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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jan 1997, p. 2

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2 OonoWek1yTII1e.~Wene...:ayl::Januay 29, 1997 Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issues Annuafly at the Office of Publication 5310 ULain Street, P. 0. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Herman and Marg Zwart Up on the seventh concession near Old Scugog Rd in Ennlsklllen sits one of the finest natural recreational areas in mhe-region. The area cornes complete wlth a few Ponds, a wood- ed areas an the best toboggan hill in the reglon. Big his such as-the one i Ennlskilleri are landmarks and have provlded couintless hours of erjoyrnent for rny generations. Our ancestors probably slid dowri the huge his on pleces of tanned animal bides. Decades corne and go and the property lncluding the big bill gets bought and sold. Couritless people frorn far and wlde stil corne to our bu lwlth varlous slidirig apparatus anid enjoy some of the best wlnter funi our region has to offer, environimentally friendly and Is enj oyed, by young anid old alike. Eventually we, "the taxpayers", corne to owri the land this great hill sîs on, including the vast wooded area oppo- site IL. Caretakers have to be found for the property and The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority,(CLOCA) is bired to maintain It. CLOCA is given a budget and a mandate frorn mhe province to protect and enhance the envlronrnent. Money used to flow in this province and CLOCA was able to make niany imaprovernents to mhe EnniskilMen conser- vation area. A concession stand and a washroorn were con- structed.* A large parking lot was put in place to accommo- date mhe many visitors to mhe areas and i Its hey day sleigh rides were offered to one and ail. Now it'stme 90 and cut backs rule mhe day. CLOCA bas not escaped mhe financial chopping block and bas laid off much of it's field staff . CLOCA officiais don't want people to toboggan down the bull wimh out supervision frorn its staff. it is considered unsafe. To make sure it's unsafe they have planted trees at the bottom of mhe bull mhis fahl. The long terrn goal Is to reforest the hili. (in keeping wimh their mandate no doubt). It ail seems like a case of misgulded revenge to me, and we mhe taxpayers are being used as pawns i a garne we don't want to play. It nigbt be tâme for some like-mnirded individuals to group together to make sure our tobogganing bill cari be enjoyed for years to corne. Su~bscrÎptions are now due: o $2.0 per year. Please make cheque payable to ILA,-l-' ,=,ie- To mhe Editor: RE: an updaLte to rny edito- rial publishedi'on November 13.,1996. "UNSAFE TRUCKS - I WIN FIRST ROUND". On Novern'ber 5, 1996 I was alrnost jkilled by 9,000 lbs. of steel which fehh frorn a truck. Today, Jariuary 20 at 8:30 a.rn. I went to court to hear the charges agairist the driver anid company for hav- irig an "unsecure load"I. They were both going to plead guilty but I had the prosecutor on my side. He told thern before court started that he had a witness and h was also prepared to say what I saw7 and bow It bas impact- ed rny ife. Hie- said he was seeking a $1,000.00 fine for mhe driver and a $10,000.00 fine for the cornpany- The blggest fines 1 have beard so far. They botb stepped back and reallzed mhat mhe were i over their beads. All of mhis because I sbowed up and was prepared to speak up., .They mhen adjoumned their next court appearance to April 21/97 and I wfllbe tbere also. Hopefulhy now they are just as scared as I was on mhat day it happened. They mhought they would just walk into court and get mhe minimum fines by pleading guilty. Well surprise. I am still alive and able to speak up and 1 will see this througb to the end. 1 rieed to have sorne peace of mind in knowing that someday we will ail be safe on our roads. If I have the deter- miriatiori to followr this mhrough - so-do-you! The Public Dedicated to Angela Wororia's Family Sandra Tkaczuk Oshawa Durham Central Agricultural Society annual meeting The Durham Central Agricultural Society had its annual meeting Saturday i mhe Orono Arena. Chairman, Bill Tonlinson, noted that $112,000 was sperit on improvements to the fair grounds in mhe past tbree years. The Improvements were made possible by grarits received from sponsors. the Town, Service Clubs, and approxlrnately $60.000 i donations. Mr. Tornlnsori mentioned the appreciable- counthess hours of voluriteer trne, without which the work would not have beeri com- pleted. A big concerri. was the approxlmatehy $30.000 loss of last. year's Orono Fair, though the net loss to the society was about $7.000. '~oe ~ ~ Rain and mud during hast year's fair kept the atten- danice figures down, mherefore reducing income. 1This society is an opti- mistic burich wimh high hopes for mhis year's fair. They are already working on this year's .week of fun" for everyorie. Keep up the good work. BOWL FOR MILLIONS (continueci from pagel1) mhe cornrunity to participate in mhe parent/cild challenge. Also, indîviduals, profession- ais and businesses are invit- ed to participate. Alternative bowling times during the week of February 15-22 cari be- arranged with Liberty Bowl. If you wish to support Big Brothers but -are unable to bowl a donation rnay be made to mhe Bowl for Millions Carnpaign. You can make a differerice in a-yo ung boy's ife. We look forward to your participation and assistance in this rnost important event - Bowl For Millions. We have set a goal of $20000 for this year's carn- paigri. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-56 78 # Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 ar. I ST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION fRONO %JWEEKLY TimEs -ervn Est Clrntns 7ây s. 5551937 t'- 'CII 1' - iol lié ci o c *iXiI!.&I.1A14. NEW HOURS effective JuIy 22196 until further notice Monday 9 -6 Tuesday S9 -6 Wednesday 9 -12:30 Thursday 9 -6 Friday 9 -6 Saturday 9 - 3 4. le! lei K71ENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario Sun. Feb. 2, 1997 Worship & Sunday Sehool 11:15 ar.1 Sermon: "If It's Good, Tell Someone Pancacke Supper Tues. Feb. 11/97 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. followed by Tom & FrancesKerr Christi an Magidlans 7.15 p.m. Dinner & Entertainment For The Whole Family Please Join us .a good place to a healthy place for children" Mfinaster: Rev. David Balck 786-2950 ORONO PASTORAL SCHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Marlene Risebrough, Secreary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, Fobruary 2. 1997 Kirby United Church 9:30arn Orono United Church 11:00 arn A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.rn. ORONO, ONTARIO -983-5-bo9 1

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