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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1997, p. 13

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J u - ri'~ ~,lU! ~(Orono Weekly Tnes, Wedesday, Feb ruary: 5. 1997 - 1 Nomination sought to rec ogn ize teachers Do you know an outstand- lng teacher who often goes above and beyond the cali of duty? TVOntarlo is seeklng nom- inations for its sixth annual 7TVOntario Teachers' A warids competition. The awards rec- ognize outstanding educators who have made a difference for their students, their fel- low teachers, their schools, and their communities. 1TVOntario bas a particular lnterest in the application of television, video and other new technologies in the class- room and their integration into the teachlrag and learnlng process: however. nomina- tions are welcomred for any new, innovative approaches applied wlth success by teachers in Ontario The deadllne for entry Is February 28, 1997 before 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms cani be obtalned by calllng (416) 484-2825, or toil free at 1-800-258-8625. Wlnners will be chosen ti May and cëlebrated> at a spe- clal gala reception ti Toronto in June. The three winners of this year's TVOntario Teachers' Awards wlll -each recelve a $1000 cash award, an additional $1000 for edu- cational materials for their schools. and an official cer- tificate of menit. The awards are presented ti partnership with the Ontario Teachers' Federation and wth the generous finan- cial support of Alcan Recycling Canada. "want to remove the burden of funeral costs and decisions from'my family." There are mainy decisions related to the,, funeral and burial of aloe one that need attention by the family. Now,, you can provide for them by planning yurfuneral with Forethought® funeral plnning. When the rime cornes, a, single cal1 ro our funeral home should be ail thats needed. Cali-us today for alU the details! NEIWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME LTD. 386 MILL STROSET SotJTH, NEWCAsTLE, ONTwr~o LIB 1C6 CARL GOOD - FuNERAL DIRECTOR (905) 987-5964 Foreiloughfuneral planning isfunded through co'e rage from Forethought Lîfe Insu rance Company. 2153-01 1993 Forethought 1193 CLASSIFIED MAR KETPLACE 'Advertse Across Ontario or Across the Country" BUSINESS opps. FOR SALE WE C-REATE Mîillionaires, Enitrepreneurs/Sales Leaders. SAWMILL $4896 SAW -OGS ITO BOARDS, planks, the reatest opportunity in North Amerca Today. Posed beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. t0 explode ttroug 1997. Thsîs lyur chance for Finan- ree informraion 1-800-566-6899. Norwýood Sswmîills, i reedom sand Persona] Successl Free no 1-800- R.R, 2, Kilwoihy Ontaro POE 100. 254 8072. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT,. Order the best videos by mail FROCESS SERVERS: Franchise op[nortlunity. grosund adri payles. FREE videsü offer! FREE catalogue. Dis- fhlo etrvtI Canadas fastest growing ProCess Service creei 1MO Vdeo, 4840 Acorn H-201, Morial uebec Networ, No nitial franchise tees, exclusive territories, H4C ýL6. con 7inu,-oou perational and national advertising support, comiplte lraining. Contact. Lormt Management Systemu MELP WANTED lnc t 1-00-59 768.EXPERIENCED, SUCCESSFUL advertising sales repre- sentative reqired by large sud gruwirg Eastemn Ontario CAREER TRAINING newspaper. Senid resume te Pabliuhing Manager, Record LEARN AUCTIONEERING t the Ssthwestemn Schoul News Communications PO. Bus 158, 65 Lorne St et Auctoeeriug. Neuf clasu April 1-18/97. Centa3ct Smths Fatls, Ont. K7A 4T 1. Ssuthwestern Ontario School of Auctrneering, R.R. 45,SA S LP ANE Woudtock, Otarlo'N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115,.AE EPW NE $ATENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot f muney seltîso EDUCATIONAL OPPS. chncotate