~flmes, Wednesday, March 12, 1997 FAROND TE REIONDistrict AROUD TE REIONCentre nli rhm SOHOOL BOARD BUDGET TO INCREASE Increased enrolîment accounts for a $2.7 million increase in annual budget for the Northumberland Clarington Board of Edlucation. The board is expected to expérience an enrollment increase of about 1.5% in the next school year. REGIONAL COMMUNITY CARE BOARD RESIGNS The planned April 1 open- lng of a new Cominunity Care Access Centre for Durham Reglon could be delayed because the entire board set up torunIt has quit. The volunteer board appolnted by the province to administer cornmunity heath care in Durham, reslgned because of an "impossible" request from the health min- istry. The 12 member board was asked for a business plan six weeks before the group waet to take over responsibili- ty for home care and long- term care placement in Durhamn reglon. The Durham board asked for an extension to Oct. 1 to prepare its busi- ness plan, but the mlnlstry dld not respond. Wlth Its hand effectlvely tied and concern mountlng about the financlal llabillty of the volunteer board mem- bers, the entire board sub- mitted a letter of resignation to the province on Feb. 18. The Durham centre was set to take over fihe home care program and fixe placement- coordination service, which refers individuals to nurslng homes and homes for the aged. Bowmanville Business and ProfessionaI Women's Club SThe Bowmanvllle Business 1920 women could vote in the and Professional Women's U.S.A. In Greece, Spain and Club held their regular meet- Italy women got the vote later. ing on February 20, 1997 at In France women could not Sllk's Cafe, Kng Street West, vote until 1944 and in Bowmanvllle. After a deliclous Belglum in 1941. Early italian dinner enjoyed by 12 mem- women had many chlldren bers and 4 guests Audrey but abortion is pald for by Date conducted a Candle Country and since 1972 Llghtlng Ceremony. Judy divorce is legal in Italy. Helen Hagerman lit the Devltt thanked speaker and International Federation presented her wlth a gîft. Candle. Candles were lit for The next meeting will be on 6 countries who belong to Mardi 20, 1997 at Silk's Cafe. International. Candles were One of our own members lit for federations, associate Rene Bos will speak on clubs, 19 individual members Theraples for Optionai and one candle was lit for the Health. future. Guests are always wel- Helen Devltt lntroduced come. Fee. $20. 00. If lnterest- the guest speaker Isobel ed in attending please phone FRappaport. The speaker lived Helen Devitt at 523-3915 by 7 in England, moved to U.S.A. pm.oMac1719. after World War 2 where she PW woll rhold7a speci. reslded wlth her husband for event onThrsd a. pril7 40 years. After his death in nt99oatthe Bdaserline, 1982 she returned to Canada Communl t e Caelne and has llved in Newcastle Bowmanille entrae, since 1984. The speaker gave Lishman illpreent ura us a brief historical overview Fshion winto then1t u of women's struggles for the Cehntry. ote inonna franchise and equality rlghts Cnuy o iktifra in some different countries. tion phone 905-623-6364 or In 1918 women could vote in 905-623-5327.RuhCria England, Germany and Rt aia Canada, except in Quebec. in First aid on the farm YOU CAN ALWAYS TALK TO The next training work- shops to become a volunteer heipline worker with Distress Centre Durham's 24-hour telephone helpline are: Part 1 - April2 7,Part 2- May 4:Part 1 - August 10, Part 2 - August 17; Part 1 - November 2', Part 2 - November 9. To be eligible for training, you must be 21 years old or older (for the aduit line) or 18- 21 years old (to work on the youth lie), complete a tele- phone screening interview and a face-to-face registration meeting. We carefully select empathetic, non-judgemen- tai, responsible individuals and provide intensive train- ing in active llstening skills and crisis counselling/ inter- vention techniques. These techniques will benefit in your personal and profes- sional lives, not just, on our phones. if you are interested in joining a vibrant team of staff and volunteers dedicated to helplng caliers throughout Durham Region find their own solutions to their prob- lems, stressors and personal conflicts, cal! us now for an application at 723-,4461. Training registration is limnit- ed so please have applica- tLions submitted as soon as possible or at least two weeks prior to the training dates provided. The co'mimitment we require is 16-20 hours per mionth, încluding onie overnight shift lrom our cen- tral Oshawa location. Choicei of: Spaghetti, Liver & Onions, Hot Turkey Sandwich BEER ON TAP - PASTA - STEAK - WINGS Daily Lunch Specials Spring & Summer Hours Monday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tues. & Wed. 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thurs. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 10 p. m. Sunday 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. St. John Ambulance and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs are offering an impor- tant Flrst Aid course to al farm familles in York and Durham Regions. These one day practical courses are called "First Aid On the Farm. Protect your family by par- ticipatlng in this course. Courses will be held on March l8th at fixe OMAFRA office in Port Perry, and on March 25th at the Tannexy in Newmarket. The courses run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and cost $412 per person. To register, or for more information, please call the Ontario Mlnistry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs at 905-985-2003 or Tlm Johnston, St. John Ambulance at 1-800-267- 1032. WORA 4 HOP!:f~:~J 27 KING ST. E., Newcastle 987-3747 'e ........... -, . 1 ý 7777rýý URAjNt MA0CJ+9MALDWESS $5 9vIGY+rý Tuesday & Wednesday 4 - 8 p.m.