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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1997, p. 4

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ýýMarch 12, 1997 Armistrong IGA Peewees rack- up another win Their usual- "It isn't over 'tii lit's over" attitude took the boys to a iast second 3-3 tic ti Saturday nlght's exhibition gamne. Sunday nlght's league gamin Bowmanvtlle proved these yourig men have what it takes ta wiri. Domiriating play tI the period wlth a lead off goal by Aaron Robinison assisted by Brad Wood and Kevin Prtchard the boys took four goals to lead the first 4-0. Goals by Dan Tresise and Rick Howe wlth able assists by J.P. Pisant, goalie Darrell Kennedy and Scott Wood showed teain effort overall. Jake Bonetta and Shawn DeJong showed some fine stick handling with Wtll Lofgren leadtng off the second period scoring. With many solid shots on net Adam Rypstra came along ta score asststed by Brad Wood. First rate defensive work by Ben Currie and Kyle Moore kept thc scoring attempts by the Optimists urider contraI. Many thanks froin the teain ta Jennifer Pisanl for ahl her hard reporting work this ycar. This wrlter cari only hope to ýdo her justice. Thanks agairi. by Diane Bradley Dufferin Aggregates hockey weekend Friday, March 7, 1997, Orono's Dufferri Aggregatc hosted an exhibition gaine against Durhain TV, it was fast paced, end ta end hock- ey gaine that endcd in a anc anc tic. Goal scored for Dufferin by #9 Troy Webster, asslsted by # 19 Daniel Maclsaac. Dufferin's goal ten- der # 1 Matt Dobson was out- standing! Anid a strang gaine played by # 12 Daniel Hodgson, right winger. Saturday, March 8, 1997, Dufferri Aggrcgate visited Bowmanville for a rcinatch agatnst Durham TV, the gaine was pretty even, except thc score board. Dufferri lost 6 ta 1. Dufieriri deinonstrated good puck contrai, lots of hustle and excellent scoring chances, but had a hard lime gettlhg the puck past Durham TV's goalie. Another strong defensive gaine by Duffcrin's # il Kyle Balson. Dufferin's goal was scored by # 17 Darcy Mitchell. Sunday, March 9, 1997,' Orono's Dufferri Aggregate and National Power Skate battled out an exciting gaine of hockey, end ta end scoring opportunilies, strong defense and outstaridirig goal tending at bath ends froni Dufferins' #1 Matt Dobson and Power Skates #29 Nick Wilibams. National Power Skate won Uic game wlth Uic final score of 2 ta 1. Goals scored by 1) Dufferin's #9 Troy Webster, assisted by # 10 Mark Franko. 2) Power Skates' #99 Jake Stockwell 3) Power Skatc's #66 Robert Kay. Speclal Note To Uic Parents - let Uic chlldren play hockey and have fun, stop yelling at the officials, coaches and each other. Happy March Break! Bad Iuck goes in threes for Apple Blossom If1ts superstition is truc, the Apple Blossoin Novices should be back an track soon. After bringing March in like a lion, Uic teain has had a rough week. The tcam has been hampered by player shortages duc ta Uic flu and players..Qff on March break. The first lciýs was ta Milbrook who were laoking for revenge. I wasn't prescrit for this match but I was tobd Mark Spiers gat Uic sole goal for Uic Blossoins. Mark said he fiipped it over the goalle. Lucas Szerniot played, a strong gamin r net. The ncxt gaine was against Plncrldgc Insurance. The Blossoin squad hung tough but could rot contrai this hungry club. Jonathen Korssen made his first start in the net and made saine nice stops for his club. Adam Wood got Uic sole goal asslst- cd by Lucas Szexiot. Johnathen Picc.o helped inake this goal possible by tying up Pineridge defence in front of the net. Paul Bridger also played a great two -way gaine i this match. The next match was against Young Drivers of Canada. The Blossoins kept it close but were slowly womn down by . this fast skating club. Lucas Szcmniot was back in the net aftcr the last game off. He playcd a very steady game for his team. The contributing members of the club were: Johnathen Koerssen, Lucas Szemiot, Mike Howe, Adam Wood, Johnathen Picco, Greg Howe, Daniel Reilly, Chris Buttonshaw, Paul Bridger, Mark Spiers, Heather Maitland, Emma Lunn and Garrett Macdonald. Coach Maitland anid Co. did a great job behind the bench. Kinsmen Minor Bantams take Peterborough to limit The iisinen Minor Ban- tam Toros cntered the second round of playoffs against thc favoured,, first place Peterborough Nationals. The first game was played tri Peterborough on Sunday. Febr uary 23. The game was a chippy affair but thc Toros werc up for the task and came out skating hard. The goaltcndlng of Robbie Wcir kcpt the game close through- out thc contest. There was no lime during the hockey gaine when the goal differential was more than one. The fast-paced game was entertainirig for the fans and kept everyone i doubt as ta the outcome until the very end when the Taras' Daryl Stockman jarnxed the loase puck home with 20 seconds showlng on the dlock ta give the Kinsmen squad a well deserved 3-2 wrin. Leadlng the way for the Taras was Ian Gleesori with a goal and 2 asslsts. Daryl Stockman with 1 goal and 1 assist, Chris Laton with 1 goal, and