Oroo Wekltixes Weneday ~erury .1U7-S Bowmanville Toastmasters Bowmanvllle Toastmasters enjoyed a splrlted meeting and exemplifled the THEME of "Encouragement" selected by Chairman Toastmaster Denise Marek. Toastmaster Mike Sullivan used words beglnnlng with the letter "B" as catalyst for the impromptu speakers. Toastmaster Marilynn Dow assured Toastmaster Durk Bruinsma of the help and support of his fellow Toastmnasters as she present- ed lits membershlp pin and formally inducted him into Toastmasters. Toastmaster Konzelmann gave a presentation entltled "No Occupation" in which she dlscussed the lack of value hlstorlcally placed on wom- ens' work. Come and check us out in person at "The Darlington Hydro Information Centre" at 7:30 any Tuesday evening. For more information please cail Irene Konzelmann - Orono - 983-9423. Prior to the January 27th councfi meeting. the mayor presented 7 plaques on behaif of the local Architectural Advisory Commlttee. The plaqueswere presented to designated*property owners, owning a building of signifi- cant architectural and/or historical value. Recipients of the plaques were: - Mr. TIbbs , 166 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville, The house known as the John Frank House Is the only limestone bufit home remain- ing i Bowmanville. - Mr. & Mrs. Berry, 27 Beech Ave. Bowmanville Their house was built in 1878 for ex-major Allin. Staying In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP This weekend was great weather for two of the out- door activities that I was pleased to particpate in. The Knsmen Club of Port Perry hosted the 1997 Canadian National Dog Sled Champion ships 0nships at Trillium Trails in Raglan. The Canadian Cystlc Fibrosis Foundation was the benefi- ciary of this event. The Rotary Club of Port Perry, together wih thie Snowrnobile Clubs of the area and Maron Lee, organized thie Snowaraima 97 in support of thie Easter Seal Society. What impressed me with both of these events was how the community clubs and volunteers worked together in support of Hiese very worthwhile'organiza- tions. It is not a difficult duty to assist these organizers in any way we can. Thank you for allowing me to participate. At the provincial level, 2000 compeitors and 76 countries are participating in the 6tli annual Special Olympic Games this week. Events are being lield in both Toronto and Collingwood. There are competitors from -Mr. Dan Hooper. Hooper's Jewellery, 39-43 King St. Bowmanvllle The Hoopers Jewellery building lias maintained its original facade for many gen- erations. - Mr. Rick Janmes. 62-66 King St. W. Bowmanville, The Canadian Statesman IThis building perviously known as The Simpson Building, is 143 years old.- The building has been the home of the local newspaper since the late 1 800's - Mr. & Mrs. Kniox. 182 Church St. Bowmanville This is a beautiful origi- our area and we wisli every- one the best. We had volun- teered to help but were told there were enough good spir- lted Ontarians who had already corne forward. As I watch and listen to events today, 1 arn reassured by thie willlngness of people to come forward and contribute in what ever way they cani. Ontario is a great place to live because of people n ot bec'ause of govemnment. The Durham MPP's met with the Durham Reglonal chair and mayors this past Friday. We meet every couple of months to understand how we can work together to ensure we are complimenting eacli other's efforts. We dis- cussed thie current exchange of responsibilities between the province and thie munici- palities., The Whio Does What exercise is attempting to sort out who does what and who pays for what. Politics often makes the news and charac- terizes us as fighting. The fact is that we do work together despite thie fact that each side attempts to protect thie sta- tus quo. As we move forward nal home built in 1871. - Mr. Massardo. 4478 Hlway 35/115,Orono. The home built in 1880 still lias original unterior, wth pue floors and original trim etc. -Mayor Hamre, on behlaf of Town Hall Bowmanville Town Hall was built in 1904. It has been restored to origi- nal specifications wherever possible including the slate roof. The chairs in on the balcony ini the council cham- bers are the original chairs from the opera bouse which onceoccupied that room. in these changing times, I am convinced that when eitlier side is uncertain of the finan- cial implications, they will scream 'that there is not enough money. Let us face it, there isn't enough money, as we are spendlng almost $1 million per hour, more than we are collecting in taxes. The result of this exercise is to ensure that those levels of govemnment whlcli spend the money are accountable to their taxpayer. Every elected politician, trustee. municipal or regional councillor or mayor, must realize that there is only one taxpayer. The education forum this past week sponsored by the B.H.S. school council was not well attended. I thank the organizer and participants for recognizing this important change occurring in Ontario's educational system. There were many good questions from those in attendance. One parent asked, what the province is doing to anticipate the two grades graduating in the same year when the OAC year is eliminated. TfÈose par- ents with students, in grade seven and eight are very con- cerned that there may not be enough spaces at college or university for these children. I have communlcated this concern to the Minister as well as our College -and University^ Presidents. This is a situation which lias occurred and been handled well in the past, such was thie case following the Second World War. 1 am sure that this "double cohort' will be accommodated. I would be pleased to meet with any school council and bring information to help us under- stand the changes in educa- tion. I would encourage every- one (students, parents & teachers) to get lnvolved. If you have a concemn or a ques- tion, please caîl, 697- 1501 or long distance 1-800-661- 2433. If the need is there. I will put together another public forum. On Friday, January3lst, the province announced the grants to ourlocal liospitals. Fortunately, the province has recognized our growth area and has comrnitted addition- ai funds to your Durham Hospitals. In total, Bowxnanville Memorial will get $15.7 million a 2.1% reduction and Scugog will get $5.5 million down some 5%, Uxbridge wlll get $5 million down 6.5%, Oshawa General $95.8 million down 2.1%, Whltby will receive $11 mil- lion down 3.3%. Most provin- cial hospitals will receive between 4% & 8% less fund- ing. The province had previ- ously announced a three year funding reduction of some 18% to allow hospital boards to plan. I must congratulate the hospital boards and staff as well as the Durham Hospital Council for keeping the Durham MPP's informed of their funding challenges. Again, we must ail work together to ensure that fund- ing recognizes our growth and that we receive our 'Fair Share". The Mnlstry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs is con- ducting public hearings on an important discussion paper on Rlght to Farm legislation". The Farm Practices Protection Act and other legislation is being revlewed to ensure our Ontario Agriculture busi- nesses are not treated unfair- ly. Anyone wishing more information or the schedule of meetings, please caîl. As we ail go through the many change in Ontario, I ask you to ask questions and seek answers to your ques- tions, keeping in mind that the status quo is not an option. Remember, there can be no ralnbow wlthout a cloud and a stonn. 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