F'ebniary 5, 1997 Money saved tbrough hos- pital cutbacks will be redis- tributed by the province to hospitals in high growth areas. Wbitby, Oshawa and Bowmanvllle hospitals stand to gain by the redistribution of funds. Mernorial Hospital Bowmanville will receive $503,909 for growth rein- vestment and $645,632 in hligh growtb funding. - Regional Council opposes provincial governmenits deci- sioni to add an extra 30%,I of welf are costs to the regional tax bill. Council felt tbat the added 30%1/ would put pres- sure on existing prograrns. Economic downturns can- not be predicted and at such a time money from' other pro- grarns bas to be funnelled to offset the welfare costs. Mayor Hamre stated, "I support 20%, but have a problem with 50%. Property. taxes were neyer meant to fun d social services." Expelled student returns to class A Bowmnanville High School student who was expelled, from school for the past 5 rnonths is now allowed to retumn to school. The stu- dent was involved in inci- dents of vandalisrn at the new Newcastle Public School Arthur Black The geezers are back. Truth to tell, the geezers neyer went away, I'm talking about Mick and Neil and Tina and Joni and Leonard and alI those other old fossil rockers who made us jump and squeal a quarter of a century ago. They were tbe greatest thing we'di ever heard, back in the 70's. Today tbey are certified, card-carrying geezers. 1 should know. i'm a bona fide geezer miyself. 1 remem- ber as a skinny college kid with a wad of hair on my head. walking down Yonge Street in Toronto, and bear- ing an eerie, guitar-backed warble ernanating trou, tbe open door of Sam The Record Man. Was thiat. singing? Sounded like a hillbilly, but not quite lîke any hillbîlly I'd every heard. 1 huing a sharp left and went inside. "Whose that singer you're playing«?" I asked the clerk. "Some kid] fronmMinnesota" the clerk told mie. "Name's Dylan." That's got tIo be 30 years ago -- and if you hiappenl to catch Dylan on touir these days. or in one of bis infre- this past summer. The student did show rernorse for bis actions and dernonstrated to the board a willingness to do school work. The board felt it was the righit thing to do and acknowledge that we aIl learn from our mistakes. A couple of flrsts for this week's school board meeting. A Port Hlope Hlighi School student is the first student trustece to take bis place at the Northumibland Clarington Scbool Board. The position of student trustee was implemented to bring to the School Board a student's perspective. The School Board will be launchlng their new borne page on the Internet this week. The Education Committee will be asking the School Board to endorse a recommendation by the Brandt County B3oard of Education to reinstate the rîght to smoke on school property out of doors. The total smoking ban on school properties across the counitry bas caused a great deal of aggravation to owýner of properties abutting onto Jr. and Sr. high schools. quent TV appearances these days, you'll see all 30 years have left their bootprints on biis face. But why pick on the kid frorn Hibbing? Rod Stewart is 51. Joni Mitchell is 53. Neil Diarnond is 55. Mick Jagger is older than the President of the United States. Nothing wrong with that of course. Age is inevitable - and infinitely preferable to the alternative. What I can't understand is why these geezers are still pulling in crowds. And they -are. Last year, mlddle aged rocker Bob Seger raked in $26 million US. Rod Stewart made $29 million and Neil Diamond - - Neil Dîamond, who put us all to sleep thlrty years ago croon- ing narcotic anthems like Cracklin' Rosie and "Cherry, Cherry"; Neil Diamond, wbo is just five years away from collecting bis Old Age Pension... Neil Diamond pulled in $32 million in 1996. The best this winter happened a week back lromn last Tuesday. It came in the form of a real fail of snow covering the landscape with white. It resulted in banks of snow along the road sides and along the sidewalks. We felt cornfortable walking downtowný,i that particular morning and I arn smuethere was sorne new life in the step. The new sniow cover did encourage us to get out the cross counitry skis and head off to the traits on the Tree Nursery lands to the west of the Village. This lead to the bird of the week discovery as far as we are concemned. It just s0 happens that the rest perîods in skiing now corne more frequent than in the past and thus a greater opportunity to look around for bird discovering. It was on- such an occasion that a sightîng was made of eighiteen Cedar Waxwings flying in an out of a thicket and into the branches of a tree. It may not be the norrn It doesn't say a whole lot for today's singers and song- writers that audiences are prepared to sheil out multi- millions f'or the privilege of lis- tening to a bunch of geriatrics mumble and prance througb songs that were hits a gener- ation ago, but there you are, Chess players are considered to be antiques at 30. Hockey players are lucky if tbey play tilI theyre 35. Most basket- baIl players are on a down- hill skid by the time tbey bit their late '20's. But rock and rolstars? Geezer Rockersneyer die, they just keep raking in the dough. The, ones that are still around that is. Jerry Garcia of The Grateful 1)( ,id quit touring permnanentlxIv 5. Brian Jones, theie tIing Stones original drummier, is out of the picture. And John Lennon. And Elvis, who wvould be 62 years old if he was still ar-ound. He's not, but there are dozens and dozens of original musical dinosaurs still going strong. What will happen to these lèssils when they finally bang up their gui tars and their leo- tards? Perbaps tbey'll move to Dallas, Texas. Dallas is a good town for Etemnal Rock and Rollers. They could lis- ten to radio station KFCY-FM -also known as "Fab 105". KTCY bas a simple musical policy. It plays Beatles music. Just Beatles mnusic. Twenty-four hours --y, seven days a week. I don't know about*you, but 1 find that somebow depressing-,, 1 tbink 111l make myself a cup of cocoa and bave a little nap. for -the Waxwings to winter over in this part of Ontario but food being available it is possible as it is also for Robins. I didn't want to interfere with the birds in their fligbts to and from the thicket to the tree and so carried on skiîng to corne another day to investigate the attraction for the Waxwings. One bas to enjoy the Cedar Waxwings with their sleek, . well groorned feathers, crested headgear and black rnask running across the forehead and over the eye. With their yellowish body and yellow tail tip they can't be mistaken as to identity. After nesting and the young are on the wing the Waxwings do travel around in groups and I have often thought of thern as Masked Nomads. Well back to the attraction in the thick on a subsequent trip in skiing to the area in which they bad been originally sighted.' As the birds are AROUND THE REGION Recycle Please, COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 PUBLIC NOTICE BY-LAW NO. 93-144 FORMAL NOTICE TO CLEAN SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS Occupants and property owners are required to remove snow and ce f rom the public sidewalks in front of, and beside their properties within 12 hours after a fali of snow, f reezing rain, or hail and to keep them clear. These requirements apply whether or not a house or any other building is erected on the property. If you fail to dlear and keep clear the entire surface of sidewalks abutting your Iproperty, the Municipality will remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of such removal to the property owner's realty taxes. Clearing snow and ice makes the Municipalitys sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice AT ALL TIMES will be appreciated. I.I uNCP[Y0 ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wed-(nesday, November 6 and 20, P O. # 6010 December 4, 1996 and January 8, February 5, and March 5, 19, 1997. basically fruit eaters it was not surprising to find that they had been attracted to the thicket where Highbush Cranberrîes were still available. The Highbush Cranberry is often planted as a food source for birds and other anirnals. Althougb the Waxwing is basically a fruit eater it is not unusual to see the bird in fligbt catching insects during certain periods in the SUMMer. We bave again Sigbted the Snow Buntings, at least one hundred and fifty, and many Red Tail Hawks can be seen from the roadside these days. One sigbting of a Rough-legged Hawk. 7--ý