Jon Black and Jared 'Greening with anc assist each rounding out the Kinsmen scoring as the Taras took a 1-0 icad in the sertes; Gaine two was again played in Peterborough an Saturday, March 1 and as expected the Peterborough squad showed no sigris froin Uhe boss ti game anc as they outpbayed the Taras ta a 6-2 victory. The gaine was penal- ty filled as 23 miriors, 1 major and 2 mlsconducts wcre handcd out by the referce. Bath Tord goals wcre scored i the third periad by Derek Broley with Kyle Welsh carri- tng an asslst on anc. The sertes now stood at 1 gaine apicce. The first home gaine of the round was played at the Bowmanville arena an Sunday, March 2. The Kinsmen squad rctumned ta their game anc fonri as thcy skated with the apposition and outshot Pcterborough. Robbie Wcir stood tallin trUi Toro net again as he stoned Uic opponents an numerôus occasions, abiowing onby 2 first pcriod goals. The second Peterborough goal was scored with only 15 seconds left on thec dock which put thc visi- tors ahcad 2- 1. It was the only lime in Uic gaine that Peterborough had the bead. The Kinsinen teain worked hard and lied Uic score itUi second anid took Uic bcad for good itUi third. Chris Laton cemcntcd Uic win scoring an a nice rush down Uic rtght wirig with 4 seconds reinain- ing i the game. Final score Taras 4 Petcrborough 2. The Taras now hold a 2-1 edgc ini gaines with gaine 4 bcing playcd at the Darlligton arena. Chrts Laton and Ian Gîceson had a goal and an asslst cach ta bead Uic way with Derck Broley anid Dan Turcatte adding a goal each and Mike Cyr, Brandon Baker, Sean Pudlis and Jared Grecning each chipping in with an assist. Gaine 4 provcd ta be a vcry pivotai gaine. The Taras came out flylng as they scored 3 flrst period goals ta Pcterborough's 1. The second pcriod startcd similar ta Uic first as the Kinsinen scored carly ta take a 4-1 icad. Peterborough made it 4-2 but Uic Taras storincd rtght back 30 seconds later ta restore their 3 goal margin. The Peterborough squad with their backs against the proverbial wall showed why Uiey are Uic heavy favouritts ta win thie league by coming back wlUi 2 goals late in Uic Orono Amateur Athletic Association ORONO SUMMER SPORTS & "EARL YBIRD " HOCKEY REGISTRATION Tuesday, March l8th and Monday, March 24th At the Orono Arena from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please bring your Birth Certificate and Health Card numbera. A photo copy ia required for first time registrations. (Cheques may be postdated for March 24th. After this date a $20.00 late fee will apply.) Coaches Needed! Please complete coaches application form and/or contact appropriate convexior. Basebail Convenor: Art Reid 983-9495 Divsion: T-Ball 4-IPich Ixks Mosquito fmwc BmUm MUIds Fee: $4000 $4000 $7000 $70.00 $80.00 $90.00 $90.00 Age: 4, 5 &6 7 &8 8&9 10&1Il 12 &13 14 &15 16, 17 &18 (Dec3lst/97) Girls Sofibal Divsion: Nvc Fee: $60.00 Âge: 9,l10& Il (Dec3lIst/97) Soccer Diva ion: Iyks Fee: $50.00 Âge: 5 &6 <Dec3l1st/97> (nlo youfl5xi) Convenor: $60.00 12, 13 & 14 Anme Bjckell 983-5209 W6.00 15.-18 Convenor: Gord Lowery Vini Soccer) <Mini Socor) $50.00 $50.00 $55.00 7 8 9& 10 983-5840 Bantam $55.00 $55.00 $55.00- 11 &12 13 &14 15 &16 "Early Bird" Hockey (Reserve your spot now!) Convenor: Ray Bester 983-5584 Divsion: Mitc House Leagus &P Fee: $130.00 $230.00 $23000 + Age: 4&5 6 -19 8 -19 (Dec3 1stI97) (To Pre-Regiarer, pick Up formas from and retum to the Orono Arena) peniod and aq.ding the tying goal that proved to be the nail in the Toros coffin with 1 sec- ond lefti the second stauza. The third period was well played and fasL paced but the Kinsnien lads couldn't capi- talhze on thelr chances and Peterborough did- -scoring twice to takea 7-5 lead. The Taras kept coming but could only muster1 goal wlth 59 seconds left in the game to make the final score 7-6. The come-from-behind victorv bv the talent ed 'Peterborough squad tled the sertes at 2 games apiece wlth game 5 back in Peterborough. Finding the net for the Toros were Jon Bla k (2g), Dcrck Broley (2g), Mike Cyr (2a), Sean Pudlis 2a), Brandon Baker (1g, la), Jared Greening (Iff), and Daryl Stockman anl Chris Laton with 1 assist ech. Gaine 5 was played in Peterborough on Saturday, March 8 and the Peterborough National teain again proved that they were the tcam to beat. The home squad opened the scorlng early in the first frame and added another late in the period to take a 2-0 lead, but the Toros broke the ice 14 seconds into the second to close the gap to 2- 1. That was as close as the Kinsmen squad would get as Peterborough bulged the twlne 6 more limes in fthe sec- ond period to coast to a 8-3 Win. The Kinsmen Toros put up a valiant effort taklng the Peterborough team ta the limit but the superiority of the Peterborough squad was evi- dent i games 4 anid 5. Goal scorers for the Toros werc Jon Black, Sean Pudlis and Nlck Smith with Jay Henderson and Derek Broley cach addirig two assists. The Toros played a good sertes and fel just short of a major upset. Petcrborough wins the series 3 gaines to 2.

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