod gamre Kylel ,Natlona's flrst goal scored by #10 Denis Beenen - a nice ane timer, asslst by #66,Robert Kay. Nice play Robertl 2nd goal by #66 Robert Kay from Dents Beenen # 10 - a smooth behlnd Uic back drap pass made a nice assist. Gaod team work guys! Oronos last goal by #2 Brandon Ernst - a hard wrist shot flnds thc bottom corner - nice shot Brant "'Aiways excitlng ta sec the two Orano teams play solld hockey. NATIONAL POWER SKATING EXHIBITION AGAINST NEWCASTLE 8-4VICTORY Lots of fast paced hockey i this game, Orono came out- ready ta battle Uic first place teain. #2 Brandon Ernst's high wrlst shot put Orono oil the scoreboard. 2nd goal by #66 Robert Kay, asslst by # 10 Denis Beenen. 3rd goal by #66 Robert Kay, unassisted. 4th goal by #66 Robert Kay - RAT TRICK 1 - good work Robert. 5th goal was a flrst carcer goal for #36 Kyle Feldcamp - a net scramble and Kyle gets Uic baose puck and flnds an opcnlng - congratula- tion KylcHl, assist by #2 Brandon Ernst. 6Ui goal by #2 Brandon Ernst, unassisted. 7th goal by #66 Robert Kay, unas- slstcd. Last goal by # 10 Denis Beenen, asslst by #66 Robert Kay., A near goal by #4 Matt Carter, nice try Mattl #29 Mike Waller played an awesamc game in net. Mike made lots of key saves. Excellent game Mike! ,Gaod hockey guys - a real team effort Next game saturday, Januaiy l8th, 1:00 p.mi., Bowmanvllle. BESTER.FACTORS IN FAMILY AUTO'S FINAL LEAGUE VICTORY The Orono OMHA Bantam Leafs closed their regular sca- son play January 6 with a 7-2 thrashlng over the Sunderland Red Wlngs. The visltlng Leafs led 2-1 aftcr ane perlod and 6-2 after two. in Just his third gaine back after a 15 gaminelnury absence, Orono defenceman Greg Bester made his presence feit offen- slvely. The specdy blueiner got. his team gong early by hclplng set up the Leafs' 2nd and 3rd goals (lncluding the wlnncr). Orono held a sllm 28-27 edge ini tic shottotal. The goaltending tandem of Bryan Wiltshire and Dusty Stapleton shared net- mnding duties in a rare league matchup tenure with Uic later getting thc win credit. Leaf goal scorcrs were Bob Witheridge with 2 (his l4th & l5th), Greg Shetler wlth 2 (his 7th & 8th), Kyle Beacock (his 1 th), and Brandon Caruana (his 9th of thc scason & Uic game wlnncr). Orono now await the sched- uic for prcllmlnary round of playoff action whlch hopefully will be announccd sometime on the wcckend. Sec you at the Maena! LEAFLETS .. .the Leafs con- cluded their 17 game regular scason schcdulc with a suc- cessful 10-7-O record... Orono must now emerge atop 4 othcr clubs to advance beyond the prellmlnary playoff round... those centres arc Fenclon Falls, Newcastle, Minden & Ops.-.your support would be much appre- clatcd .. . corne out & cheer Uic boys an!... Leafs 7 Wings 2 January 6, 1997 GAME SCORING Firet Period 1. Leafs, K. Bcacock 10 (Withcrldgc, Borutsklc) 9:15 2. Leafs, Tresise 9 (Besters) 4:44 3. Wlngs. Jcffay 1 pp (Chappeli, Van Haber) 1:w14 Second Period 4. Leafs, Caruana 9 (Knox, Bester) 12:47 5. Leafs, Witherldgc 14 (A. Bcacock) 6:09 6. Leafs, Shetier 7. (Tresise, Caruana) 5:35 7. Leafs, Shetier 8. (Tresise, Caruana)- 5:04 8. Wings, Gimblett 1 (Rsebrough. jermlngs) 4:11 Third Feriod 9. Leafs, Witheridge 15 (Knox) 7:27 Shots on Goal Leafs 4 16 8 --- 28 Wlngs 9 8 10--27 Goal: Leafs, Wiltshire («5-3- O), Stapleton (W, 5-4-O) - Wings, Marihap (L, 0-1-O) HALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETRoIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 WGON ON A TFUP??" GETlNO MARREDfl?» Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game'fl? Limousine Sevic wiIl get you there and back in safety, com fort and stye. CALL TO RESERVE EARLV Dufferin Aggregate's Exciting Weekend Frlday, January 10, 1997 Dufferin Aggregates first oppo- nent was National Power Skating, the game was very excltlng and action packed. Power Skating opened Uic scor- ing wi a pretty goal set up by Robert Kay, drap pass ta Denis Beenen who scared. Power Skating had a three on anc rush when Dufferins Darcy Mitchell stole the puck and raccd ta Uic other end, scared wi a back hand shot, tled the gaine at à. Dufferin Aggrcgate worked hard and achicved a 5 ta 3 wln. Dufferln's goals scored by Colin Kelly (2), Darcy Mitchell, Devin Robinson (winner) and Troy Webster. Strong goal tend- ing by Daniel Hodgson. Saturday, January 11, 1997 Dufferin Aggregatc partlcipated in -a tournament hosted by Norwood. Orono's flrst game was agalnst Norwood and what a game! It was tied at two until Uic third period, when Orono's Darcy Mitchell scored Uic win- ning goal. Troy Webster demon- strated excellent puck control and scored two more goals for Orona. Final score Orono' 5 Norwood 2. Game 2, was against Newmarkct, you could féec the excitement building - Orono played an outstandlng defen- sive hockey game. Daniel Hodgson was strang in net and with his goal tending Orono advanced ta Uic finals wlit a 2 ta 1 win. BoUi goals scorcd by Troy Webster. Champlonshlp game was Orono versus Baltimore 7:00 p.m. End ta end good hockey, evcryonc dld their part, whcn Orono's Colin Kèlly scorcd. Baltimore scorcd Uic ncxt goal, Uien Orono's Troy Webster. End of the first pcriod Orono 2 Baltimore 1 - what pressure. Second period Orono's Danny MacIsaac scored in the first minute and again Baltimore fought back, scoring Uic next two goals. End of the second pcriod Orono 3 Baltimqre 3. Third period Baltimore scored at 11:28, Orono dld cveryUiing Uiey couid, great passes, excel- lent defense on Uic blue lime ta keep the puck in Baltimores end, shot after shot, Orono neyer gave up. WiUi less Uian 2 minutes ieft in Uic gaine, Orono pulled their goalie, again, shot after shot, Uiceturne ticked away. Final score Baltimore 4 Orono 3. MVP for Orono's Dufferin, Aggregate went ta Colin Kelly. This proud mother belleved Orona left their mark in Norwood. What fun and excite- ment. "Special thanks to the Coaches." This Ad co»st o»nly $6-00 CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL wiII be holding an INFORMATION NIGHT for PA RENTS 0F GRADE 8 STUDENTS Tuesday, January 28th S7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Parents are invited to corne and attend a brief presentation, talk to staff and tour the facilities. R. (DICK) T. MALOWNEY R.L. WILLSHER DiRECTOR 0F EDUCATION AND SECRETARY CHAIRPERSON 0F THE BOARD