bsrs. Nei productu anailabte. Nothiug lu pay in adounce. Fat deiery 1-800-383-3589. BE A SIJCCESSFUL WRITER.. with sur great homte- study course, Cai toduy for your FREE 800K. 1-800- LEGAL SERVICES 2671829. The Writînig Schuol, 38 McArthuar Avenue, CrdgudCrorln.BTEEBYtLCO E- Suit 275Ottaa, O KiL6R2.TORS? We resova S1UDENT LOANS, credit cards, COMPUTERS. No previos computer ençerience ecea- andlordlteriant disputes, service contractsanad rmure. sary. Exciting opprtunitieu uow avaitabte in computer Crediguard ha the edget Cati fuday 416-65-8484 programmi. We will train autable eppicantu. OMS 1- 800-477-9578, MEDICAI. - 20/20 WITHOtJT GLASSES! Sate, rupd, esu-aurgical, EMPLOYMENT OPPS. permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weetrs. AMdine puil deuet- GREAT LIVING de air, iow cost housting, on Lesser oped doctor appruvec. Free informatiun by mail: 406- Slave Latke t t-igh Prairie. Abertas argest Ford Mercury 961-5570, ext. 253, fax 406-961 -5577, http:// deaer north of Edmonton, Monahan Fond. Wth mair 'i.vsiontreedom.cDm Satisfaction guaraniteed. growth requir'a sales, parts and service personnel. ets- cation allowanc., excellent remueration benetitu in tatîy PERSONALS equipped dni faciity. confidientiel applications t: ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Companionahip/ Garand Jones/Suzanne Reudait, Monahan Ford, Boa mariage. Agea 1"-5. Single widuwed,divorced. Stae 1896, t-igh Prairie, AS T0G 1 EO. 403-523-4193, fax 403- age. Att crosa Canada. PO. Sou 205, Chase, &C., VOE 523-5000. 1 MO. Free nfomtion, l1-250-679-3543. www.bcweb- sites.comlserviceslAallgrove FLEA MARKETS AOTO SM1THS FALLS FLEA MARKET. tudooru. open year AOTE NBRItPRNS-Fmt idr n roud. otscf reaure au cotecibts fr eerynet The Canada-Wide Naionat Adoption Registry 1-800471- Vendoru wetcome. Sunai 9am-Spm 65 Cornelia 8477. htp-//www.adopting.orgiffcwnr.htmil. 'Reuniting Street East, Smiths Fatls. 613-283-8448. Canaden Famiies fron Coast te Cosat"1-80-871-8477. *I's Affordable * ts Fast - Its Easy - OneBill DoeesutAil -Northem Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 *Western Ontario $130 - Central Ontario $134 Alil Ontatio $390 -National Packages Avalaile* Cail this paper for cetlli Vigual Artg contro of Clarington The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington is pleased to pre- sent an exhibition of recent multi-media paintlngs by Scott Griffin. Scott's work 15 peopled, filled with images of dynamie interaction, hopped Up with high, warm collour and vvid imagery. He describes his own work as a personal exploration of the urban landscape" made of materlals from that land- scape. 1Scott and bis brother Clint, whlle stilI students at the Ontario College of Art, have had several shows in gallerles and other venues. They are also frequent award wlnners ti Visual Arts Centre jurled shows, and therefore it is exclting to see each individu- aI body of work. (Tfhe Visual Arts Centre featured Scott's brother Clint earlier this year.) Thie opening reception is an excellent opportunity to meet the artlst, and enjoy the III Gallery's amblence over munchies. Admission is free, and everyone is welcome. The Visual Arts Centre of Clarlngton is located at 143 Simpson 1Avenue, Bowmanville. Exit 401 at Liberty and follow Baseline Rd. East to Simpson. Cal 905-623-5831 for further information. Feature Home of the Week CHARLME REID I Sales Representative Estate Sale - $89,900 25 Yars xperence Hardwood floors, ttchen, living roomn and 25 Yars xperence dining roomn. Great lot. Close ta everything. Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 Specializing in: RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES I amn Comimitted To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 MW

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