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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1997, p. 2

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2 - Or(fto W~ekiy Tlxties, Wednesday. Febniary 5, 1997, ()WE.EKLY TMMES Division of Loyal Prnting Ltd. Publications Mail Registration No. 03688 Publishing 47 Issues, Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Mafin Street. P. 0. Box 209, Orono. Ontario LOB IMO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Herman and Marg Zwart While most of the poplulation suffers through economie downturns- and recessions, the major banks rake in ever lncreaslng profits. Bank presidents make annual salaries over $3,000,000., While front line workers, ( rnostly fernale), are bring replaced by banking machines. Bank restructurlng is belng done in the naine of "Better Banklng," what I wouid like to know is better for whom? What do we get in return for the'bank's use of our money? A paitry 2% interest on a savings account. If you want to remove your money from the bank you are hit wlth various service charges. If a bank'branch is in an area that has no, growth potential that branch is removed and custorners ýare left to flnd another bank. One of the major banks announced a new policy to heip smali business this week. Srnall business in Canada is the one sector of the economy that is, creating new jobs. Instead of charging 2% a ýbove prime the CIBC wiil lend money at primie less 1 percentage point for one year. This speciai rate xiii be offered to companies who create 1 ful timne job or 3 part tirne jobs. The rate returns to the regular level after 1 year. Admittedly lte-break is a step in the righit direction, but what the banks don't say is that they are not interested in finincing-small business. A new smnail business woni't even quali1y for a bank loan unless they have s0 much money up front that they don't need a bankr-. Not much has changed since Stephen Lecocks days when he said of banks, 'Thiey wiil lend you an umbrelia on a sunïny day, but when it rainis 1they want it back". Banks cari announce wonderful schernes every week, but until they are wiling to assume somne financiai risk and reaiy hieip get smnail businesses off theground, al their schemes wili ring hollow. The timies indeed are a changin', but woni't be fooled, you and I wiil not be major benifactors of any chainge in bank policy. Ail this negative miedia regarding our financial institutions have led to a new national pastime: Bank Bashing. A t the end of the day we Canadians can stili rest assured that our money is safe in the bank, and thc bank wvill stili be there in the momning. THE CITY OF DURHAM ?? ? Russ Powell, CAO for the Ganaraska Conservation Authority and Central Lake Ontario, in addressing thec annu- al meeting of SAGA spoke of the magnitude of change that is underway in Ontario and of wvhich yet rnuch has yet to be set- tled. He noted that 'ail fence posts hiad bee ernoed and that there was a possibiity the present 830 miunicipalities in the province could bc reduced to 200. "You may possibly sec a "City of Durham". Why not a City of Durham? The structure is already in place and rnany offthe services; enjoyed in this area are provided through the Region. They include water, sewers, garbage disposai, the main thorough- fares, police, social and health services, Homes for the Aged. planning and economnic development. The addition of fire should be no problemn nor the expan- sion in public works to look after ail local roads and side- walks. There is no reason they coulin't set up a departmient to handle the service of hydro electric. Go back to the days prior to 1974 when the Orono Police Trustees adminîstered ail the affaîrs for the Village along wvith the operation of the water and hydro elcctric services. The delivery of services shiould not bc, a problem and niccd not be a problemn. Theu problemn is a financial one due to the hand-mie-downs' that are comning fromn the prov-ince,. Itl l require a substantial tax base which can oniy corne through the revamip of the regional systcrn into thaýt of a City of Durham. This takes nothing away from what we have hiad but don't rule out the City of Durham - it may be our only salvation. In regards to the Basic truck and trafler, which usu- Black coiumn in the January ally takes a good two hours. 22 publication of Orono After thedrive the real work Weekiy Tirnes. starts. The rest of that day is After reading your colturnn spenit going to about 15 to 20 on bear baiters and bear of the 50 or so baits and car- hunters it is obvious to see rying into each bait two more that you have no idea what -30 pound bags of doughnuts. bear baiting and bear hunting The next day frorn before is ail about, anid how rnuch dawn to aller dusk is spent work is involved in the bear doing the sarne thing. This hunting business. First of ail, process rnust be repeated 2 your portrayal of bear baiters to 3 tirnes for the hunt to be and bear hunters as being successful. "dforks", or "lard butt spiritu- The bear hunting business ally bankrupt great white provides people with work hunters," is a totally inaccu- and brings many needed rate description. I myseif arn tourist dollars to our econo- a bear baiter so 1 know flrst rny. People corne from as far hand what the job is like. The away as Australia to hunt bait does not include rancid black bears. If I could choobe matter like rotten fish heads, between hanging around it is rnainly doughnuts, street corners or being a self molasses and sometirnes employed "dork" in the bear meat. hunting business providing To have a successful busi- the neede(d revenue to our ness the baiting must take econiornyv, 1I ould choose hav- place severai wccks before the ing a bear hunting business. hunt, so sorne grueliing work But, that's oni -y my o pinion. is required. The doughnuts I hoe Mr. Arthur Black, rnust be gathered from coffee that you now realize how shops around the region and much work is involved in the stored until the first bait bear huntîng and baiting takes place. Getting5ing the business. 1Ijust hope that the doughnuts usually takes any- next tirne you write a colurn where frorn 2 to 4 rnonths. you'1l be more educated on Before taking the, three the topic at hand. hour drive to the sites the hait Tim Hegarty. must be loaded onto the S U B SCRIP TIONS"â ARE NOW DUE to the Orono Weekly Times Please make, cheque payable to: Orono Weekly Times and send to 5310 Main Street P.0. Box 2019 Orono, Ontario LOB 1iMO Riecycle KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario Sun. Feb.9, 1997 Worship & Sunday School 11: 15 ar. Sermon: "WHen The Bunny Rlkns Down" Pancacke Supper Tues. Feb. 11/97 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. followed by Tomn & Frances Kerr Christian Magicians 17:15 p.m. Dinner & Entertainment For The Whole Famil y Pleasejoin us a% good place to a healthy place for children" Ministeir: Rev. David Balck 786-2950 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn Russel Marlene Risebrough, Secretry 983-5702 Chu rch Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, February 9, 1997 Kirby United Church 9:30 arn Orono UJnited Church 11:00 amn A.A. meets every Thursday 17:30 p.m. NEW HOURS effective JuIy 22196 until further notice Monday 9 -6 Tuesday 9 -6 Wednesday 9 -12:30 Thursday 9 -6 Friday 9 - 6 Saturday 9 - 3 ORONO, ONTARIQ 983-5009

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